21 December, 2021

No one ever sees Batman and Robinson Crusoe together...

Joe Biden Ignores His Own Mask Mandate While Masked US Marines Play Instruments For Him
December 21, 2021

The servants wear masks, the rulers don't have to.

The Purge Continues: Pentagon Issues Guidelines to Crack Down on Domestic and Patriotic “Extremism” Within Military Ranks – Simply “Liking or Reposting” Certain Views Can Trigger Discipline
December 21, 2021

Newsom Imposes Covid Booster Shot Mandate For All California Healthcare Workers
December 21, 2021

□ ["CNN expert: Cloth masks are useless 'face decorations' at this point"]

Yes, that's what they're for.  Obviously they don't stop viruses, they don't even stop water.  But the self-appointed elites want to see their inferiors wearing it.

I saw something today which gave me a possible insight onto how leftists perceive individuals, the terms "platform" and "core" as effectively what defines a person.  I didn't really look into "core" and only briefly looked up "platform" but that struck me as something that requires an audience, it doesn't exist if other people aren't around.

It struck me that this may be a major part of leftist viewpoint, the requirement that other people be around to mean anything.  A "soul" is a part of you, whoever you and whether or not you're around anybody else.  If you neglect the existence of the "soul," you're left with lesser concepts which require other people.

Furthermore, they use this to mark anybody who doesn't follow whatever standards they have (individually) as automatically inferior.  And those standards will be individual because even though they don't believe it, they are individuals.  But they see it as something that only exists through contact with other people.

This would explain why they're so dismissive of people who don't agree with them, this would explain why people who do recognize individuality would shrug and say 'they go their own way.'  It could even explain how these... collectivists?... find code and clues to identify with each other while individualists ignore it because each of us/them has other stuff to focus on.

A "soul" is far more complex than this.  We can't even fully perceive our own soul, the one we're stuck with from birth to death.  Interacting with other people makes it far more complicated and effectively out of anybody's perception much less understanding.  This would also explain why I don't think the term 'leftist' is accurate.  But either way, as individuals no matter where we fall on this scale [?] we do look for ways to make our lives more simple, and hopefully others as well.

This seems like a really good insight.  Probably not remotely original but we need to hear it more often as individuals and collectively.  It might explain why I've always seen the military as the greatest form of collectivism, because from my experience they are very much about understanding that every servicemember is an individual and having to figure out how to operate in that context.

It's basically impossible to understand but progress needs to come from individuals.  What the collectivists crave is essentially mob rule, fascism or feudalism.

What inspired me on this was that I'm still going through Guns'n'Roses history and I ran into a few quotes from the early 1990s when Axl was in love with Nirvana and they didn't return the favor.  One of the Nirvana guys used the terms "core" and "platform" which is what led me to this.  It made so much sense about how leftists perceive themselves and each other.  Thankfully I've never liked Nirvana but obviously I've been thinking about Axl Rose a lot and this basically explained everything about him.

Anyway, I'll need to do more thinking about this and I'm sure it's not remotely original but it does seem to be something to go on with.

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