25 June, 2021

It's going to get worse before it gets better. In fact, it's not going to ever get better.

Not sure how much writing I'll do tonight, there's a lot of headlines and I'm not sure I had much to say about any of them.  I'm trying to finish the new book and there's a few other things going on so I haven't been thinking much about my usual topics.

□ [“May Inflation the Largest Increase Since 1992 — Inflation Expected to Reach 8% in 2021 Per Top Bank of America Strategist"]

Do any leftists even question this?  Do they expect everybody to be so miserable from their actions that they'll do anything to be saved?  'You can't afford food for the last few months, so we'll give you food and now you have to obey'?  'We'll be raising your taxes too to buy food for all the other people we make suffer'?

□ [“A Confused Joe Biden Led Away by Handlers in North Carolina as Reporters Shout Questions"]

I think some leftists are smart enough to realize that they won't look very good if they unquestionably support someone who has no idea what's going on anymore.  If nothing else, they don't want to look as ignorant as the people they're trying to fool.

□ [“A Visibly Stressed Kamala Harris Can’t Handle the Pressure, Walks Away as Reporters Ask Her Why She Finally Decided to Visit Border"]

Not that it matters, they're peons too, it's what they've been working for all their lives.  But at least they don't have to live in the fields like other serfs, they get to live in a big house.  Democrats are old pros at this and they can teach the younger ones how to behave if they're going to keep living in the big house.

□ [“90 Days After Being Tapped as Point Person on the Border Crisis, Even Democrats are Not Happy with Kamala Harris’s Actions to Date"]

She lives in a big house, she doesn't have to deal with the lower classes.  She didn't get there with hard work, she got it by sucking upwards.  Claiming to be in charge doesn't mean she has to learn anything about what's going on, it just means everyone has to obey or she'll send men with guns to punish them.

New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal
June 25, 2021

Three Dead and Ten Injured After Somalian Migrant Goes on Stabbing Attack in Germany
June 25, 2021

University Of Oklahoma Instructors Trained In How To Censor And Indoctrinate Students
June 25, 2021

Biological Male Barred From Women’s 400-Meter Olympic Hurdle Due to High Testosterone Levels
June 24, 2021

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