12 August, 2022

Show me the hot babe and I'll commit the crime!

Anti-Islam Author Salman Rushdie Stabbed In the Neck at Appearance in New York
August 12, 2022

43-Year-Old Medical Doctor, Author and Editor Dies Suddenly After Seizure
August 12, 2022

18-Year-Old Kentucky High School Athlete Dies Unexpectedly Due to Cardiac Arrest After Helping Flash Flood Victims
August 12, 2022

Just a random thought, but could every POTUS have access to the White House network, or at least the Oval Office? That would explain why Biden doesn't work there. Not that he's the POTUS, but you know what I mean...

I've always wondered why they made such a big deal about moving him to a made-up building outside that looks like the Oval Office.  If you're going to go to the trouble of stealing the election, one would think you'd at least celebrate by being in the actual room you took over.  But this would definitely explain it.

□ [“IRS Annual Report Shows Training of Heavily Armed Agents Raiding Suburban Homes"]

The people in the pictures are all white.  The people who put this report together did notice their skin color, right?  White people with large weapons heading into people's houses because the leader says so.

Even hardcore leftists who *aren't* in charge have to be wondering what the hell their leaders are pushing now.  White people are all evil racists and they're the ones you want to send after anyone you don't like?

I gotta admit, there just seem to be points of this where the rulers are driving themselves off the rails.

□ [“Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Compares COVID Shot to iPhone, Saying People Will Receive New Version Each Year"]

They're going to keep going.  Even as countries are starting to drop the pseudo-vaccine, this rich man is still pushing it.

It's this sort of thing that, while making the world worse, actually does give me a sense of hope.  It's like they're tearing themselves apart before they can get to the rest of us.  We're still in for deep misery, no question about that, but there's got to be ever fewer brainless copycats automatically going along with 'it's just like buying a new cellphone!'

□ [“Gender-neutral Joan of Arc in I, Joan at Globe Theater in London"]

Well Joan of Arc was great so obviously she wasn't a woman.  You'd never find a woman doing the things she did.  It's male chauvinism that has falsely presented her as a woman for all these centuries.  Now, for the first time ever, the Globe Theater will finally present the truth to the world.

Finally, the Maid of Orleans will be shown the way she should be.  I just hope she's not white.

□ [“Remember How They Suppressed Hunter’s Laptop Story?  Twitter Announces Midterms Crackdown On 'Misleading' Election Claims"]

They're all going in on all of this.  None of them even consider that it may be a bad idea or something might go wrong.  They don't permit anybody around them who might suggest the possibility.

They don't even have the decency to admit that they're actively censoring anybody who says anything they don't like.  So much for the leftist belief that reality is whatever an individual believes in, they're the ones imposing their beliefs on everyone else and furthermore, they don't have a clue what that could mean to the election.

Well, they pretend they don't have a clue, clearly their goal is to steal it even more completely than last time.  Notice that they don't censor Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton for claiming elections were stolen, along with a lot of other Democrats.

That's what leftism brings you, only one way to go and they make the decisions no matter the cost.

Biden Spox: We Have to Pass the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ to See How it Works
August 12, 2022

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