23 October, 2021

Who's forcing you to call me a conspiracy theorist? Tell me, dammit!

Not much news today.  Sure it's a weekend but I have to wonder if news sites are just nervous about what to say after the Alec Baldwin shooting.  I have no reason to think it wasn't a conspiracy for devil worshipers to make a sacrifice but it still looks bad for them.  How can he claim to know better than the people whose rights he wants to take away if they know how to properly treat weapons and he doesn't?  He still thinks he's superior to everyone else and is surrounded by people who agree but there's enough room to ask legitimate questions that they don't know what to say about it.  So they say nothing.

□ [“Wisconsin Had 7 Million Registered Voters in Inventory on Election Day But Only 5.9 Million Citizens"]

More is coming out on the stolen election.  No reason to think it will go anywhere.  People are miserable and whatever Biden voters are actually breathing see this as a horrible mistake but it won't keep the rulers from stealing further elections.

Wisconsin was one of those places where Trump held the lead until a hundred thousand votes for Biden were dropped in all at once in the middle of the night.  But the people who claim to have won the election don't want to question any of this and won't let anyone else question it either.

We know they stole it, the question is what do we do about it?

Good news: Biden is finally building a border wall! Bad news: It's just for the border of his $2 million beach house
October 22, 2021

Austrian Chancellor Threatens to Impose New Lockdown Restrictions for Unvaccinated People
October 23, 2021

□ [“Biden Can’t Figure Out How to Unload Container Ships in LA – Now Price of Shipping a Container Is 4.5 Times What It Was Last Year"]

If I'm right about this stolen election actually being part of a larger plan, it may actually work as a good explanation of capitalism, allowing people to maximize their time.  How the hell do you make shipping in a port city so expensive?

□ [“Biden Delays Release Of JFK Assassination Files 'To Protect Against Identifiable Harm'"]

Delaying it until next December 15?  Why?  Is China supposed to invade and make it all meaningless by then?  At this point I'm starting to wonder if the Kennedy assassination was along the same lines of these other conspiracies I invent.  LBJ and JFK really didn't like each other and Johnson needed a way to keep negros in line.

BUSTED: Email Sent by Loudoun County Superintendent Shows School Board Knew About Sexual Assault by a Transgender Student The Day it Happened
October 23, 2021

Joe Biden Dismisses ‘Freedom’ on Vax Mandates, Implies Unvaccinated Americans Are Murderers
October 21, 2021

In other news, I'm almost done organizing my published works.  20 books that make 3,955 pages.  Rather, 19 books, I'd still like to give a shot to editing one more time, so I have been working on Double but I haven't bothered to type up my corrections.  I think that makes it pretty clear, I will do what I can to polish the work but I'm really not interested in the re-writing.  But here we are.

Any other news?

□ [“Dave Halls, the Man Who Claimed Gun on Alec Baldwin Set was Safe, Was Also Present When Brandon Lee (Bruce Lee’s Son) Died of a Prop Gun Mishap in 1993"]

Holy fuck!  Ok, this is now definitely a conspiracy.  There's no way that's a coincidence.

Brandon Lee's death is one of those odd Hollywood deaths I mentioned being suspicious about.  He'd done little except be the son of a famous person, a few movies and then got shot while finishing filming on The Crow.  The movie was successful but not a major hit.  Reportedly it became a "cult classic" which by this point, I'm assuming that's a reference to whatever the conspiracy is.

The Crow was made by Dimension Films which was run by Harvey Weinstein and his brother Bob.  Not too suspicious.  They had just made The Crying Game which is where the "cult" rhetoric about the transsexual movement got popular.  They would also make Sin City which is the only movie of theirs I've seen, but I've heard of several others so I assume there's some popularity there.

"The Crow" came from a miniseries printed by Caliber Press around 1989.  The first time I heard of it was when Kevin Eastman reprinted it at Tundra in 1993.  Or Kitchen Sink, which merged with Tundra that year, it's unclear.  But Kitchen Sink had been at the top of underground comics for a couple decades and Tundra had been created by Eastman as a way to spend his huge bankroll in comics.

Oh, you don't know who Eastman is?  He co-created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and were smart enough to keep ownership with Pete Laird as they wrote, drew and published comics.  So they were being actively being surrounded by Hollywood for seduction and probably anything else and I've always assumed that was when "The Crow" got picked up for a movie starring someone related to someone famous (and dead.)  People who wanted to try getting in with Eastman and Laird would have looked at some of the other comics and maybe hire some storyboard artists.

From the synopsis on Wikipedia, it looks like "The Crow" was a generic superhero comic, just made for adults, with more violence, sex, etc. and without the guys in tights.  It definitely sounds like the sort of thing today's wanna-be devil worshipers would be into, at least for a "cult classic."

What does this mean?  Where is this going?  I don't know, but I definitely think there's a conspiracy.  Still waiting for Baldwin to demand everybody lose their rights for guns because he finally filled out his desire to kill someone.

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