04 August, 2022

Do you need a spare headline? Here's one.

Just a note, but could the down-side of "envy" be an emphasis on self-absorption?  It's not that I'm willing to put in the time and effort to get whatever you have that makes me envy you.  It's not even that I want to take from you whatever it is I envy, although I'm sure that often comes up in the process.  It's that I want other people to envy me the way I envy you, and for the same reason.

That just seems to be some sort of mentality that isn't comprehensible to most people.  Children are expected to outgrow anything like that and most of them do, or at least did.  But it does suggest that those who didn't could recognize each other and would see themselves as superior to everybody else.  They would be superior to each other, but that's just human nature.  As it is, they'd eagerly work together to enslave the rest of us for whatever reason they come up with, which is collectivism.

Individuals are too busy focusing on whatever they're interested in to bother with this and their production gives them achievements they can point to, something that's totally theirs, no matter how small or irrelevant overall.  Collectivists can barely get out of this mentality to the point of doing anything, and their success (in general, as individuals) seems to come from how hard they work on whatever method they find to achieve immediate worldwide collectivism.

Thinking about it, this may explain why so many of them get into art forms, it is a way of being productive and profitable even as they claim to oppose such things.  Any success gives them more free time to focus on envy or resentment, a win-win from their perspective.

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