13 September, 2024

It has not been a day! Stop lying!

London Mayor Sadiq Khan Gives Freed Convicts Housing Priority Over Thousands of Homeless Citizens
September 13, 2024

□ [“Putin Gives Clear Warning"]

The warning is specifically to NATO, not Ukraine.  Ukraine can keep attacking Russia, it's what they do.  They're already using drones, fine, it's war, but high-precision long-range systems that require satellite data are different, because Ukraine doesn't have those satellites.  Only the west could do that, and that's war against Russia.  Same thing goes for the NATO members setting flight missions for missiles and firing them, instead of letting Ukraine do that.

NATO's governments are all supporting invaders and opposing their own people.  Their militaries are crap and they aren't even bothering to declare war.  I'm willing to be drones are capable of doing things most of us can't conceive and Russia has a lot more current experience sending and receiving.  They could hit Washington DC tomorrow and be totally justified, and then what?  Who's the "commander in chief" these days?  More importantly, who would follow orders from whatever gender that CiC self-identifies as?

Zelensky has been telling US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy that he wants more long-range missiles and so far it looks like NATO is obeying.  But this is very unclear, and gives me the impression that he's basically blackmailing them with whatever info Ukraine has on our rulers.  Pretty sure Russia has the same evidence and they're smart enough to make back-up plans in case one scheme doesn't work.

"Zelensky believes after this campaign Russia would be forced to retreat, at some point Putin's leadership would be destabilized and replaced, with the new leadership signing a peace deal."

You're kidding.  Who does he supporting for this "new leadership"?  Which ones does he think wouldn't sign a peace deal?  What if, what if Putin doesn't get replaced, or even destabilized?  Oh, that might happen "at some point," but what if it's not for another 20 years, even before the replacement happens?  What will you do then?  Any back-up plans?  This is betting a lot on Russia being "forced to retreat" which you really haven't done yet.

I keep saying that anybody who supports Ukraine should get on the next airplane to get to Kiev and head straight to the front lines, but now we're all there against our will, and these people don't even realize that.  Those of us who wanted to avoid this disaster at least tried to make back-up plans, those who want war against Russia have done nothing of the sort.

This is a nuclear power who has access to a lot of secrets our rulers don't want us to know, and that's not even getting into how they can rely on China, India, Iran, South Africa and every other non-white country joining BRICS.  The war is definitely happening now and will soon be at our front door.

Anti-Israel Mob Commandeers AAUP, the Union of College Professors
September 13, 2024

□ [“Fani Willis Defies Subpoena, Skips Georgia State Senate Hearing on 'Alleged Misconduct'"]

Haven't been paying attention to this case, it has something to do with Trump and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) but I have no idea what they've made up this time.  I haven't even bothered to keep track of the judge who is black, female and adulterous, having committed perjury about her affair with her prosecutor.  They're the ones who see nothing wrong with going after Trump.  Or ignoring the law.

From Kamala Harris to Disney and Neil Gaiman, it's just starting to look like our elites have some different view of marriage and, by extension, cheating on the spouse.  Nothing about Nancy Pelosi's husband looks like he's straight.  Even with this Willis chick, three judges have recused themselves from hearing this case.  Is it because they don't want to deal with such smut or because they know what she's into and they all like the same things?

This could be the doorway into the demon-worshipping cult.  I never think about this but it's always been noted that adultery comes right after murder in the 10 Commandments.  Not two things you'd think would go together, but there they are, together like a horse and carriage.  This could be part of the hidden life our elites want imposed on the rest of us without our knowledge.  That's something I think officially started when Bill and Hillary reached the White House although it was obviously being built up before then.

I have no reason whatsoever to think Trump was always faithful to however many wives he's had, so this may be how he got in on the conspiracy to begin with.  I like this theory but I'd need a lot more solid evidence to develop it, or even think of it beyond a passing fantasy.  But it does look like *something* is there that's becoming more relevant every day.

Spanish Congress recognizes Edmundo González as the legitimate president of Venezuela
September 12, 2024

Another Handout? California Considering Proposal to Give Phone Subsidies to Illegals
September 13, 2024

□ [“‘Haitian Voodoo Is, In Fact, Real’:  Democrat POTUS Candidate Marianne Williamson Defends Trump on ‘Haitians Eating Pets’"]

This is another area where the left is coming short of dealing with reality.  For whatever reason, Haiti has always been a cauldron of demon-worship and depravity.  Can't even blame "racism," at least if you're realistic, because the Dominican Republic doesn't have these issues and is made up with the same type of people on the same Caribbean island, Hispaniola.

Given how close the island is to Cuba and by extension to the southern US, I wonder if this black magic has been coming into the US with blacks for centuries.  Regardless, we know the Clintons have been having their way with the island for over a decade, and other elites have their own islands in the region,  Perhaps Epstein Island was the central headquarters of their cult.  And our masters want to bring that here.

But *woke* leftists refuse to accept that.  They'll ignore whatever dark-skinned Haitians tell them and show them and decades of evidence because that might help Trump, so that's all they need to know.  That's how devoted they are to "animal rights" and pushing your religion into other people's bodies without consent.

Boeing Workers Begin Massive Strike, Production of 737 Max Halted
September 13, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Can’t Give One Reason Why Pennsylvania Should Vote For Her"]
□ [“Kamala Harris Nervously Babbles When Asked How She's Different From Biden"]

She has to actually take some questions but when asked how she's different, completely avoids the question and just goes on about a child-tax credit.  When asked how she'll speak to Trump voters, she doesn't actually name anything, she just throws together random English words like that's supposed to be an answer.  Isn't someone at least carrying a teleprompter for her to read from?

The fix is in, she probably already has enough mail-in ballets to win the election, I'll keep saying that until there's proof to the contrary, but it does look like the people in charge have given up on her.  I don't see much commentary on this week's debate, other than leftist media and spokesmen admitting that she was wrong about something and Trump was right, or just that ABC did a horrible job with all its long-time connections to Harris and her people.

Nothing to really point to, but I just get the impression that some bubble popped with this debate.  I would hope so, naturally, and Trump would be expected to be much more experienced with this than I am.  I might just be imagining things but I'd really appreciate if the left suddenly realizes that they've tied themselves to balloon that keeps getting smaller and weaker until they're ready to fall.

Tim Walz Mistakenly Says Kamala Began Her Career as ‘Young Prostitutor’
September 13, 2024

Pop Star Justin Timberlake Pleads Guilty to Drunk Driving, Gets Off with Just a Slap on the Wrist
September 13, 2024

Moderna Scales Back Its Vaccine Ambitions as Covid Jab Revenue Collapses
September 13, 2024

Biden Claims He Attended Sunday Black Church Services and Planned the Delaware “Desegregation Efforts”
September 13, 2024

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