05 February, 2021

And in the end, at least it's over, done with, caput.

Christopher Plummer, actor, age 91
February 5, 2021

□ [“Hunter Biden Writing Memoir Based On Drug Abuse – Gets A Cool $2 Million In Advance From Simon&Schuster"]

So this is a bribe or a payment that he has to give 10% to the "old man."  He's got nothing to say on the matter beyond 'if you do it, you get more money' and no one is going to be interested in reading it.  The media can't promote it because if they do, it will remind people of everything else which they are totally suppressing.  So it's a basic payoff by the media.

Joe Biden Revives Old, Dubious Claim He was “Shot At” Overseas
February 4, 2021

California Schools Will Cleanse Jews From History
January 27, 2021

Train Wreck Psaki Has No Idea Biden Signed an Executive Order to Resume ‘Catch and Release’ – Illegals Released into US without Taking Covid Tests
February 5, 2021

I'm not sure how or why this has happened, but I've watched all my episodes of Facts of Life except for the first one which obviously doesn't sound remotely interesting.  And I've watched a couple on Amazon, both from Season 3.  At this point I assume I won't stop there but it isn't clear why.

The episodes are ok.  The stories aren't that interesting, there's some humor but not much.  I will admit to getting a couple laughs on each episode but nothing sticks out as high quality.  Really it seems to all come down to the characters.  The foursome all have the same roles, students at a girl's school being punished, so only their personalities show any quality and even there I could see an argument that it's not high quality.

I don't know how much I'll continue watching.  I really don't want to buy the whole series but must admit that I'm surprised I hadn't bought it before.  I'm coming to the theory that it was a major step for something in pop-culture history and I am interested in what that might be, but that's just another one of my brilliant ideas...

Funny how Blair's the only one who had any catch-phrases.

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