22 August, 2022

I was going to survive, but then I found something better to do.

What we really need to do is figure out how to contact and work with as many people on our side as possible, locally, regionally and nationally, so as many of us as possible can survive.

I've been looking at bug-out bags and websites about them.  I won't say what I've been doing but hopefully you're all doing at least as much.  Those who live reasonably far from a city are fairly safe.  As long as you can produce food and security, you have far less danger.

People will need fuel to drive out to your location, which most-likely won't happen, and as long as you live in the middle of nowhere, they'll find it hard to get to you even on foot.  Not that you're entirely safe, maintain as much security as possible, but it's far less dangerous.

In your case, the main worry will be when you're the one who needs help, nobody's going to be there to save you.  Fire, medical problems, if the invaders do find you...  So basically, you'll be much much safer than the rest of us, but when you are in danger, you're basically finished.

But what about those of us who live in cities?  I'm still trying to figure that one out.

The danger will be much much much higher.  There may be more people around who can help but that increases the need for food, water, security, as well as the way that any of them might turn traitor on the rest of the group.

I see two choices that are the most ideal.  One is to pack your stuff in the car and get as far into the middle of nowhere as you've got fuel for.  It's not clear how much of an option that is or how soon you should run away.  For one thing, how big is your car?  How much back-up supplies can you fit in it?

If you have a trailer, ok, that helps.  If you don't, there's the expense of getting one, storing it until you need it, preventing anyone else from stealing it.  Or you could wait until everything falls apart and hope there's one available for you to steal.  May not be a good choice but it's certainly a valid option.

The other closest-to-good option I see is lock yourself up at home with all your stuff and hope that you have enough to survive on, food and security.  If you have a gun, keep it loaded and ready.  If all you've got is a knife or a baseball bat, do the best you can.

This is where having people you can trust would help.  The problem is that I expect that there will be so much chaos that there's no way to know what will happen.  Riots?  Fires?  Everybody running away?  Everybody hiding at home?  Invaders?  Do the rulers actually have a plan for the next step to increase their power at our expense?  Anything can happen.

I come from the military so naturally that's where I look to for inspiration.  Hopefully you'll have more people involved, but you'll need to organize them and keep track of what you're doing.  You'll need to contact other units and keep in contact with them.  There's maintenance, medical, security, and where are you getting food from?

I don't know how far this will extend, it'll probably be different for everyone.  A block, a neighborhood, an apartment complex?  No idea.

I do think there should be one person in charge and, let's face it, he'll be male.  Get as many people with military/police experience available as advisers, yes.  There should be a way to tell the leader when he's wrong and also a way that the leader gives the orders, end of discussion.  Don't know how that'll work but fortunately my military experience never got that far.

Ideally it can be divided into security, maintenance, etc.  My guess is the women will look after the children and old people, those in charge of the women will work with the men in charge.  But many women will have to be involved with things like security and a lot of kids will as well.

Don't know how long it'll be before everything breaks down, but we can all see that coming.  Ideally we could put together now organizations and connections to help us pull through the mess.  It's our only hope.

That's why I keep pushing this stuff.  We need to promote as much genuine knowledge as possible.  For instance, I think this is a pretty good summary of what we need, but that doesn't mean I got everything right.  Spread it to as many other people as you can but point out what I was wrong about.  That's where I came up with the example of people as advisers to whoever's in charge.  I sure as hell hope I'm never in charge of anything but if that's what we're stuck with, what would I do for help?

We really need to get his resistance going as soon as possible.  I don't see any other way to have any chance of surviving this tyranny that's only getting started.

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