28 August, 2022

I had a few other comments to make but I'll hold off until the next life.

□ [“DNC Chair Defends Joe Biden Calling Half the Country 'Semi-Fascist'"]

They're trying to figure out how to create a lower class of people they can abuse or put into work camps at their leisure.  And it would be half the country.  Even if we pretend Biden actually got more real votes than anybody else in history, they never ask who's in second place.  That answer would be too obvious that they're trying to destroy anybody they don't like.

And notice that it's not the rich and famous they're going after.  Even leftists can't be so deluded [citation needed] to claim half the country is rich and famous, all the poor unknowns vote Democrat.  No, these are people who have to go to work everyday or they won't be able to afford food, rent and gas, all of which Democrats oppose even as they never go without.

Of course if they have guns, they'll be able to defend themselves.  Oh wait, Democrats oppose that too.  Well what about the POTUS being required to follow the laws?  Oh, that's fascist.  That's why they send men with guns to the house of anyone they don't like.

This really is just self-projection, doing what they claim their enemy does.  They could assume their supporters are smart enough to see reasons to disagree but that's not going to happen.  So they seize more power and eliminate resistance because they're fighting fascism.

It really is about trying to resist individuality.  It can't be done but they believe/pretend to believe it can, so anything they do is for 'others,' the ones whose suffering they're causing.  They don't need to think about actual ideas, they can just determine who says what according to skin color and made-up gender.  Even that's a contradiction, you can invent your own biological gender but you're born with this skin color and that's the only one you'll ever have?

Before long, just questioning the rulers will be proof of "domestic terrorism."  Or rather, if you're accused of daring to question them, that's enough to guarantee conviction by any court in the land.

□ [“Rather Exhaustive List of Mandela Effect Affected Scriptures"]

They're rewriting scripture too.  This article was done August 5, 2016, undoubtedly preparing for a Hillary Presidency, so they've obviously been working on this for a long time.  That one just doesn't look it'll last, those who read English will always turn back to the King James version, those who read other languages undoubtedly have their translations.

It's just too obvious that the rulers think they can just rewrite whatever they want and everybody will just go along with it.  In reality, that's a good place for underground movements to start.

How long do we have until everything breaks down?  I'm still expecting it to happen by the 9/11 anniversary.  Obviously the approaching winter will cause a lot of suffering since people will need heat and the government doesn't permit that.  The rest of the world is having similar problems and only dimwits believe they can blame Putin for everything.

I'm trying to figure out their "2030 agenda."  Obviously it's delusional so that would be a big waste of time to figure out what all they're doing, but they have to have a schedule and they have to have back-up plans in mind.

As always, I have to stress that assuming they don't have anything ready is just a mistake on our parts.  One reason leftism goes without much success is because they generally assume their opponents can't think or prepare for anything going wrong, never mind the longtime saying, 'no plan survives first contact with the enemy.'

Just because they simplify everything beyond all reason doesn't mean they don't figure out some ways to make progress on their own terms.  That's how they get to be the rulers.

Perhaps it's not so much about plans, it's about a level of perception that is more direct than most people.  No idea if that's true but it's certainly possible, that's an example of the sort of thinking required for preparation or plans.  Now obey me and it'll all be fine.

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