15 April, 2022

What's so good about Friday? We should have more Mondays! And they should all be Leap Days!

Middle Eastern Immigrant Living in Ireland Suspected of Murdering Two Gay Men – One Victim Beheaded and Mutilated
April 14, 2022

□ [“Chris Wallace Having Meltdowns Over Terrible CNN+ Launch – Wants Chris Cuomo’s Old Time Slot On CNN"]

Not sure why I'm interested in this but at least it's entertaining to see how delusional these people are.  Doesn't he have a lot of fans who want to watch him?  That's why he was given so much money, wasn't it?  Are his fans just too lazy to watch him?

Obviously I don't have a lot of fans but I'm also quite cheap and at least I have something meaningful to say every day.  "He is having staffers count how many times a day his promo is playing"???  Is there nothing else these staffers could be doing?  They could be improving the show so that more people want to watch it.  Or maybe they can't, in which case why are they on the payroll in the first place?

The popularity is about as fabricated as it can get, you're not actually doing anything except looking good on camera and reciting what someone else tells you to say.  I don't know why there aren't hundreds of internet sites doing exactly that.  Or maybe there are and I just never hear of them, they'd be what CNN+ competes against.

That's something these megacorporations have no clue how to deal with.  Find a reasonably good looking girl, write a script, she reads it while you film her on your phone, then edit footage on your laptop, post it online and there you go.  It doesn't cost millions to make but could get just as many fans.  The people who want to watch her would probably be at least as devoted as the fans of this massive tv star.

□ [“Sean Penn: ‘I’m Now Thinking About Taking Up Arms Against Russia’"]

He was also thinking of publicly smashing his Oscars if whats-his-name didn't get to give a speech at this year's Oscars.  Look how that worked out?

The guy is 61 years old, he was younger and healthier the last time this happened eight years ago but you didn't see him giving a shit about it back then?  What's changed?

Seriously.  Two invasions in less than a decade but only one of them gets the slightest attention from the left. Given that they're actively supporting war, leftists really need to explain why they weren't bothered in the slightest eight years ago.  How many massacres happened then?  Maybe those Ukrainians just didn't matter to you rich and famous people.

Some of us remember your support of Saddam Hussein who killed a lot of people during his rule.  The Kurds alone, the lowest estimates are that he killed many tens of thousands of them each time, and he did that many times.  But you supported Saddam, you didn't want him taken out of power, you opposed us doing exactly that.  If the Kurds were white like Ukrainians, would you have had a different opinion?

Bellingham, Washington School District Pays Middle School Students $2,000 to Perform Drag Show
April 15, 2022

Feinstein Pushes Back on Claims She is Mentally Unfit to Serve in Senate
April 15, 2022

Sri Lanka Government Suspends All External Debt Payments Signaling Bankruptcy Due to Impacts of Covid-19 Lockdowns and Ukraine War
April 15, 2022

□ [“The Pope Goes Woke on Good Friday: 'We Are Racists, and That Is Bad'"]

The people he calls racist made him the pope and he's keeping that palace until he dies, thank you very much.  All the money, all the armed guards, he's not going to give that up because racism!!!

If there's any validity to polls [yes, I just wrote that] Hispanics are running away from leftism in droves and it doesn't sound like they support the Catholic Church either.  If true, that's a good thing and we need much more of it.

I would very much appreciate it if God sent us a message this Easter, something that can't be ignored.  I say that a lot and I don't expect anything to happen but we really need hope right now.  The Adversary is doing everything possible to make this a Hell on Earth and there seems to be nothing that can stop them.  I would prefer all sensible people going on strike, that would put the ruling demons out in a flash.  The only other alternative is that we burn this motherfucker down which would require a bit more murder than I'm willing to do at the moment.

I have gone through Genesis Book 5, it's just a list of Adam's descendants.  If nothing else, I'm really going to need to go through the entire book just to get a list of who was born when and to whom.  I'm still working on the "History" project and that would fit in just fine.  Today I even finished the first millennium AD, only one more to get through.  That won't be fun.

I really hope that this isn't the era we've all been aimed for.  Judgement Day will arrive but we all really preferred that would happen after we were gone.  We can still hope that but the idea that it'll be worse than this is frightening.

Either way, a large part of me wants to just get it over with.  How sad is that?

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