17 April, 2022

It's Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Chat Site, we hope you will enjoy the streaming...

Florida Department of Education Rejects 54 Math Textbooks for ‘Attempting to Indoctrinate Students’ With Critical Race Theory, Common Core
April 16, 2022

□ [“Zelenskyy Says the World Should ‘Be Ready’ For Nuclear War With Russia"]

By this point it's clear that he doesn't work for Ukrainians, he works for whoever's in charge of the New World Order, a la Hollywood and Hunter Biden.  "For them, life of the people is nothing" sounds like standard leftist projection of what they actually believe onto others and saying how wrong others are for that.

They're the ones going for this and they'll blame Russia.  Whether or not it actually happens, the point is to try to fear the world into obedience.  Notice all the talk about the US biolabs has gone away.  There's also such an avoidance of the 2014 invasion.  Did Putin have nothing to do with Russia in 2014 and that's why there were no 'genocides'?  Did Biden have enough authority then to get involved but he doesn't now?

But they're the ones going straight to nuclear war.  Notice they aren't going in for preparation, training kids in school regularly to get down, cover their necks, etc. like they did in the 50s.

□ [“Biden Covid Czar Ashish Jha: 'The Pandemic Is Not Over'"]

If it was over, he'd have to find a new job.  He intends to still be in this position long after the rest of us are dead.  And so would his subordinates.  They don't want to leave, they don't have to and the people who pay for them can't make them go away.  They didn't get this authority because that's what voters wanted.

There's only the most minimal pretense of supporting freedom and there's zero decisions made that expand freedom.  No job like this should start without a specific target date to end it but that's not how government works.  Because they care.

This is what their "revolution" has always been after.  It's what they do in every nation they seize power in, then they stifle any dissent.  What we need is a real revolution.

Police Arrest Black Suspect in Connection with South Carolina Mall Shooting
April 17, 2022

North Korea Tests New Tactical Guided Weapon
April 17, 2022

Massachusetts School Sued By Parents for Allegedly Secretly Promoting Gender Transition of Both Male and Female Pre-Teen Siblings
April 17, 2022

□ [“Zelenskyy Calls for Biden to Visit Ukraine: ‘He Should Come Here’"]

This is an interview on CNN.  Why the hell hasn't Russia shut down electricity and communications from Ukraine?  I swear, these are the most politeful invaders I've ever heard of.  The conquered peoples get tv and air conditioning and internet.  Dunno how their food or fuel supply is which will cause problems but why don't other invaders behave so nicely?

That's why we still don't know what the hell this is all about but it sure ain't what the media is telling us.

This is just a hoax anyway, there's no way Biden would visit Ukraine even if he wasn't senile.  Security forces wouldn't permit it.  It's not like he could contribute anything.  Zelensky probably knows that.  Maybe he's just saying this to get on tv, maybe CNN told him to say it because they need ratings.

Austin Texas To Implement Pilot Of Radical Socialist ‘Guaranteed Income’ Program
April 17, 2022

26-Year-Old Former Razorback Lineman Dies from Heart Attack
April 17, 2022

Out On Bail: 14 Injured In Mall Shooting, Black Suspect Released On Bond
April 17, 2022

They're going to keep up the nonsense about the virus, it's the best excuse to increase their power.  They'd do it anyway but they'd rather have an excuse.  It's wearing us down which is one of the reasons for this.

I'd like to think that Easter will turn things around for freedom but there's no sign of that happening.  They intend to rule the world, they've got more plans.  Real plans, not whatever Biden claimed to have a year and a half ago about the Virus that's obviously never gone anywhere except for tyranny.

America's never had to live like this and leftists have always complained about that.

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