09 July, 2022

Or maybe it's Loki's fault...

□ [“POLL: Biden’s Approval Rating Now Lower Than Trump’s Lowest Point"]

Well, if you trust polls, here you go.  An incompetent old geezer who's never run anything in his life isn't living up to the dreams of liberals as POTUS.  He had to steal an election just to get this far and he's not done yet.

The problem is that he's the easiest to replace.  No one will miss him and whoever put him on the ballot will pick someone else to steal it the next time around.  Trump demonstrated what ability was capable of with the media and the left attacking him daily.  They cover everything for Biden and he's setting new records of disaster.

Do they have a plan to get rid of free elections altogether or is the plan to flat-out destroy the US and the world along with it so they can build their new 'utopia'?  Is there any chance of forces that can stop our secret rulers?

If there are, I'd really appreciate it if they came out in the open.  We really need that sort of help and I think they'd have a lot of people supporting them.  Ok, our rulers are keeping themselves private but we can't do this without some basis in reality.

Otherwise, we are heading into China starting a second front any time they feel like it.  I really don't want the world to deal with that.  We really never expected to face such disaster and there's no way it could happen if it wasn't intentional.  Otherwise people who make decisions would be immediately calling for a complete reversal.

But there's no sign of that anywhere.  This is where a belief in the devil comes from, no one else would want to bring us this Hell on Earth.

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