29 April, 2022

We all hate women but there's no reason to treat them like that!

Patients Treated with Pfizer’s Paxlovid Experience Second Round of Covid-19 Shortly After Recovering – Doctors are Baffled
April 29, 2022

North Carolina Black Woman Stabs 16-Year-Old Jimmy John’s Employee Over Sandwich Order
April 29, 2022

□ [“Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken Says There is 'Greater Stability and Peace' for Women in Afghanistan Under Taliban"]

How many women told him that?  Or did he spend several weeks in Afghanistan and physically see how much better off women were than when those horrible Americans were there?

Maybe we should treat women more like the Taliban does, Blinken would be so pleased by that.

Newly Surfaced Video Shows Biden’s Nutjob Ministry of Truth Director Singing About Who to F**k to Enhance Her Career
April 29, 2022

“She’s an Expert on Online Disinformation” – Psaki Defends Marxist Lunatic Chosen to Lead Biden’s “Ministry of Truth”
April 29, 2022

FBI Conducted Millions of Searches of Americans’ Electronic Data in 2021 without a Warrant
April 29, 2022

California promised to close its last nuclear plant. Now Newsom is reconsidering
April 29, 2022

FDA proposes ban on sale of menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, which are mostly smoked by blacks
April 28, 2022

□ [“Pelosi Dismisses Bidenflation and Shrinking Economy as an 'Aberration'"]

She doesn't go to grocery stores, she doesn't know how the shelves are getting emptier and the prices of what's left is getting higher, and her servants aren't going to tell her.

In a working economy, that doesn't happen, and Democrats have always opposed it.  And Pelosi said this in response to a question about the economy affecting the upcoming elections.  This is showing how far away she is from what actual people have to deal with every single day and have had to deal with since these tyrants took over.

This is another proof that the November elections are already stolen.  If they actually had to consider what real voters think, they would be terrified of what would be guaranteed to happen in any fair election.  But no, that never crosses their minds.

It should also be noted that we are now at war with Russia.  Congress isn't bothering to declare it but nobody minds that.  We're shipping Ukraine every possible weapons except nukes - the transfer Congress did authorize specifies that - and worth more money than Ukraine spends on defense.  We're also giving many more billions of dollars along with that although there's no clue who's actually going to get it.  Might just be paying off Hunter Biden's creditors.

There are precedents.  The Lusitania was used to send weapons to England and Germany sunk it, which helped get the US into WWI.  Lend-Lease showed everyone whose side we were on in early 1941 and the only reason we weren't hit was because Germany and Japan didn't have the ability.  Russia does.  There's not way we can do this and not be part of the conflict, Russia has every right to attack us in any way it sees fit, and they *do* have nukes.  They also have free access like everybody else to the southern border.

Except for the ones who rule us, America's enemies have to be looking at this and thinking 'it's a trap.'

□ [“Dept. of Defense Study Shows Pregnant Female Soldiers Are Experiencing 'Absolutely Catastrophic Rate of Abnormalities and Fetal Problems'"]

It gets worse.  Women in the military who were forced to take this hard shaft regardless of their desire for it are having massive problems with pregnancy and milking.  Pfizer tested the vaccine on 44 rats to see how it affected their presidencies and decided that was enough.

They didn't need to do any long-term tests to see how it might affect humans and pregnant women were specifically excluded from any tests that did involve humans.   But they still had to take the vaccine and Pfizer does want the records sealed for 75 years.

Now there are thousands upon thousands of pregnancies that are already affecting their pregnancies and that's just the ones the Defense Department looked into.

This was totally deliberate.  This is actively mutilating as many people as possible by government force.  And the whole government is in on it.  I'll need some sort of evidence before I believe that Trump wasn't in on it.

I've thought for a long time that Hollywood finally went with the Marvel characters because they could make Thanos the actual hero (in their minds) and I think that's what they've actually done.

Jill Biden Biography a Total Flop, Sells 250 Copies in First Week
April 29, 2022

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