20 August, 2022

I could be POTUS if I wanted, but I'd rather be in charge of something.

16-Year-Old Pennsylvanian Dies Suddenly After Suffering Cardiac Arrest While Playing Frisbee with Family Members
August 20, 2022

□ [“Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Joe Biden’s Moratorium on Federal Oil and Gas Leasing"]

The judge will just be ignored.  Just because the laws don't give him this authority doesn't mean he can't take it.  He's the master, he doesn't need consent for what he wants.  Congress would be the first to agree with that.

Biden's executive order was on January 27, 2021, and that's when gas prices started going up.  Liberals support this.  Not a single one of them asks if this could be a mistake anywhere along the line.  Now maybe it's because they don't want to be punished for asking, but most likely it's because they totally agree with ignoring the law.

□ [“Being politically correct at work can lead to negative behavior, professors find"]

Being woke is about being collectivist.  Because you only focus on the community, which is made up of differing individuals, you have no way to focus on your own individuality.  As a result, you don't improve your ability, you don't learn new skills, you're not able to focus on anything for the long term because someone somewhere in the collective group will always turn your attention in a different direction, wasting the time and effort you could have spend on actual achievement.

For most of history, there wasn't much food, shelter or material possessions to rely on for basic needs [cars, plumbing, electricity] so collectivism had to be limited.  Thanks to the American dream, individuals were able to accomplish much more than ever before and collectivism could expand beyond all rationality.  Now they can live their whole lives with nothing but collectivism and imposing that on everybody else.  They can keep their mansions and private jets, it's the rest of us who get to suffer.

And they always go for children, ensuring that they'll never grow up knowing anything else.  Nothing could go wrong with that, they say so.  They also say that reality is whatever you believe in so they can't be wrong.  What a coincidence!  You can't construct a building or grow food if your primary interest is the collective, you can't even raise your own children.  That's how the rulers want it.

□ [“Former New York Governor demands taxpayers fund his private legal defense over sexual harassment claims"]

And here's an example from a week ago, rich old white male son of a famous politician expects other people to pay for his defense of what he did to other people and the left adores him.  He can't pay for his private problems out of his own enormous bank account, he wants the money now!  That's why he's at the top and we aren't.

They say all the various women accusing him of harassment are liars but how do they know they self-identify as 'women'?  How do they even know what a woman is?  Sounds like someone needs a refresher course on being woke!

They can't actually eliminate individuality, they just believe they can, which lets their own individuality come out in different ways.  Or they know full well it can't be done, they're just trying to seize power by pretending it can.  Either way, the purpose is to destroy other individuals at any cost.

They do not want to own your fortune, they want you to lose it; they do not want to succeed, they want you to fail; they do not want to live, they want you to die; they desire nothing, they hate existence, and they keep running, each trying not to learn that the object of his hatred is himself . . . . They are the essence of evil, they, those anti-living objects who seek, by devouring the world, to fill the selfless zero of their soul. It is not your wealth that they’re after. Theirs is a conspiracy against the mind, which means: against life and man.
 - Ayn Rand

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