06 June, 2021

Rococo Coffee sponsors the new Guns'n'Roses album that will be out very soon. In the meantime, buy Rococo Coffee!

□ [“Mothers of Children Killed by Iranian Mullas Plead For People To Boycott 'Sham Election' in Iran"]

It's entirely possible that some of the nations after us will pretend to have a few elections of their own.  Iran, probably Venezuela.  Maybe even the Philistines will be given the first chance in over 15 years to say whether or not they want Hamas in charge, whose founding documents specify killing every Jew on the planet.  I doubt China would bother, they've never had any reason to permit elections.

It's one reason I have no hope for the investigations being done for our stolen election.  I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly pull out enough votes to show that Biden got 99%.

□ [“Arizona Has 2X the Undocumented 'Federal Only Voters' than Biden Won the State By"]

A "Federal Only" ballot is a way to get around needing to show proof of citizenship before voting.  Or even proving that you exist, if someone just brings in 20,000 of these ballots, then Trump loses by 10,000 votes.  They just can't vote for local elections but who in Arizona would want to do that?

□ [“Why Don’t You Ever Hear Pelosi, Schumer or Obama Brag About Biden’s Reported 81 Million Votes in the 2020 Election?"]

It would be really nice to think this is part of the war going on, that there are levels where they can't just come out and claim that they won a fair election.  They can obviously hide that and say things in different ways that get the same thing across.  That's right, the only place to look for hope is in ways that are most-likely complete fantasy.  How depressing is that?

It is good point though, supposedly Biden got more votes than any candidate in history, you'd think that some of the living people who voted for him would be showing open delight about that.  Just look at who comes in second on total votes, Trump last November.  He beat Trump four years ago, you'd think that would be worth some discussion.

Hell, you would even think they'd be eager to say that Trump stole all those votes, he didn't get remotely as many real living people voting for him as he claims.  They'd even be willing to investigate that if someone bothered to bring it up, but they don't.

I do wonder if that's something they're planning to do in a couple years.  By then they'll have the investigation set up so that they can steal votes for Trump and put Biden in at 99%.

□ [“Stacey Abrams Has Most Influence On Capitol Hill with Democrat Staffers"]

There is a conspiracy group of some point aiming at exactly that.  She thinks she's Georgia's governor and no-one dares challenge her, she's planning to run for POTUS.  These people oppose living in the real world, they'll do everything they can to destroy it.  There's no way we can live with these people, they won't permit it.  We are at war.

Idle thought, is it defying reality not necessarily for its own sake, but the point is to get other people mad?  Then you can blame however they acknowledge reality as their skincolor or whatever.  It still makes no sense but no sensible person would expect that so they get away with it.  I've noticed leftist trying that on me the rare times I actually deal with any and it doesn't really work, even with my brain bleed, I'm still not emotional enough to get at me that way.

Anyway, I don't know if that's specifically how or why leftists do that, but it's a good attempt to identify what they're doing and should be looked into more.

Trump Breaking Video: We’re Going to Take Back the Senate, Take Back the House – the White House – Sooner Than You Think”
June 5, 2021

The Individuals Behind Obama’s Jan 2017 Memo Re-Authorizing Funding for ‘Gain of Function’ R&D Were the Same Individuals Who Lied and Claimed COVID Wasn’t Created in a Lab
June 6, 2021

Fight Breaks Out at Miami International Airport Check-In Counter
June 5, 2021

Venice Beach: A Crime-Riddled, Drug-Infested Tent City Sh*t Hole Under Democrat Leadership
June 5, 2021

California Amazon Driver Arrested After Brutally Beating 67-Year-Old Woman after Pointing Out Her “White Privilege”
June 6, 2021

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