01 September, 2024

When you woke up this morning, you were a purple octopus. Why did you immediately change back?

My wife is whining about my job again, saying I just spend time sitting around and texting people like I'm doing now, lol.  I tell her a job's a job, and mine is to watch security on an exhaust port so no suicide bombers can get in, or other rebel scum.  But then she starts talking about her friend Jeannie whose husband just got hired to work on a new Death Star that Emperor Palpatine (PBUH) is planning to construct.  I tell her we're not moving to the Endor system, we can go all around the galaxy and stay right here, but she just won't listen.20240901

Man Removed from Delta Flight for Wearing Donald Trump T-Shirt Flipping the Bird
September 1, 2024

□ [“Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich Urges ‘Global Regulators’ to Arrest Elon Musk"]

I've long suspected that leftists and globalists have long self-identified as being their own government, up to and including making their own laws which they want to impose on the rest of the world.  Furthermore, I always assume the Clintons are involved and by extension, whoever worked for them.

There's the Clinton Foundation, funneling money and human trafficking around the world.  Clinton himself was able to make worldwide connections through the 90s after Russia stopped being a threat and then use Hillary as SoS a decade later.  Al Gore got to set up the official 'global warming' religion and has barely been heard from since.

So now here's the Labor Secretary of Clinton's first term demanding someone be arrested for... not censoring social media.  He doesn't bother to cite the law being broken or who will do the arresting or what the punishment will be, indicating that he's either making it up as he goes along because he's the true master of the world, or those in the *know* will already know the government regulations he's citing and who will handle law enforcement.

This could explain a lot about the global war going on.  These people think they're in charge and they have a lot more evidence than we're allowed to see.  But that also means we don't *accept* their rule and some people know enough to fight back.  This may be why people around Bill Clinton keep dying accidentally from multiple bullets to the head.

California Lawmakers Pass Token Bills to Apologize for ‘Racism’ — Immediately Approve Cash for Illegal Immigrants to Buy Homes
September 1, 2024

□ [“Kamala Closes an Already Disastrous Week by Trashing Gold Star Families"]

It's helpful to have a list of what Harris has done this week since obviously she's not someone you pay much attention to.  The media tries but there's a limit to how much focus they can give someone who doesn't say much and messes up when she does.

The convention and the soft interview didn't help her in the polls.  She's suddenly decided she worked at McDonalds when she was younger, with no location, date or any mention any time in her career until now.  She agreed to debate with Trump a week from now, then decided to demand brand-new rules, and then had to give up when nobody went along with those.  And now there's attacking Gold Star Families.

She'll send your sons off to die (she claims to be the last one in the room with Biden when deciding to make that idiotic retreat from the Taliban.)  She'll lie about being there when the corpses arrive in the US.  (Biden and Jill are in the pictures, Biden looking at his watch, no sign of Harris.  She won't attend any memorial to you (or she wasn't invited, I've heard both arguments.)  Then she'll attack you for daring to invite someone she doesn't like to the memorial.  She'll even whine that Trump was in pictures with the the families she's attacking now because it's wrong to do a political ad at Arlington, even though Biden did the same thing at Arlington in 2020 as a political ad.

Obviously this isn't all on Harris, it's the people around her doing this in her name.  She might not have the slightest clue any of this is going on, probably just sitting on the couch, watching tv and eating chocolate.  But if you want to treat her like a qualified leader, this is a very bad way to do it and the military knows that.  Frankly I'd probably support it if the military overthrew her and her ilk right now, but it'll probably be a while before that happens.

Who’s Running the Country?  Biden Spends His 16th Straight Day on Vacation Lounging on the Beach
September 1, 2024

□ [“Miserable Prince Harry Wants His Old Life Back and is Planning a Royal Return"]

It'll probably work out for him.  I don't know why, but it would be the worst thing the royal family could do, so that's probably what they'll do.  It doesn't sound like Harry's gotten very far in life without the royal authority he was born with, and he's stuck with that wife.  He may not even have enough money for alimony when she dumps him, so he needs more royal gossip to sell.

Charles seems to be dying of some unknown disease, which is basically why he took the throne.  I would have gained a lot of respect for him if he'd been handed the crown and immediately turned around to give it to William, but he spent 70+ years waiting for his mother to die and wasn't about to give it up now.  I'm assuming Harry wants in on that before dad is a corpse.  There's still time for Charles III to end up the way Charles I did.

It hasn't been two years since Elizabeth died.  As much as everyone liked her, by being so quiet and respectable, she basically oversaw England's degradation to irrelevance over the decades.  When she took the throne, Elvis Presley was still in high school.  She'd been queen for over 9 years when Diana was born and would last another 25 years after her death.  I can't think of anyone who better represents what happened to the world in that time.

So just to add, I think Harry is probably going through the male version of what happened to Diana.  No matter how much wealth and pretense you find, leaving a royal family is a very notable step downward.  It doesn't sound like Harry has found much to work with and his wife isn't helping.  Diana was hanging with Dodi Fayed, Egyptian/Saudi aristocrat, the ideal place for a leftist ex-princess.  Harry probably brought some more of that into the royal family before he quit, and wants to get it started again.

NYC Health Department Sprays Pesticides on Streets to Prevent West Nile Virus, Warns Residents to Stay Inside
September 1, 2024

□ [“There’s an Election Coming:  Even Canadian PM Trudeau Vows To Act Against Mass Migration"]

Does anybody else notice that the western countries all seem to be having elections recently where the candidates promise to actually be sensible for a change and then after the elections, double down on the leftist tyranny they always supported anyway?  As Americans, we don't care about other countries, but it's a big indicator that Harris has already been installed as POTUS and isn't going to leave until the people in charge decide to get rid of her.

It doesn't help that Canada and Europe have been tied to the US for decades militarily.  They save tons of money by relying on us for defense which they can throw away on leftist propaganda.  This leads them to decide they should be the ones in charge because they're special, which in turn deludes American leftists, and the cycle just keeps repeating itself.

But this does seem kind of weird.  They know the elections are already stolen, so why are they bothering to lie about doing the right thing for a change?  How many people do they think will believe this, and in that case, why do it in the first place?  Do they have some bet going on about how many *real* votes they can get?  They self-identify as being "citizens of the world" and want the nation-state erased from existence, so what's the point of this?

“I Don’t Want to Answer Because I Might Tell You What I Think” – Biden on Trump’s Visit to Arlington Cemetery
September 1, 2024

□ [“Israeli-American Hostage and 5 Others Found Dead – Executed by Hamas in a Gaza Tunnel"]

They've been kidnapped for almost eleven months and the US hasn't bothered to do anything about rescuing them.  But someone with access to Joe Biden's twitter account immediately posted "I've worked tirelessly to bring Hersh home, and Jill and I could not be more heartbroken by the news of his death."

He's been on vacation for the last two weeks and still has at least another week going.  Didn't bother to show up to the memorial at Arlington either, for soldiers he sent to die.  But at least someone puts his name on twitter to say how much he cares.  How believable.  Maybe he's available to demand Israel accept a cease-fire again.

The guy's parents got to speak at the DNC, demanding Israel agree with Hamas.  That works so well.  I'm not looking into the details but the headline lists him as "Israeli-American," a term which there are natural reasons to oppose, and I say this as an avid Israeli-supporting American.  You don't get to have multiple countries.  Pick one and stay with it.

With Israel, I've repeatedly said that God picked the Jews for a reason and they are effectively a separate nation regardless of where they live, so that choice has been made already.  It's why Israel has existed for six thousand years now stick with it for a change.

Meanwhile, I think Hamas still has most of the hostages they took on October 7.  Still not looking into the details, but I think some have gotten free and some others are definitely dead.  Just assume all of them are dead and erase Gaza from the face of the earth.  Show them what real genocide looks like instead of the namby-pamby whimpering Jew-haters have been doing for the last 80 years.  Let's see what Biden tweets about that.

Walz Turns His Back and Walks Away as Reporter Asks About the Six Hostages Found Dead in Gaza
September 1, 2024

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