14 September, 2024

When I self-identified as a little girl, I asked my mother what will I be? She looked at me like I had lost my frikkin' mind.

Could the lesbian space witches have been about Hillary, trying to set up a plan for the future where she could replace Harris?

Celebrity Kevin Hart’s California Fast-Food Chain Suddenly Closes All Locations Following Minimum Wage Hike
September 14, 2024

□ [“Feds and NYC Announce Plans to Crack Down on Animal Sacrifices That Leftist Media Says Don’t Exist"]

It's just empty talk, they wouldn't actually go through with it.  For one thing, they believe what leftist media says, so obviously there's nothing for them to go after.  For another thing, they wouldn't dream of imposing their rules on a different culture that needs to be protected from them.  For a third thing, "population reduction" is totally legal or at least will be treated that way, so do more of it.

For a fourth thing, they don't do anything to keep human beings alive in those neighborhoods, why would they care about cats and dogs?  And for a fifth thing, have you forgotten that DEI requires everything be carried out equally according to skin color?  You cannot punish non-white people for animal sacrifice any more than you punish white people for the same crime, and if you're not punishing white people for sacrificing animals, then that's that.

More cities are coming out with immigrants and we're told that they're doing dogs too.  Unless the government is sending in food, these people are probably getting hungry and taking whatever they can catch.  They are not trying to be American, they want to bring Haiti (or wherever) here permanently.  This is the 'new world order' and it's not about helping civilization.

6 RINOs Sign Democrat Pledge to Certify 2024 Election Results Without Knowing the Details
September 14, 2024

□ [“US Soldiers Give Kamala Harris a Brutal Fact-Check"]

In the debate, Harris said "As of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world."  This video is someone pointing their phone at the tv as she says this, then scanning around to see the soldiers in their tent watching and one asks "then where the f*ck are we then?"

She already makes sure to avoid honoring the dead, but doesn't anyone think at some point she should have at least the slightest respect for people she's going to pretend to be in charge of?  Or are they as disposable as any other government property?  

She's showing off her ignorance and her unwillingness to learn anything before she makes any claims.  That's not who you want to be in charge.  Leftists want that, but they're going to be ignored when the stolen elections go through.  This may even be what the 'new world order' is planning for, installing Harris precisely so the military will unanimously quit, then the real attack can get started.

As always, it's why I keep saying we need men with experience as senior military leaders to stand up and form a resistance.  They'll know how to actually deal with this and those who support the puppet leaders don't.  Better to start before the collapse than after.

New Hampshire Gov. Signs Law Mandating U.S. Citizenship for Voter Registration, Photo ID for Voting — Implementation Delayed Until After November
September 14, 2024

□ [“Biden Freaks Out on Reporter For Asking Him a Question"]

Is anybody else shocked when they hear Biden is still around?  You'd think he'd be kept locked away and only see when there's some document that they can't fake his signature on.  Maybe that's what's going on here, it was a meeting with Britain to discuss Ukraine.  They even had reporters there, one of whom asked for his thoughts on Putin's recent statement.

And Biden just snapped “I say you be quiet until I speak, okay?  That’s what I said, okay?  Good idea?”

That's not an answer, that's a petty tyrant who thinks he's better than everyone else.  Or a leftist, if you can't tell the difference.  They're going to push war with a nuclear power and they don't need to let anybody else know until it's too late.  Just obey, that's why we're all here.  The master says so.

Between this and Harris not having a clue where soldiers are or what they do, it's obvious that our rulers are trying to make sure our side gets slaughtered as much as possible.  It's was a British reporter who asked, the Americans wouldn't be here if they didn't know their place, although Starmer was also there so you'd think they'd know anyway.

But there is also the fact that they're pushing for war and going out of their way to avoid admitting it.  No one even asks Biden where he got that idea of the Russia/Ukraine thing being just a "minor incursion"  Nearing the end of its third year, that's a long time to spend on a war that's so "minor" but even if he were asked, he'd refuse to answer.

Kamala Says Quiet Part Out Loud:  Government ‘Oversight’ Needed to Police Internet, Rein in Thought Crimes
September 14, 2024

□ [“CNN Panel Turns on Host Live On-Air For Lies About Kamala’s Fracking Position – ‘That’s Not True!'"]

Maybe it would be clearer if I'd paid any attention to this debate, and this is just anecdotal, but it does look like even the media is realizing there's serious problems with pretending Harris is worth anything as a politician.  CNN in particular seems to be getting closer to admitting the truth, but it's happening elsewhere too.

In this case, it's pointed out that Harris campaigned on banning fracking in 2019, the host insists that she changed her mind at some point, with no information or evidence, and the panel immediately points out that's false, even the ones who self-identify as blatant collectivists and other media liars.

Part of it has to do with the upcoming war and realizing that maybe we should have leaders who don't advocate "population reduction" and avoid clarity as much as possible.  Maybe it's also about the economy and the invasion of illegals for the same reason, which CNN has been covering all these years.  And maybe these big news networks just can't find enough people to fill up a tv studio and promote the same obvious lies.

Even deeper than that, we're all breaking down as civilization crumbles, and the left has less to rely on, physically, mentally, spiritually.  They wouldn't be leftists if they did.  For that matter, there may even be CNN executives ordering them to do this on screen, either as part of an internal argument or preparing for some sort of purge.

New York Times Warns Not to Expect a Result on Election Night Due to ‘Intense Security’ of Mail-In Ballots
September 14, 2024

□ [“Harris Steals Credit for Trump's Executive Order Eliminating College Degree Requirements for Federal Jobs"]

Trump dropped the requirement in 2020.  Was it ignored immediately or does whoever writes Harris' teleprompter just never check this stuff?  It comes off like they know that the few real people who support her will believe anything, they just need to swap Trump's name for hers.

Thought that the people in charge of Biden used every tactic to promote lies and not care if it gets any real votes, but they've just doubled down on this for Harris.  Trump capped insulin costs, Harris/Biden reversed that and then re-reversed it to demand credit.  There's removing the tax on waiter's tips which Harris voted for and now pretends to oppose and the child tax credit they got from Trump's website.

It's obvious she'll never go through with this, she had four years to do that and campaigned against what she's now promising to do.  Who's actually going to believe her?  And now the media has to at least pretend they aren't totally devoted to this, because they're as devoted to falsehoods and tyranny as Harris is, and they actually know what they're doing.

They're going to steal the elections, we know that, but nobody's going to believe it, much less go along with it.  So what are they going to do, call out their invading immigrants?  Just today, I've seen two vehicles drive by with big Mexico flags.  Probably don't need a college degree for that job either.

Union for Postal Workers, Responsible For Millions of Mail-In Ballots, Endorses Kamala Harris
September 14, 2024

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