20 July, 2022

You wanna hear something depressing? We're still here.

Sweden: 9-Year-Old Girl Raped, Nearly Killed by Ethiopian Migrant Who Claimed to be Minor and Had Just Obtained Residency
July 20, 2022

Biden to Deliver Huge Climate Change Speech to 20 People in Somerset… But He Totally Got 81 Million Votes
July 20, 2022

□ [“Biden’s National Security Council Spokesman, John Kirby, Says Iran Deal Will Lower Gas Prices in the US"]

You don't lower prices of things you're trying to ban.  Iran doesn't lower the prices of abortion or weapons.  They know better.  So do their allies Russia and China who you pretend to not like.

And all your co-workers are happy that the public is so miserable and if it's about these gas prices, even better.  As Buttigieg says, "The more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicle."  Less pain would mean less benefit.  He wants more pain and isn't the only one either.

□ [“Buttigieg Says He’s 'Astonished' That People 'Seem to Really Struggle to Let Go' of Their Gas-Powered Vehicles in Favor of $65,000 Electric Vehicles"]

You are totally working for tyrannical torture of your slaves.  If you're not smart enough to know that, Iran is.  That's why John Kerry spends so much gas to fly over to see them.

Are these people stupid enough to believe this?  Are they blatantly lying to seize power?  Are they just paid by China and co?  As it is, they expect us to believe that it's Russia's fault that exactly what they want has come to pass.

Here We Go, Again: San Diego Schools Reimplement Mask Mandates for Students and Teachers As Covid Cases Rise
July 20, 2022

Germany: “Syrian Refugee” Arrested in Killing of 17-Year Old Tabitha
July 20, 2022

Democrat Thought Leader and Twit AOC Demanded Josh Hawley Resign for Raising a Fist at Protest — Then She Raises a Fist at Protest During Fake Handcuff Stunt
July 20, 2022

□ [“Washington Post Writer Blames Biden’s Plunge On Negative Media Coverage"]

He should fire the media and get a new media.  Maybe that'll be the next executive order, they'd be so happy about that.

You're just making things worse for yourself, getting paid more money than most of us make to deny the reality we have to live in.  It's the media's fault he abandoned military members in Afghanistan!  They're not even reporting on it but it's their fault!  It's the media's fault he gets his hands all over the girls and there's nothing they can do about it.

This is basic sycophancy.  The Ruler is the state, that's all that matters.

□ [“Biden Set to Purge 27.5% of Army (Or More) Who Aren’t Fully Vaccinated Against COVID with Non-FDA Approved Vaccine"]

As we see here.  The pawns are so replaceable.  We're supposedly at war with Russia but they can be dumped without any problems.  They don't see any way this can go wrong.  Or maybe they do and that's exactly what they want.  Whoever's giving Biden orders gets their paycheck from who, China?  The New World Order billionaires?

I've already heard anecdotes that a lot of soldiers aren't re-enlisting anyway.  We're also *trying* to follow the massive increase in medical problems for the military members who do have the fake-vaccine.  Leftists have already said they want to purge the military of people who pray.  And we abandoned more in Afghanistan.

Who do you think would want to enlist?  They're going to need a draft sooner than they think.

Climate Advisor Says Biden Will Move Forward with “Every Power Available to Him” to Get Rid of Fossil Fuels
July 20, 2022

Biden To Use Executive Powers To ‘Combat Climate Crisis’: ‘Since Congress Is Not Acting As It Should…This Is An Emergency’
July 20, 2022

□ [“WEF Releases Video Pushing for the Use of 'Space Bubbles' to Block Out The Sun, Reduce Climate Change"]

They're going to block the sun.  Oh, they claim it'll just be radiation to prevent global warming but face it, if they can do that, they can do it to light and heat.  Then we'll all run to tell the king the sky is falling.

Merriam-Webster Bends Knee to LGBTQ Radicals, Changes its Dictionary Definition of “Female” to Include Those Who Identify as “the Opposite of Male”
July 20, 2022

It's becoming clear that they're about destroying whites and destroying men.  At least men make sense because it's the only useful gender so everybody's helpless without that, but whites are more accomplished and leftists hate that, particularly white leftists.

This would explain the last several decades of the education system, trying to tear whites down so they're 'equal' to their inferiors.  Everything is "racist" because blacks can't score as well as whites - if you look at their grades as a collective skin color - so the scores must be ignored or changed however you find a way.

Look at the damage caused to children from the last two years of locking them up, the white kids have less chance of succeeding now and that's how our rulers want it.  And that's not counting all the decades of poising the kids' minds, or the fact that teachers aren't very smart but they sure believe they are.  They want to make blacks look better, not to have blacks actually do better.

And this lines up with the left really wanted blacks to be aborted.  They've been quite open about it all this time.  It's just too unbelievable for any sane person to accept that this is what they're after, mass death for the whole planet and total rule for them.

“It’s Never Been This Bad” – Nationwide Homicide Rate Skyrockets to 25-Year High as Murder Clearance Rate Drops to 50-Year Low
July 20, 2022

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