25 July, 2022

I'm bored with these interesting times, can we move on to some boring times?

□ [“Yale Medical School Professor Says Joe Biden Working While Sick with Covid 'Epitomizes White Supremacy'"]


Biden never puts in an eight-hour work day but the people around him lied and claimed he was doing just that.  Now people who are on their side are complaining that this shows off how superior white people are, they're capable of working even without perfect health.  Wouldn't find darkies like this Yale professor doing that.

Well, you wouldn't find leftists doing that, anyway, same thing.  Normal people aren't leftists and are totally capable of being productive.  That's how we know that the administration is lying about Biden.

And this is why colleges teach students to think first and foremost about skin-color.  That's the way they want it and they charge a lot of money for it, which they claim to oppose.

Michigan News Channel Posts Results to Republican Primary Election — That’s Not Until Next Week!!
July 24, 2022

□ [“State Dept ‘Bureaucrat’ Who Proclaimed ‘Kindness, Always Kindness’ Cheers High Gas Prices Crippling American Families"]

The government is showing the world that they are at war with us.  All this suffering, that's deliberate.  They've always wanted that.

But for some reason, these people keep deleting their tweets after they get attention for them.  You'd think he'd want everybody to see how "kind" he is.

This is an 'occupation government' imposed by the New World Order.

□ [“What’s Going On? Ireland Joins Canada and Netherlands and Targets Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts — Further Endangering Global Food Shortages"]

If it was just about starvation, they'd probably be fine wasting (other people's) money to grow food that doesn't get eaten.  But they're cutting the food supply and advertising insects and dead people chow and they want the whole world in on this, or at least white people in countries that aren't BRICS.

Then again, maybe they don't know how to make plans.  Hunter Biden was paid $180,000/month to handle fuel problems in Ukraine but we don't his father using those amazing skills now.  It's not like he has to worry about prosecutors anymore.

‘Safe And Effective’: Fully Vaxxed And Boosted Democrat Senator Joe Manchin Tests Positive For COVID
July 25, 2022

□ [“Liberal World Order: Biden Econ Advisor Says US Not Technically in a Recession Despite Back-to-Back Quarters of Negative Growth"]

They're changing the definition of 'recession.'  The economy can go to hell, they just need to keep themselves from looking like they caused it, even though they did.  Every other recession in history was a bad thing, but this one is what they want, so they need to pretend the word means something else.

They're probably also doing something similar with the fuel industry, where gas prices have dropped a little bit in the last few weeks because of the temporary removal of federal taxes.  They don't need to win elections and they don't need any supporters who aren't already surrounded by men with guns.  And the media will automatically repeat the new definition despite all the decades of using the old definition.

Brian Deese is the one announcing this on CNN, he declared the "New World Order" a couple weeks ago.  He says this recession "is not only expected but necessary, as we operate through this transition."  This is what they've planned for, therefore it's not a "recession" and in a few months it won't be a "depression."

What else are they changing the definitions of so as to make themselves not look so bad when the results are made public?  They're allowed to do that because they're in charge.  That's how much they care.  Soon they'll be defining our injuries as self-imposed and they'll say "Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!"

□ [“'We’re Not Gonna be in a Recession' – Covid Joe Sounds Like Hell in Virtual Meeting"]

This absolutely guarantees that we're in a recession.  Only if Biden insisted we *were* in one would we suspect he has no idea if he knows what he's talking about.

These are the people who told us in May 2021 that inflation was "temporary."  They told us in June it would "pop up, then go back down.  They told us it was "transitory" in July, long-term inflation was "highly unlikely."  In August, it was "decelerating."  In September it was "Big Meat's fault."  In October it was a "high class problem."  In November they blamed "greedy corporations" and Covid was the "root cause."  In December, there were "supply-chain bottlenecks."  In January 2022 it had reached a "peak."  In February it was caused by "oil prices."  Then it became "Putin's fault."

The only thing growing are the prices and our tyrants' urge to increase their power.  At this point, a recession would be a day at the beach.

Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event – Then Blames Government After Catching Monkeypox and Gonorrhea
July 25, 2022

Bob Rafelson, ‘The Monkees’ co-creator, ‘Five Easy Pieces’ director, age 89
July 25, 2022

“I’m Not Going to Define it From Here” – Karine Jean-Pierre When Asked What is Exactly the White House’s Definition of a Recession
July 25, 2022

They're looking for more crises as an excuse to grab more power.  If they don't find any, they'll make them up.

□ [“Digital ID QR Code Now Required To Access Gas Pumps In Sri Lanka"]

Like this.  In a very short time, those ID programs will need to be used to buy anything.  They're already assigning men with guns to enforce the law.  And before long, every other country will be doing this as well.  We need to help our rulers keep track of everything we do.

So the men with guns will become much more important.  They won't be chosen for intelligence.  Reasonable to assume women will see an important motivation to start looking attractive again.  I don't know how many American rulers are into women but some of them might be offering 'free gas' in exchange, if you know what I mean.

Kamala Harris Goes Full Groomer, Wants LGBT Teachers to ‘Love Openly’ in Their Classrooms
July 25, 2022

If Only They Would Have Listened to Trump… Russia to Drastically Cut Gas Supplies to Germany and Europe Once Again Following Drastic Cuts in June
July 25, 2022

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