22 February, 2021

Another day gone...

San Francisco School Board Pauses Effort To Rename 44 Schools, Says Its ‘Only Focus’ Will Shift To Reopening Classrooms
February 22, 2021

Chicago mayor funneled hundreds of millions of city's COVID relief to police department
February 20, 2021

KERMIT CANCELED? Disney Slaps ‘Offensive Content’ Label On The Muppet Show
February 21, 2021

□ [“Central Park ice rinks to stay open for remainder of season following dispute with Trump Organization"]

It's insane that they would even consider it.  His only crime was doing what they had failed to do for at least six years, build an ice-skating rink.  They're not capable of it but they'll punish people who are.

□ [“Dem Rep. Ro Khanna: 'We Don't Want' Small Businesses That Can't Pay $15/Hour Minimum Wage"]

You wouldn't catch them running a business of any kind.  It was only a few years ago that Democrats talked about how much they supported small businesses.  No, they support giving orders and sending men with guns to impose their will on the people.  Communism may pretend that the government will vanish, but at least they openly forbid any individuals to run businesses.  Fascism recognizes that the state does better with business existing, they just put themselves in charge of the owners.

□ [“Wayfinding Academy College Offers Free Tuition - for Black and American Indian Students"]

Which connects with how they view race as the most important thing about an individual.

I'm not sure what else I have to say.  How much of this is just repeating myself?  It's not going to be fun to edit the next book.

They're not going to stop.  They have no clue what reality is like and live in a successful enough society that they can go their whole lives without having a clue about that.  So of course they want to destroy the society that made them possible.  If I could think of a place to go, I'd probably look into leaving as soon as possible.  Or pray for a speedy death.

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