20 February, 2021

Who is on first? John Galt is on first.

Today was just focusing on the "History project," I only just started looking at the internet and have no idea what I'm going to post about.

□ [“Democrats Push Bill that Forces All States to Count Ballots Received 10 Days After an Election"]

They're all in on stealing elections.  They don't even consider how it could work against them, they just assume they'll win.  Unfortunately they're probably right, only people who forge votes can expect to win an election if they're allowed to get away with it and that's what they're about.

□ [“Massive Crowd of Two Supporters Welcomes 81 Million Vote Recipient Kamala Harris Back to Her California Home"]

Well even Democrats wouldn't have voted for her.  We know this because she campaigned for President and lost very badly.  Biden could have picked a dead dog and wouldn't have gotten any fewer votes.

□ [“CNBC Writer Claims '$1,400 Stimulus Check Would Help Keep 20 Million Adults Afloat Through July'"]

How stupid does a person need to be to think this, to say it openly and totally support the rulers?  Assuming for the sake of argument that rent has already been paid for February, that won't pay more than $280 a month through July.  I always live in cheap apartments and it's been a couple decades since that would be a month's worth of rent.  It was the GWB tax cut that gave me enough to pay almost-one month of rent, I could pay two months and have enough change to buy a pizza.

Oh yeah, people will also need to buy food between now and July, that's not included in what she considers as an amazing benefit to the people.  Electricity, travel to and from work, internet...  It adds up but she can't do math.  She does not have a clue what she's talking about and that's who the government wants in media.

□ [“In an Act that NO ONE VOTED FOR, Biden Withdraws Trump’s US Sanctions on Iran"]

I've been doing some thinking about the War on Terror and what has happened in this century.  I don't have any conclusions yet, but one thing I'm sure of is that Biden is outright trying to overthrow the US, or at least the people who give him orders are.  Invading Syria, giving everything up to China and Iran, ignoring anything Congress has ordered...

I have been wondering what will be done about the US embassy in Jerusalem.  Congress flat-out ordered the embassy in that location and I haven't checked but I'm pretty sure Biden was one of those voting for that.  What more could Biden do except break his own rules for its own sake?

Australian Media Runs Segment on Joe Biden’s Dementia! — Something the Poisonous US Media Still Lies About
February 19, 2021

John Kerry Blames Frigid Temperatures and Record Cold on Global Warming, Says We have 9 Years Left to Save the Planet - Will he keep his mansions and private jets?
February 19, 2021

Journalist Nearly Has His Skull Bashed with Hammer by ANTIFA
February 19, 2021

California: Entire school board resigns after leaked video of mocking parents
February 20, 2021

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