20 April, 2022

You should be forced to wear a mask, your face makes people sick.

Trump-Endorsed AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake On Securing Southern Border: “As Governor I Will Not Take Any Orders From Joe Biden He’s Illegitimate. That Election Was a Sham”
April 19, 2022

□ [“Emails Reveal Secret Service Agents Furious Over Biden White House Lies"]

So Biden's dog bit multiple Secret Service agents, but the government lied and said it only happened once, a minor bit, nothing more.  But it actually happened eight times in March 2021 alone.  That's how Democrats treat people whose job is to protect them.

Not a surprise, we can assume Biden is still showing off his wang to the Secret Service.  He does like doing that.

I definitely don't get the response some people have on the Russia/Ukraine thing.  They say Russia has failed.  How does an invader fail on most attacks and still hold territory it didn't have before the invasion?  When has that ever happened before?  Ukraine still has electricity and internet connection, does Russia not have a clue how those things work?  If they wanted to invade and conquer, that would be pretty easy for Russia. Whatever it is they're doing, it's not conquest.  They do have the farmlands so food will be running short soon.
Just Putin alone, I think a convincing argument could be made that he's doing this for the New World Order, or he's doing it against the NWO, or he's doing it for Russia, or he's doing it for himself. There's no way to know.

I saw someone say that Russia had lost its entire military trying to take Ukraine.  You mean that China and Poland and Alaska can help themselves to Russian territory because Russia has no defense there?  All of Russia's forces are in one small part of Ukraine, there's nothing they can do to stop any invader.  I don't think any military is stupid enough to give up its job like that but that's what the CIA and CNN tell you.  And NATO members who are trying to fight Russia.  The US was trying to get Poland and Germany into sending jets to take away Russia's air-control.

And oh yeah, how does Russia control the air if they're losing so badly?  Shouldn't Ukraine's air force have won at least a few times in the last couple months?  You can wipe out cities from the air, which Russia isn't bothering to do. You can't beat the air force from the ground.

If Russia aimed at the electric grid or the internet, Ukraine would have no communication, no refrigerators or indoor lights. Everything would be gone right then and there and surrender would be the only way to get it back. People like electricity. They like using the internet. Yet for some reason, Russia hasn't destroyed it.  The explanation is that Ukraine has had some success with rockets and have taken some planes down.

Ok, a rocket got through a week ago.  Ok, one or two planes no longer fly.  That doesn't remove the air force that controls the skies, it take a lot more to do that and Ukraine must be too lazy to bother with that. [Maybe if they drafted another gender out of the dozens they could pick from...]  Meanwhile Russia can drop thousands of bombs every day, at minimum, but they obviously aren't doing that either.

Conquest would be very easy if they did any of that but two months in, they haven't even started.  It's obviously not their prime goal despite western media claiming otherwise.

Pennsylvania School Board Rejects After-School Satan Club for Elementary School
April 20, 2022

Ohio Doctor Accused Of Forcing Over a Dozen Patients To Overdose On Fentanyl Acquitted On All Charges
April 20, 2022

Florida Senate Passes Legislation to End Disney’s Tax Privilege and Special Self-Governing Status
April 20, 2022

□ [“BLM silent when confronted with data showing massive 2020 spike in Black murders victims"]

I've seen a theory that the actual goal is to eradicate these inferiors.  I can't believe that yet but it would explain a lot and not just about the fat/lazy/stupid young leftists the old leftists have created.  And here's another example, if this is all black lives are worth, they really don't matter.

Now religion would say that everybody matters but the left opposes religion.  Black Lives Matter can't say they're doing anything about black lives, they're keeping all the money for themselves to buy mansions.

China’s Top Military General Issues Demands to Biden’s Secretary of Defense Austin in First Call
April 20, 2022

□ [“Psaki Walks Back Biden’s Comment That It’s Up to Individuals on Whether They Wear Masks on Airplanes"]
□ [“Psaki Admits Forced Masking on Planes is About Preserving Power"]

“The Department of Justice has indicated that they would appeal, not just because they think it’s entirely reasonable…but because they think for current and future public health crises, uh, we want to preserve that authority for the CDC to have in the future.  Our focus here was seeing what power we had to preserve.”

Not much leeway there.  It's about gaining power, keeping power and by extension, expanding power.  If that means they have to tell lies like "two weeks to flatten the curve" or "I have a plan" then that's what they're going to do.

My guess is that it's more about the fundamental suicidal attitude of leftism.  Their children can't survive and they infect every other child with that intention.  The result is the same but I can't believe they intentionally want to wipe out their own weaklings.

But Biden says it's up to the individual and the government says they aren't obeying Biden.  Maybe at some point we'll find out who's actually in charge.

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