23 September, 2024

I will post when the cat tells me to and not before.

Married Kentucky Democrat Lawmaker Groped Strippers While Drunk, Offered Money for Sex
September 23, 2024

Writers and Academics Applaud Brazil's Censorship in Open Letter
September 20, 2024

□ [“Janet Jackson Claims Kamala Harris Is Not Black"]

Now here's someone we don't hear from very much since she converted to Islam.  I have no idea if she even does interviews anymore or if she was sent out to say this, but she did this time, saying Harris was indian, not black.  Ok, fair enough.  It's enough to get her banned in modern media but Janet is black so she gets a pass.

But then someone who claimed to be Janet's spokesman apologized and said Janet was spreading "misinformation."  Then Janet spoke out and said she's not apologizing, she said what she said and this guy is not authorized to speak for her.  A little later, the guy stated that he had been fired by Janet (and her brother Randy) for this.

This seems like the sort of thing that could go deeper than it appears on first glance, precisely because Janet is a black female muslim in a very influential family.  The Jacksons go back to the days of Motown and Muslims have been involved at least since they surrounded Michael for support during his later years.  At least one of the Jacksons is also a Muslim, not Randy, but not sure which one.

So was this guy one of that group speaking out automatically to protect Janet?  Was he a distant connection, someone she's never heard of before?  Or was he a poser and was even lying about being fired since was never hired?  Any of those are possible.  Then there's each of these people, regardless of family or race, must be having their own internal conflicts on how stupid they have to be to support Harris who has nothing but her light skin color to stand on.

Volkswagen is Halting US Electric Vehicle Production Until at Least 2025
September 23, 2024

□ [“State Dept Just Issued Level 4 Warning to US Citizens—Do Not Travel to Haiti!"]

Things like this give the impression that even our masters are admitting that yeah, Trump's in charge.  Sure, mock him for saying Haitians eat cats, but then actually look into it and find that they actually do that and more.  The more you look into it, the more you realize that a dangerous place Haiti is and what kind of people live there, as well as those who move to the US.  So the only safe option is to tell Americans not to go there because of how dangerous it is.

It would be easy to point out how the executive branch was ready to make such a statement, they just hadn't bothered to get around to it yet.  And then Harris was so busy attacking Trump for the telling the truth about Haiti that no one could tell her about this.  That's how serious they are about avoiding danger.

So to get anything done, they have to listen to the last guy in charge instead of pretending to listen to the guy who pretends to be in charge now, or his side chick.  Biden and Harris don't even have a clue what's going on and no one's going to ask about this.  They would just repeat the simple-minded narrative of how we need to bring these cat-eaters here to help us.

Violent Mob Rampages in Philadelphia, Attacks Police Officers and Patrol Cars as Lawlessness Reigns Supreme
September 23, 2024

□ [“UN Votes on ‘Pact for the Future,’ Agenda Against Sovereignty With Digital Controls, Climate Mandates"]

This is another level to establish the 'new world order,' just piling a bunch of pacts on top of each other.  These people were never elected, they just assume they're in charge.  They've never had to point to where they get this authority, all they know is that they're special.  This is the fundamental concept of elitism, it just comes automatically.

Just look at how deluded they are from reality.  They're promising "a sustainable, just, and peaceful global order – for all peoples and nations," ignoring how many are going on right now that they're doing nothing about.  I don't think it's a coincidence that the philistines got to get one last anti-Israel bill for a vote before this came along, that was probably part of the plan.

Beyond that, there's just claiming that Africa and developing countries will give us more orders than before.  The list is all about giving everyone else's money to poor nations - not individuals, of course not - with global warming and standard leftist tropes for an excuse.  They control the young people so young people will make the decisions too.  And women, for some reason only one gender gets mentioned out of dozens and dozens, but they're special.

The top-down believers have a lot of advantages, no denying that, but the bottom-up builders have more in the long-term.  I keep saying this, but it's why we need to go on strike, as a way to organize the resistance.  There is going to be one and they will eventually win, but it'll be a lot easier for all of us if this gets started sooner rather than later.

Gavin Newsom Signs Legislation Banning Plastic Bags in California
September 23, 2024

□ [“DOJ Releases Second Trump Assassin's Letter Offering $150,000 to Anyone Who Can 'Finish the Job'"]

Yes, if he fails to kill Trump, you have the chance to make money doing it yourself.  The DOJ refused to release the journals by one of those transgender shooters because it might be dangerous, but telling people they'll get money for killing Trump is totally safe.  How unbiased can you get?  Maybe the first assassin offer the same deal.

Or maybe he never wrote such a thing and the DOJ is faking it.  Who's going to stop them?  We still don't know how he even knew where to find Trump, yet he was somehow waiting at the golf course for hours without being seen by Secret Service.  Two assassination attempts in two months that the people who are supposed to be protecting the target went out of their way to help the would-be assassins, and now they're trying to get more.

If by some miracle we make it to November and even more unlikely that Trump wins by such a landslide that there's no way the people in charge can fake it, he's not going to make it to take office in January.  If nothing else, one of the Secret Service will volunteer to 'die for him' since that's the job anyway, if they can't find anybody else.

I'm also surprised this guy is still alive.  The longer he lives, the more people will want to ask him why he did this and the more chances he'll have to explain.  Is it going to be hard to find out where he got the needed information to carry out the mission?

Israeli Military Raids Al Jazeera’s Office — Confiscates Equipment and Orders 45-Day Closure in West Bank
September 22, 2024

Biden Says Staff Won't Allow Him to Have “Young Girls” With Him on Stage But He’s Going to Do It Anyway
September 23, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Accused of ‘Straight Up Lying’ When Confronted About How Kamala Became Nominee"]

“You had reportedly said you wanted a sort of an ‘open primary’ if Joe Biden stepped down.  Did you change your mind because you saw all the excitement around Kamala Harris?”

“No, I didn’t change my mind.  We had an open primary, and she won it.  Nobody else got in the race.”

I get that they need to deny reality but are they serious?  Where are the ballots from this so-called "open primary"?  How many people voted?  This is just claiming that they know best and everybody else has to obey orders, which applies to Harris too.  Is Nancy drunk again?  She turns to focus on the crowd during her answer and they are commanded to start applauding.  This is who these people are.

As the election theft takes place, and it's already started in case you hadn't heard, we're going to find out how many of these mindless drones there really are.  We'll also see who isn't going to go along with this any longer.

No one on either side is going to accept the election results if they actually happen.  There will be resistance and the leftists will find themselves without any back-up supplies.  Advantages to our rulers will be that they've pushed the poison-vaccine on as many people as possible and invited in tens of millions of military-age foreign males.  It's possible that the point is to replace us.  Maybe they're just disposables because it won't end without a fight.

But Nancy gets to stay in her little room pretending there was an open primary.  Nobody got in the race against Biden, not Harris.  She really can't tell the difference.

Ex-NYC COVID czar fired from job after copping to drug-fueled sex parties during pandemic
September 23, 2024

Six Black People Slashed After Massive Brawl Spills From House Party Onto Brooklyn Street
September 23, 2024

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