09 September, 2024

Humans living together, ducks and cats being sacrificed, it'll be mass hysteria!

University of Michigan Black Student Union Leaves Pro-Hamas Coalition - Allege Pervasive ‘Anti-Blackness’
September 9, 2024

James Earl Jones, actor, voice of Darth Vader, age 93September 9, 2024

□ [“Low Morale, Insubordination and Desertion – Ukrainian Crumbling Frontline Defenses in Donetsk"]

So how's that draft going?  Good thing you're not in one of those countries where people can choose for themselves, the government here will do what they want to your body.  Leftists support this.

To the extent it does look a large part of the world has suddenly realized they're going the wrong direction, thanks to leftists, it's starting to look like that was the actual point of this war, at least from Putin and whoever his allies are.  Not just the centuries-old rivalry with Kiev, not just humiliating NATO and the west and draining them of money and military equipment, not just inspiring all the non-white countries to join BRICS, but it was about getting any leftist that has any rationality to seriously ask why they're doing this.

And moreover, where are they now?  Where are the Ukraine supporters who insisted that Russia's military was destroyed two years ago?  Where are the ones who looked forward to the great "spring offensive"?  The ones who were so thrilled and inspired by one battalion going over into Russian territory for some reason?  I'm pretty sure all these people didn't go die on the front lines.

They ditched you, just like they ditched Ukraine, because they never cared in the slightest.  Like the virus and the stolen elections and everything else the left does, it's an excuse to seize power, nothing else.  If there's any other goals, it all falls under "population reduction."  Congratulations, Ukraine, you've got more "late term abortions" now than you did before Russia invaded.

So why are you doing this?  Russia and Ukraine have their own problems, let them deal with it.  You refused and now this is the result.  The equivalent of this is going on everywhere else in the world where leftists have any authority.  I'm getting to the point where we shouldn't wait for God to punish them, we need to get that started now.

California Female Senator Used Male Staffer as Sex Slave; Forced to Perform Sex Acrobatics that Injured Him
September 9, 2024

□ [“Germany notifies the EU it will bring in controls on ALL land borders"]

I wouldn't have notified them but I guess there's some reason for them to do this.  New rules will involve "harsh rejections of migrants at the borders."  There's reasons to be skeptical, it's a woman making these decisions and just last year, she opposed strengthening the borders with Poland, Switzerland and Czech.  Now they're building up resistance to incomers from every neighbor in Europe.  We'll see if they really mean that or if it's just a show.

At some point, the EU is going to need to put its foot down and forbid any nation to do such a thing.  Don't know if they'll do that with Germany because, dude, Germany, but they'll need to promote their authority or get out of the way and I don't think they're willing to get out of the way.  The more they push, the more every European nation will start to remember why they existed in the first place, and it wasn't for this *woke* nightmare.

Not sure how well that will work because the invaders have already been working on this for decades, occupying more and more turf.  But the resistance has been growing, it's getting close to a decade since Brexit was voted for.  Not that it's been all that effective, as far as I know, but nationalism is coming back.  Good thing, we'll have to fight for it.

I never remember the specifics, but sometimes I check wikipedia to look up the origins of this globalist nonsense, and it usually goes back a few centuries in Europe.  Makes sense, the world have finally become complex enough for the average person that those who self-identified as elites decided they were qualified to control it all.  The seeds were planted a long time ago and we'll need to go deep to dig them out, while fighting invaders at the same time, as well as producing enough for our own survival.  Who's more motivated to win?

18-Year-Old Florida High School Football Player Dies After Collapsing During Game
September 9, 2024

□ [“Animal Sacrifice Rituals Are Increasing in Queens, New York"]

From KFC to Mary Kay Cosmetics, just think of how much liberal support these businesses could have gotten all these years if only they said they were doing it for animal sacrifice.  Picture the PETA ads we'd have gotten if more celebrities showed their support for chopping the critters up for some reason.  I guess they weren't really that serious.

In Queens, it's Hindus doing this for religion.  Down in Georgia, it's the Haitians, not sure why.  Pretty sure it's happening elsewhere, yet another example of leftists staying completely silent about it.  You think the illegal immigrants you support will totally become like normal Americans and not bring in any of the things you oppose.  Except animal sacrifice, that's cool.

There's no geographical connection, but naturally I think of this going back to the Aztecs in the Americas and ancient Egypt/early Jews in Eurasia.  It's probably the same religious beliefs everywhere, only the details vary, but that would line up with what our rulers are going for.  They do it and they include human sacrifice, but they really don't like that it's still held private.

They also link up with societies that still do this and invite them into the country.  If you don't like chopping up animals, you're racist.

Harvey Weinstein Rushed Out of Rikers Island Prison For Emergency Heart Surgery
September 9, 2024

□ [“Kamala Reveals Short, Vague Statement on Her Alleged "Positions" On Eve of Debate"]

Is it just me or have the people in charge started reducing attention given to Harris?  It's very subtle so I might be mistaken, but something about this seems like they're starting to give up hope that they can steal the election and install her.  They've tried to get these new viruses started and nobody's going along.  They say the economy is doing great and everybody knows that's not true.

Harris has nothing to work on, a bimbo who's been installed in comfortable positions, it's not like Trump hasn't dealt with those before.  She could be replaced by anybody and the plans would still stay the same, so now they're just throwing a few things on some website and pretending that she's made a statement of her plans.  Who's supposed to fall for that?

The *woke* agenda is completely failing across the board.  They can't point to any actual accomplishments, but they're expensive, bossy and very irritating, nothing that you would go with if you wanted to really appeal to other people.  Considering all their other plans, this is probably where they're *really* desperate, although even there, the DEI is still there.  Companies may be closing down those offices, but I don't hear of them firing the people they hired for that, so it's still going on, like a parasite.

So unless she calls in sick or they find an assassin for Trump that's a better shot, the debate will happen tomorrow.  Now they have a few pages that maybe Harris can memorize, to the extent she doesn't answer every question with 'look it up on this website.'  It's the best hope they have and it's starting to look like even they know this won't work out.

Swiss Muslim Politician Resigns After Posting Video of Shooting of 'Mary and Jesus' Icon as Target Practice
September 9, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Projects:  Claims Trump May Skip Tuesday's Debate Because of 'Cowardice'"]

Senility, booze or just the belief that she can make up anything and be automatically right?  Whichever reason it is, no one's going to ask her about this tomorrow.  She may already be planning to say that there's no need for an election, Harris won 100% right there.

It's still baffling why nobody ever challenges her, at least not from her own party.  No matter how much they talk about defying authority, specifically rich old white people, Democrats just follow orders without question.  Do they really expect her to live forever?  And if she doesn't, what do they do then?

When Nancy Pelosi was born, Elvis Presley was five years old.  When she was in her twenties, leftists were complaining about the old people in charge and demanded the new generation be accepted.  And yet she's still here.  For all the rhetoric about the 60s, the left is not going to permit youth to speak out against them like that again.

First Illegal Alien This Year Charged in Connection to Voting Fraud After Years of Voting in US Elections
September 9, 2024

Trump Vows to Place 100% Tariff on Countries Not Doing Business on the US Dollar — To Protect US Dollar Dominance
September 9, 2024

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