24 July, 2022

I self-identify as Santa Clause so I can see who's naughty or nice. Or is that Batman?

□ [“WHO Admits Everyone Who Receives a MonkeyPox Vaccine is Part of a “Clinical Trial” to Collect Data on its Effectiveness"]

They're poisoning everybody, and it's not going to be just gays they require to get this vaccine.  They'd at least get some support if they limited it to the only people who get this virus, but no...

They also specify that "men who have sex with men" are the most at-risk from the virus.  How do they know those men self-identify as men?  What about the men they have sex with?  Any one of them could make up this brand-new gender and that would totally mess up WHO statistics on this virus which makes it harder to fight, but... well, never mind.

Of course the companies are all demanding government money to produce these pseudo-vaccines which will be forced on everybody, and suddenly they only make vaccines which require backup shots regularly.  Obviously there's a lot of conspiring going on there which deserves more attention.  About the only way to believe there wouldn't be collusion is if they're going straight towards mass death for everyone.

Judicial Watch Reveals Biden Administration Is Still Sending Billions to Afghanistan – And They Refuse Access to Auditors to Investigate
July 24, 2022

Electric Bus Burst Into Flames During East Coast Heatwave – One Day After Connecticut Gov. Requires All Future State Vehicles to Run On Electric Power
July 24, 2022

Famous Bodybuilder and NPC/IFBB Pro Judge “Jerry Ward” Dies Suddenly at Age 46
July 24, 2022

□ [“Biden Treasury Secretary Yellen Warns of Second Quarter Decline Indicating Recession"]
□ [“Biden’s Incompetent Commerce Secretary Says Inflation Has 'Probably' Peaked"]

Which one is right?  Can't have it both ways.  *We* know we're already in a recession but *they* say it's coming up in the future, while others on their side say it's already peaked.  Probably.  Who knows?  Would she bet her paycheck on it?  What does she get that paycheck for anyway?

Just think, last year Yellen said inflation was "a small risk."  Well, that small risk came to pass and it's just getting worse, what are you going to do about it?  It's like the captain of the Titanic saying there was a "small chance" of hitting an iceberg but oh well, nothing can be done about it.

But the passengers on the Titanic didn't vote for the captain, and that's the way Democrats want it.

This is where internal conflict comes from in these organizations, they want the same goal but find different ways to do it.  Undoubtedly individuals within have their own goals but we don't get to hear about those.

So the only way to smooth them out is for the person in charge to step in, and Biden said last December that inflation was at its peak, so we know what side he's going to be on.  And whoever tells him what to say.  So that's your orders, put it out to the masses.

There's word that some more bad news will come out next week, more disaster for the economy.  It's not like they're actually putting it all out to us now, that would be too helpful, giving us time to prepare for what's coming.  No, they're looking to protect themselves and prepare media reports that will show how nothing bad is happening and they do all this important work to stop it.

Look, they've increased inflation massively, they're cutting energy which cripples our supply chain, they're supporting invaders over the border, protecting the cartels and slave traffickers, they support the Taliban and China while making it clear that skin color is the only requirement they look at and ordering men with guns to impose that on the rest of us.

This is what liberals have always wanted.  Now they've got it, thanks to Joe Biden.

□ [“Russia and China Creating New Global Reserve Currency – Expected Severe Negative Impact on the USD"]

And they've destroyed the dollar too, an extra bonus.  Everybody in BRICS will be going along with this, which means all their customers will have to conform.

"No plan survives first contact with the enemy" is a truism for a reason.  That's something leftists never seem to learn.  They make sure to talk about how in-depth their plans are, but they never actually had to act on them, so they have no clue what can go wrong.

It's an obvious example of dealing with Russia and China.  The leftist in the US and Europe decided to make them the enemy, now Europe is desperately trying to figure out how to prevent freezing this winter and the US isn't far behind, and that's not even getting into the lack of food, fuel or any other supplies the world relies on.

There was no planning, there was just agreement that everything would work out.  That's my big worry these days, that somewhere in the leftist structure, someone actually is planning how things can go wrong so they could prepare for it in advance.  Because that's what "no plan survives first contact with the enemy" has to do.

The people who follow that truism recognize that they're individuals and that they aren't going to think of every possible eventuality, particularly ones that the enemy can come up with.  But they also recognize that not even everybody else on their own side will think of every possibility.  Moreso among leftists because they have to agree with whoever's in charge of them, but even the most independent, individualistic organizations would recognize that they aren't going to have everything planned.

So that means preparation and practicing in advance.  You have to see what you get wrong before you can come up with plans to fix what you got wrong.  Other people need to see what you got wrong before they can have any recommendations.  And the enemy will get a vote too, don't forget about them.

Because you have to take it as a given that the enemy already has plans and very stupid to assume the enemy isn't smart enough to work on what might happen when they make contact with our side.  They all have individuals who can come up with possible solutions for any problem they might face when they finally confront us.

Even if some leftists are capable of thinking this way - as individuals, I assume a lot of them are - they still have to convince everyone else on their side to go along with considering possible problems that may never happen and working out ways to fix them.  They do that to seize power, not to actually fix things.

Kamala Harris: “Listen, Women Are Getting Pregnant Every Day in America, and This Is a Real Issue”
July 24, 2022

What’s Going On? Ireland Joins Canada and Netherlands and Targets Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts — Further Endangering Global Food Shortages
July 24, 2022

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