25 February, 2021

More of the same...

□ [“China Gave Biden Officials Anal COVID Swab Tests 'In Error'"]

That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?  They want to be all up in your ass and you let them.  I'm half-expecting us to make this a victory celebration in sports when a female-with-a-penis beats a woman-with-a-vagina.  Gotta show that bitch who's boss and he she already wiped the floor with that pussy.  China's just taking this to a higher level.  That's why they're in charge.

How long before Biden apologizes and offers them money for this?

□ [“Female Athlete Shreds Biden Administration To Withdraw Lawsuit: We Deserve To Be The Best, Biological Males Are Taking It Away"]

Inferior woman-with-vagina whines like a sissy girl about strong women-with-penises.  What a ditz.

I have to wonder how actual women are reacting to this.  They demanded actual competition for decades, now they've got it and they're losing big time.  I'm blanking on the name of that chick who got to compete in a men's golf tournament several years ago, but I found it ridiculous that she got so much publicity.  I don't remember how it happened, but I even found myself watching the first few minutes of her big post-competition interview.  She was smiling and politeful and totally into the interview.  I would have forgiven everything if she'd been yelling something along the lines of 'leave me the fuck alone!  I just lost!'

I don't remember her name and I'm deliberately not looking it up, but I bet a lot of people do remember her name.  I also bet very few people can name a single one of the several dozen golfers who did better than she did.  They didn't get interviewed.  They weren't women.

And so now we've arrived here.  It's what you wanted, ladies.  I am wondering if the whole point of "leftism" is first and foremost about destroying men.  Children can be trained for it, women are generally always on that side, they've certainly gotten along with gay men and black men are still at the bottom of the ladder after all these years.  I also wonder if that's why Malcom X seems to have been pushed out of attention, his wife was the only woman he dealt with by choice.

It's something to think about.

□ [“Not Making Headlines: California Man Films Himself on Facebook Live with Two Dead Women on the Floor He Killed, Including Minor"]

And then I found this.  Yes, it's a black man.  I even looked it up to see if it was the same incident I reported a couple days ago and no, it's a totally different black man killing women and children.  It's what liberals want so why do anything about it?

They're all about celebrating their leaders who can do the exact opposite of what they order everyone else to do.

□ [“Bill Gates Defends Using Private Jets While Warning about Dangers of Climate Change"]

He could just not use the plane in the first place but that would be going along with his rules for everyone else so screw that.  He would rather the earth dies than give up his private plane, no two ways about it.

Of course we know he doesn't really believe in this global warming nonsense, it's just nonsense to fool the people who want him in control.  It used to be nuclear weapons and the space program that was causing global warming and, funny, liberals were against those too.  And they don't like anyone challenging them either.

There's an article I'm not even linking to but it covers the "Four Stages of Marxist Takeover":  Demoralization - Destabilization - Crisis - Normalization. The article was from last July so it's been seen for a while.  I'm just mentioning it as a note for the four stages.

□ [“Senate Parliamentarian Says Including $15 Minimum Wage in Democrats’ COVID Package Violates Budget Rules"]

Which breaks easier, Senate Budget rules or the Constitution?

In Final Days, Trump Gave Up on Forcing Release of Russiagate Files, Nunes Prober Says
February 25, 2021

Wenatchee High School Forces Kids in Band to Play in Bubbles and Only Half of Orchestra Can Practice At Once – Parents Do Nothing
February 25, 2021

Five Counties Are Trying To Leave Left Wing Oregon And Become Part Of Idaho
February 25, 2021

Democrats, Antifa Start New Racial Gaslighting Campaign to Portray Vicious Attacks on Asians Committed by Blacks As "White Supremacy"
February 23, 2021

Feds Keep Claiming January 6 an "Armed Insurrection." And They Keep Failing to Produce the Actual "Arms" Carried During It.
February 23, 2021

Biden Bombs Syria to Punish Iran for Attacks on US in Iraq
February 25, 2021

I was holding off on these two headlines a bit, just to make sure.  The photos were taken by the Obama administration and no-one cared, then they complained about the photos to blame the Trump administration, then Biden does what Obama did and no-one cares.  They really don't mind putting children in cages, not in the slightest.  It's just 'immigration detentions centers,' followed by 'cages,' followed by 'migrant child facility.'  Same difference.

Kids in Cages: Biden Opens Gated Compound for Illegal Immigrant Children — Democrats and AOC Silent
January 23, 2021

Psaki Gets Testy with Peter Doocy, Says Biden Admin Putting Kids in Cages is ‘Not Keeping Kids in Cages’ – Blames Covid
January 23, 2021

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