09 April, 2022

Should the sheep vote for the wolf or for Donald Trump? Well they really don't like Trump...

Black Suspect Arrested in Connection with Sacramento Shooting Served Reduced Sentence Because of New California Law
April 8, 2022

A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is Just 23"
April 8, 2022

□ [“Biden Food Shortages: Walgreens Starts Rationing Baby Formula"]

So it's a late-term government-mandated abortion.  Democrats support that.

You know who doesn't support that?  Mothers.  I can guarantee you've never met a single person who's ever said "my mother stopped feeding me when I was a baby and I'm glad."  Now why is that?

Do you think illegal immigrants will support that?  Nobody wants to go to a place that doesn't have food.

They're outright trying to destroy as many people as possible although obviously they don't include themselves in that category.  As always, that's what I'm trying to figure out, are they consciously aware of that or are they somehow deluded to the point where they think this is a good idea.

Biden’s America: Crime Up 44% in NY City, Up 36% in Chicago in 2022 — One in Six Americans or Family Members a Victim of Crime
April 9, 2022

Massive Protests Against Communist President as Inflation Surges and Food Shortages Hit Peru — Protesters Hurl Rocks at Police Buses, Loot Milk Truck
April 9, 2022

Democrats Block Subpoena For Hunter Biden To Testify Before Congress
April 8, 2022

□ [“State Supreme Court Judge: New York City Illegally Canceled Trump Contract"]

But they don't care what the law says, they can do whatever they want and don't need permission.  They're going to keep doing this.  They're breaking the law and accusing other people of breaking the law.

I get the notion that 'the law is whatever we say it is.'  I don't get how they can operate with anything more complicated than that.  Pretending the law matters when they say it matters but ignoring it whenever it gets in their way and maintaining whole organizations to enforce that?

□ [“George Soros is Predicting Internet Blackouts – What Does He Know that We Don’t?"]

I think the next step in their plan will be at May 1.  They've got to celebrate communism, otherwise what good are they?  It does appear to me that there's been a month-by-month schedule.

Not sure what else to write at the moment.  There's worry about what they're going to do next, there's still the mystery of "why?"  There's definitely a worry about what technology they have access to, how organized they are and who else is on their side.  Then there's the question of when supplies will run out and how bad it's going to be.

I definitely think they'll take down the internet before they strike, making sure that the rest of us can't communicate with anybody.  Maybe cell phones would work, who knows?

I really do think they're going to drop something on us.  These days I've been thinking about human sacrifice as their goal.  I looked up the Aztecs, most famous practitioners, and they did it to 'repay' the earth and the various gods.  No idea if there's a direct connection to the efforts today but it probably comes from a similar perspective.

You really need to praise the people you're going to sacrifice, at least if you're making that a central part of your society that people aspire to reach.  That's one reason I'm paying attention to celebrity deaths.  I noticed that the actors playing the Joker and the Black Panther both died just after their respective movies.  I've never thought that was a coincidence, even if I'm specifically wrong about human sacrifice being the goal.

Of course I don't know where to think next on this and it's not like I'm really interested in the details.  As I've said before, I've long thought that this is prominent in Hollywood for an 'underground movement' composed of the rich and famous, as well as their servants.  I also think they try to feed that into Hollywood productions specifically to influence everyone else.

My main theory is that Thanos was secretly the hero of the recent Marvel movies, the happy ending was just added for commercial appeal.  There's the way the Marvel and DC universes seem to be operating in similar ways, promoting the multiverse these days.  But what else?

Again I have no idea.  I do think about this a lot but it very quickly reaches a limitation because I don't pretend to know any more about it.  I'd still like to develop the idea in outright fiction but so far that isn't happening.  Otherwise, what am I supposed to do, write non-fiction about how little I know about anything?

Otherwise we're all going downhill.  For all the ostensible defeats and casualties, Russia's still all around Ukraine.  Obviously they have something else going on.  The government keeps promoting the virus to expend its power, they must be so grateful for it.  The economy is falling apart.

In other news, I'm currently going through the usual problems with Amazon on printed copies of my new book.  It was accepted on Kindle immediately days ago but they're still refusing printed copies for stupid reasons.

I am starting to go through my books to see if I can put together a collection of essays about History.  I don't know if that will be insightful or interesting but at least it's something to do.

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