19 December, 2021

All of the other reindeer are bullying me... :(

NY Governor Hochul Says Forcing Young Children to Wear Masks For Nearly 2 Years “is Not That Big a Deal”
December 18, 2021

□ [“SNL: The Stupidity of the Pro-VAX Crowd is Infinite"]

This one is amusing.  Everyone on Saturday Night Live is vaccinated and you know how good that vaccine is.  Assuming you've received one or several.  Anyway, a bunch of them have now tested positive so they have to kick out the audience, they've only got a minimal crew and are even trying to get the lady who used to do the news (don't remember her name, she came onboard long after I stopped watching, and it's too much like work to look it up) to replace whoever they have now.

Why don't they just say that vaccine is totally worthless?  It's not like they're sick, they'll probably be partying tonight instead of having to work.  They may even be preparing for whatever hammer Biden's people are going to use next Tuesday against the non-vaccinated.

Can’t Make This Up… Fake News Newsweek Mocks Trump for Having 200 Tickets Left Unsold in Arena That Holds 21,000 — But Say NOTHING About Joe Biden’s 20 Circle Crowds
December 18, 2021

□ [“Fauci Says Not to Go to Christmas Gatherings Where You Don’t Know Everyone’s Vaccination Status"]

So that's what they're doing.  Spying on your family members is more important than enjoying the holidays with them.

I've seen a suggestion that Tuesday's orders will be to use OSHA to require proof of vaccination before entering any business, like grocery stores.  I just notice they're already getting ready to ban plastic bags and make things harder to carry, but at least we get to kill trees for it.  Because the environment!

Notice that they never mention any 'good' government in history that forbade food to large numbers of people.  We can find examples but none that people say are 'good,' at least when they're allowed to speak freely.  They also never claim that they'd have liked Donald Trump more if he'd done this.

Or maybe they just think that people don't starve just because they have no food.  It's part of their insistence that there's no reality if you don't believe in it.  Guns can't do anything if you don't believe in them, you can walk off the roof of a building if you don't believe in gravity, why would there be any need for food if you don't believe in it?

North Carolina State University Prof: Outdoor recreation a ‘white-dominated space,’ has ‘roots in systemic racism’
December 18, 2021

□ [“Pot Industry in California on Verge of Collapse"]

This one I find funny.  Wasn't the whole point of making pot legal to get rid of government interference?  But no, they just make it more expensive and difficult to get, so people will stick with the illegal versions.  Or they'll use online sales and avoid the taxes.  Remember, they were defying the government when pot was illegal, do you really think they won't defy the government anyway?  What are you, stoned?

□ [“Greenies Against Grass: Climate Change Believers Now Attacking Legal Marijuana; It Increases the Carbon Footprint"]

This is from last August but it still shows how eager leftists are to use the government against anything. Who cares if it takes away peoples' jobs, you know, manufacturing papers and bongs.

“I Don’t Think So” – Dr. Fauci Asked If He Ever Thinks Americans Will Be Able to Fly Without Face Masks Again
December 19, 2021

CNN Closing Offices to Most Employees Over COVID
December 19, 2021

Satanic Temple to Install ‘Baby Baphomet’ Statue Among Illinois Capitol Holiday Display on Monday During Christmas Week
December 19, 2021

Ignored by Liberal Media… Two Rockets Fired on US Embassy in Green Area in Baghdad
December 19, 2021

Fully Vaccinated *And Boosted* Elizabeth Warren Tests Positive For Covid in ‘Breakthrough Case’
December 19, 2021

Is everybody getting weaker or is it just me?  As we reach Christmas, there's no hope, there's no alternatives, there's just losing everything.  The left is getting what it wants and that's global misery.  How do we break out of them?

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