29 June, 2021

The downhill rides get faster and faster...

□ [“Milkmaid Jill Biden Gets Cover of Vogue After They Ignored Supermodel Melania For Five Years"]

How long until she self-identifies as male?  Which, by the way, would make her husband totally gay and he'd be totally cool with that.

They're moving as fast as they can into overthrowing everything.  So far they only seem to have one limit, you can't self-identify as black unless you're a liberal.

□ [“'No, They’re Actually Both Engaged' – Joe Biden Creeps on Ice Cream Parlor Owner’s Daughters"]
□ [“Joe Biden To Press At Israeli President Rivlin Meeting: 'It’s not technically appropriate, but I’m so delighted his daughter is here'"]

So you can do that and get away with it.  No one can ever stop you.  Why didn't Trump think of that?

I do have to think that, even if Biden's not remotely capable of recognizing what's going on, he's still in the forefront of pushing this all they way.  Otherwise someone would publicly say he should stop doing that.  He might not obey but there's still be a clear line of decency.  Are the women who accused him of sexual assault still alive?

□ [“Second FBI Agent in Two Months Arrested for Raping, Molesting Children"]

They've taken all the institutions, even those that aren't kids.  The Catholic Church is over, I assume the throne of England will go down any day now.  The FBI...  It's safe to assume they have the Republican Party and Supreme Court the same way.

□ [“Transgender Crowned ‘Miss Nevada’ – Will Be First Trans to Compete in Historic Miss USA Pageant"]

And the girls with vaginas shouldn't even bother showing up.  They have no chance.  It's over.  Only stupid bitches would try to get anywhere against a woman with a penis.

□ [“LA County Public Health Officials 'Strongly' Recommend Everybody, Regardless of Vaccination Status, Wear Face Mask Due to 'Delta' Variant"]

This is what viruses do.  This is why viruses can't be eliminated.  They change and all the effort made into a total cure is wasted.  That has been known for a long time but it's safe to assume that everybody in charge just said 'white people thought of that' so they were totally opposed to it by their very nature.

Cloth masks don't stop viruses either, but we know that.  If you can breathe, you can get a virus.  That's how it works.

□ [“'Woke' Hypocrites at Google Flash Gay Logo in US on YouTube During Pride Month but NOT in Turkey and China"

This is part of the takeover.  They know who their masters are and their masters know who they're trying to destroy.  China and Turkey know that, Google doesn't.

Vienna: Two Afghan “Refugees” Drug, Rape and Strangle 13-Year-Old Girl
June 29, 2021

A Confused Joe Biden Says He “Was Just At” Proterra’s Bus Factory In-Person – The Visit Was Over 2 Months Ago and it Was Virtual
June 29, 2021

U.S. Police in Major Metropolitan Areas Voting With Their Feet
June 29, 2021

Mom says she's "so proud" because her "15-year-old transgender son is going through menopause"
June 29, 2021

China Discussed Bioweapons Targeting Specific Races
June 28, 2021

Just a note about some of the things I've been thinking about:  Thoughts on the space-race lead to thoughts on early science fiction and thinking about that led me to the Futurist society.  I've only looked up a little bit but it started in early 20th-century Italy and their desire was to get Italy to forget about its past.

What in the fucking hell???  Italy had more past than almost anyone else on the planet!  Getting rid of it is outright destruction of everything that had gotten them to this point.  And of course they were fans of Mussolini so it's clear what side they were on.  I'm sure this was going on everywhere - I've been meaning to look up the Fabian Society - and it seems to be more of a tipping point of the world, given all that it's led to since.  Anyway, I'm still going to be thinking about this.  Unless something comes up.

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