12 December, 2021

Today's motivation: giving up is easy and fun. Just do it.

□ [“Brazil health ministry website hit by hackers, vaccination data targeted"]

Now this could be fun.

This attack has taken down the government's vaccination info, i.e. who's received vaccinations.  It also took down their certificates for the vaccinated.  It's probably not 100% but now they can't track who they've jabbed, opening the door for fraud.  It also means they risk treating the obedient vaccinated the way they treat unvaccinated scum, defeating the whole point of obedience.

It would be awesome if this could be done in every country, particularly ours.  The hackers are offering to return the data for money but could it be trusted?

I think something like this should be done with all the tv network stooges who were promoting that gay black guy getting attacked in a snowstorm while walking to Subway.  It was so awful what happened to him that they wouldn't shut up about it.

So keep them talking.  Hackers should go through their personal records and take down one of them with a statement that this will keep happening until they start broadcasting just as much discussion as they were before.  Or have them shot, I don't care, but something that would require them to show what they've been doing, or else.

SNL “Hip-Hop Nativity” Skit Shows “Baby Jesus” Twerking – Mary as a Stripper and “Baby Daddy” Joseph with a “Pimp Walk”
December 12, 2021

Why don't they include Mohammed?  Wouldn't it be hilarious if Mohammed showed up and told them how wrong they were.  He knows what the future holds and it's not kikes having around in Jerusalem.

Psaki Says It’s Okay Schools Require Children Eat Outside In Frigid Temps, Parents Should Just Pack Extra Hats For Them To Keep Warm
December 11, 2021

Report: U.S. Universities Cooperating With Institutions Tied To China’s Military, Nuclear Weapons Program
December 11, 2021

CDC: About 75 Percent of Omicron Variant Cases Are in Fully Vaccinated People
December 9, 2021

Anne Rice, ‘Interview with the Vampire’ Writer, age 80
December 11, 2021

Richard Cole, Led Zeppelin's tour manager, age 75
December 2, 2021

German Police Enforce Covid Social Distancing Measures with Rulers
December 12, 2021

Dr. Fauci: Americans Will “Just Have to Deal with” Yearly Booster Shots if They Become Necessary
December 12, 2021

□ [“Creepy: 44-year-old CNN producer of Chris Cuomo's show charged with luring minors for sex"]

More famous people seem to be getting busted these days for sexual assault and child-rape.  Cuomo's producer gave the 9 and 13-year old girls' mother money and she sent them to his place.  WTF?

I've been wondering for a while how this child-rape conspiracy has been working and obviously I don't know yet, but I think I've found a possibility.  And, of course, it has to do with rock'n'roll.

□ [“'It was no secret Jimmy Page liked young girls': New book packed with horrifying claims about underage sex could unleash a #MeToo reckoning on Led Zeppelin"]

It looks like this book is just a standard biography of Led Zep, this info has been known for decades, it's in the Zeppelin biographies I already have, but it's worth looking into.

There are probably exceptions but I doubt Zeppelin or any other rock stars were specifically interested in fucking children.  Or at least they didn't start out that way, it required years of corruption and drugs.  They were young men experience fame and riches with girls of all types throwing themselves at them, they could take what they wanted and didn't bother checking id's first.

It's been pointed out that for all these decades, the girls have never called out how they were raped or abused.  They're upfront about it, they were totally into this.  It's a very good example of why we shouldn't permit girls to make any decisions.  This is what they do if they can.  It also explains why Roman Polanski is so popular.  And Charles Manson for that matter.

I don't think legal age is especially relevant, it's just the best way to go if we're going to permit girls to make these choices, they at least need to be past a given birthday to do it.  Because 12 year olds know nothing about puberty or keeping secrets from their parents that's guaranteed to piss their parents off when they find out that the worst possible time.  Boys just want sex and will do whatever it takes to get it, girls, not so much.

And now boys can self-identify as girls and get easy access in the bathroom.  What's she gonna do, say no?  Who's going to protect her, her teachers?

Anyway, the kids living in Hollywood weren't poor.  They weren't rich enough to get invited to the coolest parties by the coolest people but they looked for ways to get in anyway.  Lori Mattix' mother brought her over to meet Jimmy Page in his hotel.  I don't know if you could qualify it as a generational corruption from living in the area or if all girls of all generations are always like this.  Maybe it's both.  Hollywood had been doing this for decades and had daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters who thought it was normal.

Led Zeppelin publicist Janine Safer: ‘They were a mystery to me but I adopted the band’s view that these girls weren’t quite human. I certainly never thought of them as sentient.’

Well?  What is there to disagree with?  They even make sure to cite Paul McCartney as insisting that the Beatles always checked id's before picking which chicks they would bang.  No they didn't.  And other rock stars didn't either.  Page didn't even take Lori Mattix' virginity, David Bowie had already done that.  When the hell did he get a chance to party in Hollywood before Led Zeppelin?  Their recording career started around the same time but Zeppelin immediately had massive hits and Page had toured in the US four times with the Yardbirds.

Yes, there would be photos and possibly even film cameras for the well-off who gets luck with these girls.  It's known as the Sodom and Gomorrah by the sea.  And I noticed the mention that Page was a big fan of Aleister Crowley, as was David Bowie and safe to assume other famous people as well.  Page owned Crowley's Boleskine House for a couple decades.  There's no records of Crowley going after children that I'm aware of but he wasn't known for any exceptions for "Do what thou wilt," especially when it comes to sex.

How much of this is an actual conspiracy and how much is 'this is just the way these people are'?  Rock stars are basically all young men suddenly enjoying fame and media promotion.  Their entertainment industries know what works for them.  Politicians want to exploit the entertainment industries.  Whatever signals leftists hope to see, they found it.  And stuck their dicks in without asking permission.  Manson, Crowley, Jimmy Page...  Where do you think Joe Biden started getting his hands all over little girls on camera?

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