17 July, 2022

I self-identify you as a group of people I hate.

□ [“US agencies aren’t ‘following the science’ on COVID — and staff are too scared to complain"]

This is good coverage of the tyranny of the virus, forcing it on children despite evidence that it's worthless.  "First, do no harm" is a basic medical truth for a reason and they've thrown that away without hesitation.  Well, the rulers have, they're forcing doctors to obey, or else.

They're trying to impose this pseudo-vaccine on small children, even those who have already had the virus.  Kids are immune anyway but the rulers demand this.

Then they force everybody to put cloth on their face, despite the fact that it does nothing.  Kids are also targeted with this, as is the fact that all the schools closed down, meaning they aren't learning anything.  As adults, we forget what it's like, as kids who don't know anything and are physically growing every month, this is simply cutting them down.  The masters want to show their authority and that's the way it goes, sucks to be the kids.

And the rulers are only demanding more and more of this, forcing this poison into every child no matter what.  The people who manufactured it can't actually prove that it does anything, so the government ignored its own rules to approve it.

They're just cranking this through and forcing anybody who knows better to stay silent.  That's a huge disaster waiting to happen even if there's no other problems with the "vaccine," but there are.  It's not like they tested it to see what the result was in six months, a year, five years, ten years...  And there's all those sudden deaths of young, healthy people.  What a coincidence.

But the government's keeping the "emergency powers" it grabbed because of the virus, so that all works out.  At least for them.

□ [“Liberals Go Crazy After Fareed Zakaria’s Opinion Piece in Washington Post Says Democrats Should Put Policies Before Pronouns"]

About the only good thing is that they're already fighting each other about our misery.  Half of them want to keep imposing their made-up pronouns as a prime goal, the other half see real problems and thinks solving those would be better for us.

It's safe to assume the insane tyrants will win but at least this is happening.  The original article was called "Forget Pronouns" which got dropped after the leftist whining.  Zakaria even responded by insisting that he was *so* tolerant, it's all Republicans' fault because they can take advantage of this.

They spend less time driving trucks to ship supplies across the country by focusing on these twitter threads about transgenders.  Less time manufacturing building supplies or construction.  They've never noticed how much thinking about these fake pronouns distracts them from maintaining an airplane or communications site.

All they can do is try to keep their followers in line, *if* they have actual followers.  People who *might* be their followers under normal circumstances see everything getting worse and these creatures have nothing better to do than focus on false pronouns of made-up genders.  That's not going to stop China and Russia's next invasions, much less starvation, the loss of fuel and communication, etc.

This is what I mean about leftists focusing on connection with others.  This keeps them from actually doing anything and reinforces their belief in collectivist superiority.

□ [“Journalists Tow Camper Behind Electric Truck, End in Stunning Failure"]

An amusing story from a week or so ago about the disaster being imposed on us by people who want to ban the use of gasoline.

There was a competition in Colorado between an electric pick-up and a gas-powered pick-up, each attached to a 3-ton trailer.  The official estimates said that the gas truck would make it 264 miles before needing a refill while electric truck would get 160 miles.  The electric truck hoped to make it to Pueblo, Colorado, 150 miles away, and be recharged.

Six miles into the trip, the electric truck's computer recalculated the potential difference, it would now only make 150 miles.  So the plan had to be changed and they would recharge at Colorado Springs, about 100 miles away.

But 50 miles later, as they were leaving Denver, the computer recalculated again and was now down to 20% battery charge, so they had to turn around to get back to Denver.  They made it to a charging station at 9%.  However, you can't just do a drive-through like at a gas station, electric chargers are set up at the edges of parking lots and aren't places where you can bring your large trailer.  So they had to block part of the parking lot to recharge, not endearing themselves to anybody else who wanted to get through the parking lot.

Meanwhile the gas-powered truck was able to make it to the target in Pueblo, turn around and drive back to the starting point, all on the same tank of fuel.

The sponsors did the math, the cost per mile of travel for the electric truck was @60% of the gas-powered truck's cost, but it also made a lot fewer miles.  Hauling heavy items increases the need to fuel and the computer wasn't even able to calculate the requirements.  That's simply not how to transport massive amounts of supplies.

Colorado is known to have one or two hills, those require more power to drive up, particularly when you've got three tons attached to your vehicle.  Colorado also has a few winds, the wind-resistance requires more power to move through.

Electric motors do get back some energy when the brake is used, however it's not used very often when driving on a highway.  But they don't make send engine heat through the vents to use as a heater so when you're driving through the mountains, if you want the heat on, that costs more energy that could be used to drive.  The air-conditioner can also use up power, but at least the battery can charge when it's hot out.  Lithium batteries can't be charged in the cold so they will use their own power to make themselves warm enough to charge.

There is one lithium mine in the United States, Nevada to be specific.  Every other lithium battery leftists demand you buy will have to be brought from other countries.

Biden’s Effort to Import More Oil from the Saudis Will Help Russia and May Ultimately Come from Russia
July 16, 2022

□ [“Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg Brags That High Gas Prices Are Pushing Americans to Electric Vehicles"]

And they're doing this on purpose.  The more they hurt us, the more we have to buy what they tell us to buy, no matter how bad the product is.

Do they actually believe the product is any good or is the whole point to hurt Americans?  This would be collectivist individuals going after people they don't like.

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