07 October, 2021

Let's Go, Brandon! Let's Go, Brandon! Let's Go, Brandon!

Just a note on yesterday's post, I also think that Hollywood has long made-up the origins of their stars, where they came from and what they did before becoming famous.  But it's a legitimate question where they actually came from.  Were they part of the 'underground movement' their entire lives?

That is believable, sooner or later they'd have kids and they'd want their kids to get all the privileges' and status.  The kids wouldn't know any other way to live.

□ [“Joe Biden in Illinois: 'The Ohio Pennsylvania, The Ohio Pennsylvania, I’m From Pennsylvania – the Illinois President'"(VIDEO)]

You'd think the tv networks would at least realize they'd get better ratings if they covered this.  What's the mentality of 'if people want to know what Joe Biden says, don't watch us, we won't cover it!'

I have the same impression for whatever tv show it was that claimed the crowd was chanting "Let's go, Brandon!"  They know they were lying to their audience and now that's what people are actually saying.  And they can't even report on it because they'd have to acknowledge what the crowds were actually saying so they're ignoring a story that they themselves started.

BIDEN EFFECT: Average Family is Spending $175 More per Month on Basic Essentials Today
October 7, 2021

American Airlines Says Workers Must Be Fully Vaxxed by Nov. 24 – 30% of Their Pilots Still Not Vaxxed
October 7, 2021

Ugandan Family Caught On Camera Boarding American Airlines Flight With No ID After Admitting They Paid Smuggler To Help Them Illegally Cross Border Into Texas
October 6, 2021

The protected must be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to get the protection that doesn't protect the protected.

That's what they're saying.  They believe it.  Gotta admit, I don't think I have much to say today.  It happens.

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