20 August, 2022

I could write more if I wanted to, but I'm lazy.

Travel Hell: 24% of Flights Are Delayed in US Jan-June
August 20, 2022

49-Year-Old High School Principal and Former Super Bowl Champion Died Suddenly While Riding His Bicycle in Virginia
August 20, 2022

Hollywood Actor Gary Busey Charged With Sex Offenses In New Jersey
August 20, 2022

□ [“California: 4-Year-Old Boy Removed From School by Police For Refusing to Wear Mask"]

Can't pump gender-neutrality into his brain if he's not wearing cloth on his face.  Well, you can, but it's less fun for you.

Where is the breaking point?  When do parents put their foot down?  I saw an amusing anecdote about even some teachers being sick of this and quitting.  They get with parents and are paid to teach their kids at home, essentially a small private school.  That's a good idea.  Not sure I'd trust the teacher but the concept itself is fine.

California can't solve any other problem but they can force children to pretend cloth does something against a virus, that's what really matters.

□ [“'Another proud moment for women's sports': This trans golfer is shellacking female opponents left and right in the LPGA qualifiers"]

Sissy girls-with-vaginas have to be getting really sick of being told to pretend they're proud that they got their stupid asses beaten by a big strong woman-with-a-penis.  Just sit at home and eat chocolate, ladies, you'll win just as much LPGA prize money as you would competing against this heroic athlete that all boys should idolize.

And there's one obvious reason for the success, this self-identified golfer is using clubs designed for men.  Wimpy girls are too inferior for those.  Only a real woman would know what to do, handling that long hard shaft with such ease.  Just get used to it, girls, it's going to keep pounding you all day and all night, good and hard.

Is there any point where women are going to get sick of this treatment by the people they voted for?  Because men who just want pussy are going to keep pushing this to get laid.  The last several decades have done everything they can to wipe out the concept of a family so you're not going to get defended either.

Biden Enlists China Owned TikTok to Partner with Federal Voting Assistance Program in 2022 Midterm Elections
August 20, 2022

□ [“Daughter of Putin Ally Killed in Explosion Outside Moscow"]

No news yet on who or why.  I've seen a suggestion that it's the CIA, trying to get that war with Russia going.  That's certainly possible but I think there's too many other possibilities to automatically blame the CIA.  It was a car bombing so it was definitely deliberate, possibly aimed at her father, but it could be Russian mafia or possibly Putin or someone themselves trying to blame the west.

□ [“Alec Baldwin Says Trump’s Comments Over Fatal Rust Shooting Has 'Taken Years Off' His Life"]

Did Trump's comments take as many years from your life as you took from the props assistant?  Because you took a lot of years from her and still don't seem to be remotely guilty.  We know you're not going to be punished by the law the way a black person who did the same thing would be.

Oh, but he's lost some jobs.  So he just has to sit in his mansion all day every day?  What a hardship.

At this point, I partially believe Hollywood and related organizations actively practice pseudo-Aztec sacrifice and this is exactly the sort of thing Baldwin would be doing.  Nowadays when I notice a celebrity death, I genuinely wonder if it happened the way the news makes it out to be or they were religiously executed.

This would also line up with the fake-vaccine killing lots and lots of people with no coverage from the respectable media.  They're all in on it, this is what they're after.

I don't actively believe this but I'd really need some conclusive proof that it doesn't happen, never ever, don't even waste time thinking about it.

Otherwise, we know Baldwin's a total sociopath and that's probably pretty common among his ilk.  They get paid tons of money to pretend they're different and surrounded by ass-kissers who tell them how wonderful they are, they've lost sight of reality a long time ago, if they ever had any.

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