14 October, 2021

You could be mine but I don't want you. Go away.

NBA Player Got Blood Clots From COVID Vaccine that Ends His Season – NBA Told Him to Keep It Quiet
October 14, 2021

□ [“Vax or Starve: German State Allows Grocery Stores to Ban Unvaccinated"]

Is this free advertising for the competition or are they genuinely in support of death?  Because that's what happens when you're forbidden to get food.  They're making medical care more expensive, transport, food, they're throwing out laws, all to celebrate stealing elections.

And I noticed that Trump recently put it out to Republicans that they wouldn't get votes unless they fixed this.  That works in more ways than one, candidates will have to show how opposed they were to this theft or they won't win even if Democrats don't steal.

Prices are definitely going up.  Trump wanted businesses to profit, that's why the prices were so low.  Democrats oppose businesses profiting so the prices just go up.

I've noticed some unions are starting to stand up against the vaccination.  Like healthcare, it's something leftists pretend to support until they're in charge, then it's about their orders, nothing else.

There's just a lot of news going on.  I'm actually becoming tempted to make the B-side of my next book just headlines, giving me a chance to cut those down so I can write more articles, even short ones like I'm doing these days.

I'm still watching "The Facts of Life" but it's just the same episodes over and over.  Still a lot of shows from the later seasons I haven't even tried to see since they were new.  And to think, this all came from Cloris Leachman's death.  Charlotte Rae's death came and went but Frau Blücher?  [Neiiiiiighhhhh!!!]  Even funnier, I wasn't sure I remembered how to spell Rae's name and discovered that she's not listed anywhere on the DVD set.  The other actress were all named but Mrs. Garrett is only that.

Otherwise, I've been going through Axl Rose's lyrics for the Illusions albums.  Some of them are rather disturbing and none of them are high quality.  At best there's generic nonsense which is totally acceptable in a pop rock song but even there he usually adds something that tears it down, usually something annoying with his vocals.

Most of the songs are in the same pattern, Axl just doesn't shut up, but "You Could Be Mine" stood out.  I'll need to find some record of what Izzy contributed as co-writer.  Slash says the writing started at the first pre-production session for Appetite which would be around the end of 1986.  Axl and Erin had met and moved in together that year.  Axl was very violent and controlling and that comes off in the song.

"You could be mine but you're way out of line"?  "When I come home late at night, don't ask me where I've been.  Just count your stars I'm home again."  He locked Erin up for long periods of time, yeah, she would have to be glad when he comes back.  He'd already sent her to the hospital at least once by then and would again.  Then he showed up at 4AM on April 27, 1990 with a gun and said he'd shoot himself if she didn't marry him.  The next day they got married in Las Vegas.  A month after that, Axl filed for divorce.  A month after that, he sent Erin to the hospital again.

Maybe it's not even about Erin, it's some other chick who *could* have been Axl's but she was too far out of line for him to accept.

Izzy's ex-girlfriend Angela Niccoleti says the song was written about her, along with "Don't Cry" and "Patience" after she had dumped him.  By all accounts, one of those songs came from Axl and Izzy being dumped on the same night and she was one of the dumpers but I'm dubious.  Probably any number of females who can say those songs are all about them.  It's not like people's memories of that time are very good anyway and at least one of them demands all the credit while blaming others for any problems.

My guess is that "Don't Cry" was one of the first G'n'R songs written, maybe about someone specific but generally an attempt to write a song.  Not sure what Izzy contributed to the lyrics but Axl completely re-wrote them for the second version of the song on the UYI II.  "Patience" was the one they wrote when they were dumped.

Slash is probably right that the basics of "You Could Be Mine" came from starting Appetite recording sessions, probably Izzy's idea, the rest of the band followed along and Axl added lyrics.  It's the only song on UYI that sounds like the band who made Appetite.  By that point, he and Erin had been making each other miserable and would continue for years.  His obsession about being dumped would lead to the UYI trilogy which would lead him to meeting Stephanie which would lead to almost twenty years trying to make Chinese Democracy.

Violent Leftists Attempt to Storm Department of Interior – Demand End of Fossil Fuel Use before Winter
October 14, 2021

American Airlines cancels 230 flights, delays 600+… Sickout is spreading…
October 14, 2021

Biden Walks Away AGAIN without Taking Questions After Falsely Claiming Vaccine Mandates Had Nothing to do with Southwest Airlines’ Flight Cancelations
October 14, 2021

Biden Relies on Notecards During Oval Office Meeting with Kenyan President – Snubs Reporters AGAIN
October 14, 2021

“Last Question!” Kamala Harris’ Aide Rudely Interrupts Local Pittsburgh Reporter Asking About Supply Chain Crisis Created by Joe Biden
October 14, 2021

California Bleeding: Walgreens Closes Five More San Francisco Stores, Citing The City's Policy of Tolerated Thieving as the Reason - They'd Already Closed 17 in San Francisco
October 14, 2021

Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Union (SMART) with 203,000 Members Announces Stand Against Forced Vaccines
October 14, 2021

Chicago Police Union to Defy Vaccine Mandate and Dare the City to Enforce It
October 14, 2021

German Court Finds YouTube’s Removal of Videos About COVID Was Illegal and YouTube Must Restore the Videos
October 14, 2021

Update: Man Who Killed Five in Bow and Arrow Rampage in Norway a Muslim Convert Who Was Previously Flagged for Radicalization
October 14, 2021

‘Racial Equity Team’ at Seattle Elementary School Cancels Annual Halloween Parade Because it “Marginalizes Students of Color”
October 14, 2021

China’s Economic Crisis is MUCH Bigger Than Expected – It’s Property Market, Largest in the World, Is Collapsing
October 14, 2021

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