31 December, 2021

In a few months, we'll be reminiscing about how wonderful 2021 was...

□ [“Attn. Criminals & Looters: IRS Asks Americans to Report any Stolen Property and all Drug Money as Taxable Income"]

Who do they think is stupid enough to fall for this?  Even leftists aren't stupid enough to fall for this.  Do they see blacks out there smashing into all these stores and expect them to pay up?

Obviously this is just going along the same lines as their previous demand to report all transactions of $500+.  That didn't work so now they're... going to demand criminals identify themselves and pay up or else they'll be punished.  You've got to include that info on the proper line of the 1040 along with any money you made legally.  Maybe they'll even send a team of agents to make house calls if you have problems with this.

This is how they got Al Capone.  But he wasn't told to incriminate himself, that would be against the law.

□ [“Dr. Fauci: 'If you Look at the Children That Are Hospitalized, Many of Them are Hospitalized WITH Covid, as Opposed to BECAUSE of Covid'” (VIDEO)

We knew that but you've been saying the opposite for the last two years.  Kids are basically invulnerable to viruses, that's why chicken pox gets so much attention.  You've been hyping this so that you can falsely claim that the virus is causing all these hospitalizations when someone comes in with broken bones.

Why are they suddenly reversing on all this?  It can't be because they realized Biden looks like an idiot who falsely claimed to have a plan and a year later said it was a state-level issue.  It may be because blacks are really not obeying any longer but I'm not sure.  They obviously support any war that's getting started so that's not it.

Has someone giving them orders finally seen that they're actively destroying the economy and that's actually a bad thing?

□ [“WALK OF SHAME Chinese Omicron rule-breakers ‘forced to parade through streets carry placards’ in brutal ‘zero Covid’ lockdown"]

And China is showing the world how it expects us to behave.  Not a single liberal disagrees with this, even the ones who show pictures of themselves breaking the rules they support.

I do have to wonder if that's what socialists are, they're missing something that actually shows them as individuals.  Obviously they have to keep thinking of themselves as individuals because that's what existence is, but they totally miss that they and their idols don't live up to the standards they want to impose on everyone else.  They get a pass by mouthing the required slogans and don't have to think any more about it, so they won't.  Then they wonder why their 'revolution' never succeeds.

I suppose it's possible that they aren't missing anything, they actually have something else that normal people don't have, but that doesn't seem likely.  I've also noticed that the word "socialist" really does fit.  "Social" as opposed to "individual."

□ [“Beloved Actress and American Icon Betty White Dead at 99"]

Gotta admit, I saw this coming.  The media was just giving way too much attention to her nearing her 100th birthday in a couple weeks.  The media really wants kids [no, that's not a poor choicer of words] so they'll immediately ditch anything that doesn't get that for them.

Still, she was possibly the highest ranking person left from her age group.  She started on television in 1939, that wasn't a popular year for tv.

China Again Threatens the US with “Unbearable Cost” Over Taiwan
December 30, 2021

Despite Entire Team Being Fully Vaccinated – Two Thirds of Antarctic Polar Researchers Have Contracted COVID-19
December 31, 2021

New York Gov. Hochul Declares Racism A ‘Public Health Crisis’ Then Withholds COVID Treatments From White Patients
December 31, 2021

WTH? Biden Regime Signs $137 Million Deal with GERMAN Company to Make COVID Test Strips — Will Start Producing in Late 2024 at the Earliest
December 31, 2021

□ [“Biden Says 'This Time' He Will Do More to Stop Putin from Invading Ukraine"]

Not like 2014.  All he did after that invasion was send his son to get lots of money from Ukraine.  And this time he's going to get more, I mean do more.

Betty White, actress, age 99
December 31, 2021

Waning my way away in the final hours of this year.  Obviously most people are begging for next year to be better.  But to my credit, if you want to call it that, I know it won't be.  The left has had a year to push on everything and have more leverage now than they did after they stole the election.

I'm working on the book but I always do that.  Today is not a productive day but it's almost over.

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