12 October, 2021

But I don't want to go with Brandon. He touches me.

Surprised I didn't think of it right away but planes have also had an increasing amount of violence on them and the government isn't bothered by that.  Safe to assume pilots would want out of that mess.

Hadn't realized, aircraft pilots would be the equivalent of ship captains as far as being in complete control of the situation.  The main difference would be that a captain can be replaced on the spot.

The "Let's Go Brandon" meme started on October 2 at Talladega Superspeedway.  Kelli Stavast of NBC Sports interviewed NASCAR racer Brandon Brown who had won the Sparks 300 race in the NASCAR Xfinity Series.  She insisted on hearing "Let's go, Brandon" as the camera showed the crowd chanting nothing of the sort.

The chants had started earlier but this was the first time they got publicity, blatantly false that anyone who listened would hear.  Can't find any response Stavast has made, even explaining why she brought it up in the first place, much less lied to her audience.

What are you going to believe, NBC or your lying ears?

I know that they can't plan everything but I'm not expecting them to remain as incompetent as leftists are.  They can't have been expecting total obedience from here on out, there has to be more of the plan to go.

I'm surprised we still have the internet.  That's an obvious target.  When the truck drivers go on strike, the grocery stores will be quickly empty.  Will they still be blaming "weather" like South West airlines is?

There's the line, don't remember where it's from but it's been around for a long time, saw it recently, but it's something about mediocrity seeing nothing better than itself whereas talent sees where others are better.  I'm not sure it's entirely accurate but it's close, the part about seeing nothing better than oneself.  That would go a long way to explaining leftism, they don't even realize how mediocre they are and demand everyone change because they demand it.  That's how much they love others.  And this lines up with claiming to love someone so much, you'll make them change into what you want so you'll actually like them.

□ [“Psaki Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: ‘Biden Wants to Make Fundamental Change in Our Economy and He Feels Coming out Of the Pandemic is the Time to do That’"]

As a leftist white woman says here.  They're so grateful for the virus, they'd have nothing without it.

□ [“'I Think You All Could Do a Better Job of Selling' Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Spending Bill – Pelosi Blames Media For Not 'Selling' Biden’s Agenda"]

And here's another leftist white woman who blames the media for not getting people to go along with the garbage she was pushing.

Black Chicago Man Beats Woman Walking Her Dog After She Tells Him to Quit Masturbating in the Street
October 12, 2021

UPDATE: Evergrande Crisis Continues – 1.5 Million Chinese Worry About Their Deposits on Apartments Not Yet Built
October 12, 2021

Massachusetts Governor Activates National Guard to Test School Children For Covid
October 12, 2021

Australian Cops Now Going Door to Door to Interrogate Citizens About Six Month Old Social Media Posts About Protests
October 12, 2021

Indiana Walgreens “Accidentally” Gives Pfizer COVID Jabs To 4 and 5 Yr Old Siblings…Pediatric Cardiologist Is Reportedly Treating Both Kids For Heart Issues
October 12, 2021

Is China Preparing for War? Top Selling Movie in China, Commissioned by the CCP, Depicts the US As Its Enemy
October 12, 2021

“There Will Be Things People Can’t Get” – Biden White House Warns Christmas Plans May Be Spoiled by Shipping Crisis
October 12, 2021

□ [“Ohio Man’s Kidney Transplant Canceled Days Away From Scheduled Surgery Because Donor Wasn’t Vaxxed"]

You're much more likely to die if you don't have a working kidney than you are from the virus and this hospital is fine with that.  Safe to assume they've thrown away the kidney that could have saved a life too.

□ [“Virginia Loudoun County Schools Tried To Conceal Sexual Assault Against Daughter In Bathroom, Father Says"]

And there's this one, a boy in a dress raped a girl in the bathroom and the school board knows that you can't believe females so they're attacking her father for opposing it.  That's what they want.

Democrats/Media Deploy Same “Eliminationist Narrative” Against School Parents As They Did Against Tea Party
October 6, 2021

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