26 February, 2021

We can still hurl. In fact, we probably should.

I'm wondering how long they were planning this coup.  It didn't just start last year with the election campaign although obviously the Virus was part of it.

I'm also wondering if privacy is a major aspect of the conflict.  The individual wants to keep things to himself, those who oppose individuality demand everyone else know about it and are offended by "society" not supporting whatever they're into.  Since they can't remove individuality, they still keep things private and that leads to further problems.

This facet might be what leads to (or leads from) them taking whatever viewpoint gives an advantage even if it directly contradicts previous viewpoints.  Less than two years ago, Kamala Harris insisted that the POTUS needed to consult Congress before doing anything with Syria and now we've invaded with Congress just sitting around.  Other leftists said the same thing about Syria, David French even warning against attacking Syria without Congressional approval (don't see a date on the tweet but probably the same time as Harris).

Maybe not the best example of opposition to individuality leading to leftist problems but I'm just getting around to the news and I had that available.  

□ [“New York Times Reports on a Female Black Smith College Student Who Lied About Being Racially Targeted at Smith College, Claims A Lie Is Just Someone's 'Deeply-Felt Sense of Personal Truth'"

Then why do they call other people liars?  They never cite any Republicans as having a "deeply-felt sense of personal truth."  Most likely the Times is just spouting leftist nonsense against Republicans.  The college shuts down its dorms to students in the summer, she broke in anyway and it's "racist" to disagree with her.  And that's what they teach her.

Biden Revokes Trump's Controversial Classical Architecture Order
February 25, 2021

Maryland Teacher Seen Masturbating During Zoom Lesson with 8th Graders – Says It Was “Dumb Luck” After He Is Caught
February 25, 2021

Wayne and Garth are back.  It's just a commercial for Uber but I have to admit, it's nice to see them again.  They may be doing more, there was a reference to an upcoming "big game" they weren't legally allowed to name so I may have to look into sportness [sportafying?] to see what's coming up.

They do look a little older, not a complaint since in reality they're a lot older, but I've watched the commercial several times and it's just enjoyable to see for its own sake.  I can't really think of any reason Wayne's World stuck out for quality but there it was.  At least it didn't make us want to hurl, not everything reaches that standard.

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