15 February, 2021

We were promised that snow wouldn't exist by now, they were lying!

UN Report: Iran Uses “Electric Shocks and the Administration of Hormones and Strong Psychoactive Medications” on Gay Children
February 15, 2021

Violent Black Lives Matter ‘Protest’ in NYC Leaves Two Cops and a Journalist Injured
February 15, 2021

Minneapolis City Council Voted to Spend $6.4 Million on New Police Months After Defund Vote
February 15, 2021

□ [“Oregon promotes teacher program that seeks to undo 'racism in mathematics'"]

"The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false, and teaching it is even much less so.  Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict."
 - Equitable Math toolkit

This is insane.  Mathematics exists to be objectively true and there is no conflict, open or closed, much less an emotion facing that conflict.  Notice they aren't including themselves in any possible way wrong.  The people who insist that nothing is totally right always leave themselves out of that claim and expect obedience.

□ [“'If white people were still here, this wouldn’t happen': the majority-Black town flooded with sewage"]

That's because whites prefer to live in places with working sewage which they know how to build and maintain it.  If they don't know, they're willing to learn.  It's safe to assume the people here only vote Democrat.  As LBJ said, they'll keep blacks where they are for 200 years and that's what liberals want.  And yes, of course the article quotes someone who blames "racism" but no-one will ever catch him repairing sewers and cleaning off mold.

□ [“ISIS: We're baaack!"]

And we're back to this.  Muslims know that victory may not be in their lifetimes, they are very capable of waiting.  And there's no protests, the infidel knows how to give in.

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