17 October, 2021

People who chant "resistance!" always expect to be obeyed without question.

Joe Biden Walks Through Posh Washington DC Restaurant without a Mask, Violating DC’s Mask Mandate
October 16, 2021

‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Has Been Turned Into A Hip-Hop Song That’s Now #1 On iTunes
October 17, 2021

Thousands of Italians Protest Government Mandated Vaccine Requirement for Work
October 17, 2021

17 American Missionaries, Including Children, Kidnapped by Gang in Haiti
October 17, 2021

□ [“University of Michigan Paid a Race Grifter $20,000 for One Hour Virtual Discussion on CRT"]

This is obviously appealing to hucksters the question is who would want them to be on the front line?

□ [“Buttigieg Says Higher Prices and Supply Chain Crisis 'Will Continue Into Next Year'"]

Especially if they have anything to do about it.  We need to get underground movements operating.  I was a 92Y if anyone is interested.

□ [“Biden, Pentagon Face Massive Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandate on Federal Employees and Military Members"]

Also a potential good move, government property is rebelling against its masters.  One thing I find that I hadn't heard before is that all these vaccines are based on aborted fetal stem cells.  That might explain the health problems that so many vaccinated people seem to be having.  It's a good argument to not get these vaccines.

□ [“Fauci: ‘If You’re Vaccinated and Your Family Members Are Vaccinated… You Can Enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas’"]

Otherwise, the government forbids you to enjoy either Thanksgiving or Christmas.  Only elites can have holidays.  We say so.

You don't think there's any historical examples of people standing up for Thanksgiving or Christmas anywhere in history?  I know, not in leftist history, they've erased anything they don't like and erase more every year, but normal people know of examples.  I'm not even Christian and I'm already wondering what church service to go to.

□ [“Old Senile Joe Biden Hasn’t Held a Cabinet Meeting or a Press Conference Since July – Too Exhausted?"]

He'd be too obviously falling apart.  It's not like he's too busy, his schedule has always been very light and his weekends are usually long.  He's the least important member of the ruling class and everybody knows it.  Whoever's holding his leash just doesn't want him to be too obviously incompetent so they don't let him out.

In other news, I'm still working on organizing all of my published work.  Over 2500 pages written and printed, just going back to 2015 and not counting anything earlier.  That's averaging over 400 pages each year and as I've said before, that's only what I've written and published since 2015 and I probably haven't even gotten through everything from the last seven years.  Yay me!

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