29 October, 2021

Wearing a swimsuit blocks your piss just as well as wearing a mask blocks a virus.

The world is getting closer to an end.  I won't go into any details, but I've made one decision I never in my life expected to even consider and now I have another one coming up that I don't expect a good ending for no matter which way I go.  Nothing special, we're all having problems like that, but I just wanted to put it on record.  Without details.  So you know.  Even though you don't know what you know.  Because I care so much.

I do have to wonder how many employers are telling their hot female employees to give them sex or look for another job.  It's not a threat, it's totally her choice.

□ [“Pennsylvania’s Election Process Was Confirmed as Not Being Accurate, Complete, or In Compliance with Laws by the State’s Auditor General in December 2019"]

So what?  They don't care about the laws, they don't care about the rules, they only want to win at any cost.  Which is how war is fought, which is what they are doing.

That sticks out for me, "war" is the closest I've thought of or have heard to what leftists think they're doing, but it's not clear what or why.  War against existence, as though they can invent their own?

In the last few days, I've run into a couple comments by others which also seems close to the point.  One was a suggestion that their desire is destruction of what other people love.  That seemed to be a closer explanation, at least of the 'what' if not the 'why.'  They want to remove anything other people like or love that isn't them.

The other comment cited 'envy of the normal.'  That also seems to fit well.  So there's envy, war and wanting to remove other people's interests from the picture.  Also denial of reality.

The obvious answer is refusal to believe in God, that's what God's adversary does and that's who they follow.  But it's safe to assume there's more to it than that.

□ [“Rutgers Professor: 'White People Are Committed to Being Villains – We Gotta Take These Motherf**kers Out''"(VIDEO)]

This fat black chick makes more money than you ever will.  And yes, she believes in the fiction of black cultures with technology and knowledge that no one had ever found and somehow lost everything entirely.  Every other culture on Earth has historical records that last through thousands of years of war, conquest, disaster and it's all whitey's fault that blacks don't.  Really.

□ [“Survey Reveals White Students Are Lying About Their Race To Get Into College, Receive Financial Aid"]

They're so oppressive that they self-identify as a different skin color to be treated like those who self-identify as oppressed because of their skin color.

□ [“Crazy Al Gore Said the Entire Polor Ice Cap Would be Melted in 5 Years – That Was 13 Years Ago… Now He Says We Need to Get Rid of 80% of US Energy Sources"]

That leaves more for China.

This weekend will turn a corner, we'll see how many government agents are purged because they don't give up their bodies to their masters.  They will be fired by people who won't say they're being fired because that would allow them to have unemployment benefits and the people in charge do not support unemployment benefits.

Who’s in Charge of Joe? Biden Admits He Was Clueless About France’s Knowledge of Australia Submarine Deal Breach: “I Honest to God Did Not Know”
October 29, 2021

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