26 October, 2021

Why are we bothering with this? There's not even a good dental plan.

There is some impression that resistance is going on.  Dunno what, can't point to anything, things have looked good before and the left has torn them down.  The news from Slash that G'n'R hasn't even gotten together enough to write a single song in over five years, the support for women-with-penises raping fourteen year-old girls in school, the lack of Alec Baldwin in public, the overall increase in misery which didn't happen under Trump...

This is probably just me and self-inflicted delusion to pass the time until I'm dead.  Think nothing of it.

□ [“FDA Panel Approves Pfizer Covid Vax For Kids Ages 5-11, Concedes it Doesn’t Know Long-Term Risks to Children"]

Which would be the exact reason to not require anybody to take it.  You'd know more about long-term results if you didn't force people to take something against their will that didn't exist a year ago.  But that wouldn't be what the left wants.  If you wanted to give them slow-acting poison that would take two years to kill them, what would you do differently?

□ [“'Continuous Need For Boosting' – Moderna Chairman Says Yearly Covid Boosters May be Required"]

'You'll have to buy from us forever.  You are ordered to buy from us.'  Why didn't Trump think of that?  He just said if you don't want it, don't get, like we had our individual right to choose.

There's several more news stories going on but I don't have anything to say about them.  They're just promoting whatever their viewpoint is and the left will crush them like everything else.  I'd be totally down with joining the resistance movement but have no idea how to find them.

Doctors getting fired for supporting medicine rather than the "vaccination," schools openly owning their property.  Fewer and fewer people can ignore how much more expensive it's getting to make it through a day.

“Loudoun County Protects Rapists!” – LCPS Students Walk Out to Show Support For Recent Sexual Assault Victims
October 26, 2021

Bruce Springsteen Throws His Fans Under the Bus, Agrees with Obama that His White Fans Would Have Called Clarence Clemons the “N-Word” Offstage
October 26, 2021

Biden Regime Rolls Out Vaccine Requirements for International Travelers to Enter US — But Illegal Aliens Can Come and Go at Will
October 26, 2021

Two Days After Asking Biden to Target Parents as ‘Domestic Terrorists’, Biden Appoints National School Boards Association President Viola Garcia to a Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress
October 26, 2021

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