07 September, 2024

Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop being sponsored by Rococo Coffee.

Pope Francis Kisses Hand of Muslim Imam, Declares All Religions ‘Have a Role to Play’
September 6, 2024

Pakistani Arrested in Canada For Plotting Slaughter Of American Jews
September 7, 2024

□ [“Venezuelan Tren de Aragua Gang Members Threaten to Kill Property Managers at Aurora, Colorado Apartment Building"]

They have been there since April, committing "assaults and battery, human trafficking and sexual abuse of minors, unlawful firearms possession, extortion, and other criminal activities."  They have reportedly taken over apartments in Dallas, Aurora, Colorado and New York and are attacking Texas oil plants to assault people and help themselves to fuel and metals.

I'm a bit suspicious that they're all of the same gang, but it doesn't really matter.  If they are, it's an intentional operation by the invaders and if they aren't, they're just acting normal anyway.  And notice that the government has had absolutely nothing to say about this news that's been coming out for a while.

This could be why countries like China are also sending in their people, to serve as organizers for the expendables sent in by other nations.  They're getting the open warfare part started, and our rulers haven't even acknowledged it yet.  The government is making itself irrelevant because it made this happen and they want more victims.

Prisoners in Fort Worth Prisons Set to Receive Trans Surgeries Funded by Taxpayers
September 7, 2024

□ [“Dick Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris, Says Trump Greatest Ever Threat to Republic"]

It's just a public statement, there's no evidence that Cheney intentionally put this out.  Of course there's also not much proof he's still alive.  That seems to be increasingly the case with these old people who are somehow still in charge.

My guess is that the left will just ignore this.  Not just that Cheney was relevant so long ago, just that they're going to say say they don't care what he thinks.  Which is totally fair.  Is there any leftist you always despised that would change your opinion if they suddenly announced opposition to our rulers and their latest puppet?

I've said many nice things about Cheney - can't think of any offhand, but I know I have - and none of those are relevant.  It's like a few years ago when Trump said everybody should get the covid vaccine and a lot of people, myself included, still don't have it.  Then there's disagreement with various policies, dislike of his appointees, etc.

Unlike leftists, rightwingers know they can disagree with someone they otherwise claim to respect.  Just another example of projecting their own interests onto others.  Their emotions assume that everyone else has exactly the same emotion - and that may be more accurate than it seems - but those who think know that others think differently by nature.

Denver To House Illegals In Elementary School
September 7, 2024

Berkeley, California Attempts to Raise the Cost of Gas Stoves to ‘Disincentivize’ Their Use
September 6, 2024

□ [“White House Is Shocked by Hamas's Brutal Execution of Hostages - Maybe Hamas Doesn't Actually Want Peace"]

If true, it suggest that leftism is about being very stupid.  But that could explain why it's only Hamas that gets any of the blame that's usually exclusive only to *all* of Israel.  The Philistines are just helpless puppets despite voting for Hamas and supporting them and all their causes.  Next they'll start trying to find the gay movements in Palestine to see what their opinion is, or visit some abortion clinics.

It's probably just human nature, but this does line up with how a nation is formed and maintained.  Our rulers insist that the government is the only thing that's relevant, everyone else who disagrees is the enemy.  Unless it's a government they support, in which case that's reversed.  I always cite Russia as the most obvious example, it magically became a totally new country on the same land with the same people that had been there for centuries, and then they loved Russia, until it magically became a totally new country again and they're back to using anti-Russian propaganda from the 1950s.

To whatever extent Palestine has ever been an actual nation, they've always wanted Jews dead.  All of them.  For most of history, there weren't enough Jews around to bother, and it would be more work than it's worth.  But the people haven't changed, nor have the motivations of whoever's in charge at the moment.  But our masters refuse to acknowledge that.

You could argue that they do this deliberately, and I've made that argument many times, but is it possible they are just that idiotic?  Because they're officially in charge of the United States, they're a threat, but are also easy to manipulate.  Could they really believe that Hamas-supporting Jew-haters will give peace a chance if only Israel finally went along with being destroyed forever?

New York Paying Migrant Families $4000 to Aid Transition Out of Shelters
September 7, 2024

□ [“World Economic Forum Finally Admits Covid Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to New World Order"]

Their “My Carbon” internet page is about excuses and plans to create "15-minute cities."  Our freedom gets in the way, so they need to get rid of that.

1.  COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world.  There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.

They were showing that everybody had to obey them and most people would.  It's not clear who made what decisions, if many were local and regional or if they all came from the elites connected to the WEF.  Either way, they were quite successful.  They've spent a long time practicing how to get people to obey no matter how senseless or immoral the orders are.

There's an obvious worry about how far this goes.  Probably far enough that they can see this as an actual way to structure a society.  They're rich and powerful, so there's very convincing proof that it works.  That's why I assume China is in charge, having had decades to practice whatever ideas they come up with, and use North Korea for the more insane possibilities.  Now they have African colonies, who knows what else they've been able to develop.

Even scarier, how much else has happened because of this behavior over the last century or two?  It's not clear how effective this could really be for, say, ordering people to go to war, but as propaganda that's supposed to brainwash us, that would sum up popular culture pretty easily.

U.S. Army Documents Expose Violent Venezuelan Gang Threat in NYC — National Guard on High Alert
September 7, 2024

□ [“Vivek Ramaswamy Warns About What Might Happen If Trump Beats Harris in Debate"]

This title is incorrect, he doesn't really cite anything, just saying that the left has plans if she loses.  Harris is currently going through training like Biden did, learning to stand up and getting filled with drugs.  Not sure how they plan to fix her ability to talk.  An impersonator probably wouldn't work and everything other option requires her to behave like a mature adult and not an aging ditzy mistress who can't even listen to herself, much less anybody else.

He does point out that this is why the Democrats insisted on two campaign debates, one very early and the other much later, so that Biden could fail and be replaced.  The left and their pet media will obviously insist she won the debate and fake votes for her are already coming in, but what would they do if nobody else agrees with that?

The suggestion is made that Biden be kicked out permanently so that she gets to be pretend-POTUS even more than she already does, but I don't see that as an option.  They might do it anyway, but it's not going to help steal the election.  Nobody is going to think they had no interest in Harris but now she's suddenly POTUS and wants to be re-elected.  At this point there's not enough time to replace her.

But Biden is basically gone.  Every few days, he makes a bit of news on campaign for Harris, and that's it.  I expected this to happen but it's still surprising how the left just switched from how great he is and how determined he is to run for office in 2024, and then dropped him without hesitation.  It's disturbing how many people are so mindlessly obedient.  But that's the way leftists want it, that's why they're in charge.

‘This Man’s a Coward’: Illegal Immigrant Charged For Raping a 13-Year Old Louisiana Girl
September 6, 2024

Colorado Hikers Snap Picture of Apparent 20-Foot Creature Scaling the Side of a Cliff
September 7, 2024

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