31 August, 2024

Nothing to see here! Please disperse!

Rapper Fatman Scoop Dies at 53 After Tragic On-Stage Collapse in Connecticut
August 31, 2024

□ [“Hillary Clinton Drops Out of Kamala Harris Fundraiser in the Hamptons After Getting Covid"]

I get that they're trying to pretend the fake-virus is still a danger, at least for those who were vaccinated, but this is odd timing.  Biden got it just before suddenly dropping out of the race, so why Hillary?  And now she has to send Bill Clinton to the fundraiser alone to see Harris.  Doesn't that raise any red flags?

Even scarier, my theory is that, as far as leftists are concerned, Harris is already POTUS, so that's who Bill would be cheating on Hillary with.  At this point in his life, there aren't too many new thrills Bill would be able to find, after all his time on Epstein island, so this would check one off the list.

And covid?  Remember when that was a thing?  They're trying to bring it back, but it only hits those who are *supposed* to be vaccinated.  The rest of us just have to get through the winter of death Joe Biden promised.  But it hit all these Democrats who attended Chicago.  Maybe Biden brought it, I didn't see any diagnoses that he was clear from it, just that he had it and needed to drop out of the campaign.

Junkies and Migrants Turn NYC Block into Crime-Ridden Nightmare, Burn Two Homes w/Stolen E-Bikes
August 31, 2024

□ [“The imminent collapse of Great Britain"]

This covers their economic connections to Ukraine, specifically how the UK is funneling out way more money than any sane person would to a nation that was already broke before the war started.  They've given £7.5 billion in military and financial aid to Ukraine, whose 2024 budget deficit is $44 billion.  They owe $161.5 billion.  The US, the World Bank and a lot of others have forked over money as well, tying themselves to this collapse.

In July 2022, Ukraine got a two-year break from repayment on $20 million bonds.  Two years later, they begged for more.  Zelensky went to London in mid-July to beg for a break from the EU, Charles and the new Britain PM.  They said there would be a deal, but it wasn't binding.  Is it coincidence that the Kursk attack started in early August, reportedly set-up by Britain?  Don't know why, but there's a link.

The British banks are also collapsing, probably a convenient excuse for the government to arrest anyone who complains.  Send these poor people to jail, that's the best solution for all-concerned.  The US and EU are almost-certainly nearing the same problems - I mean the banks, we already have the tyranny - and are doing the same thing for Ukraine, what a coincidence.

And Ukraine has completely given up on paying its debts.  So all of those who are tied to it are losing out, including the US.  So that's how the war is going, Russia is toying with Ukraine and by extension, all the western countries are ready to collapse.  That's how strategy works, and all the Ukraine supporters are still raving that his troops will be moving any time unless we *DO SOMETHING!!!*

Prince Harry and Prince William ‘Kept Their Distance’ During Funeral
August 31, 2024

I've noticed that the push for digital currency seems to have vanished over the last year or two.  Partially it's the economy, but the rest of it is probably the government.  There's absolutely no reason to trust the people who can shut off the currency with the push of a button any time they want, and they really don't like the majority of their populous.

Ok, put that aside for a moment.  The government is totally trustworthy to oversee your finances.  Doesn't mean they can't be hacked.  You don't think China or Russia would be working on that, just to name two out of a whole world full of cyberhackers?  Oh, but the government would totally be able to protect itself!  It didn't protect Social Security from being completely hacked last December and only reported this month, why would they do better elsewhere?

Consciously or not, most people realize this.  It's understandable why currency should be based on gold and silver, but regardless, people want to see it for real.  Digital currency can be a useful tool but it doesn't work if there's no electricity and we're a lot closer to that situation than we've been in many years.

California State Senate And Assembly Pass Law Requiring Universities to Hire Illegal Alien Students
August 31, 2024

□ [“Pelosi Wants to Grant Citizenship and Free Housing to Illegal Immigrants All on Taxpayers’ Dime"]

She wouldn't treat Americans like that.  Is there any precedent in history of elite rulers inviting in a new aristocracy?  Or even siding with the invaders?  It's one thing in an honest war, calling out to the invaders 'I'm on your side!  How can I help?' (as Ukraine did with Germany in the early 1940s) but our rulers don't even acknowledge that's what they're doing.

The invaders sure aren't going to take it seriously.  They weren't willing to do anything against the nations they came from, and that's assuming they aren't still full-time employees of their real homes.  It's only our masters who can't see this going wrong, or else they actively want it to go wrong.

Haven't been following scripture for a while, but I still think of the parts that I have read, and this just seems like Lot insisting that the brand new guys he picked up at the city gates must be protected.  'Here's my daughters, do what you want to them instead.'  That's what Nancy's doing here, and the results will be the same.

New York County Makes First Arrest Under New Mask Ban, 18-year old male
August 31, 2024

□ [“Georgia Governor Is Preventing an Investigation into the 2020 Election from Taking Place"]
□ [“DOJ to Sue Wisconsin Town for Counting Ballots by Hand – to Protect Persons with Disabilities"]
□ [“Pennsylvania Court:  Counties Must Validate Ballots Despite Incorrect Dates on Return Envelopes"]
□ [“Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Arkansas Can’t Reject Online Voter Registration with Electronic Signatures"]

All of this happening at once and I might be missing a few articles.  Not only are they bringing in invaders and every form of election theft known to mankind, but their bringing in their high-ranking officials to force everyone to obey.  There's no reason to obey them, the system is already totally broken so just start from there.  They're ready start sending in fake votes any day now.

They can't expect people to comply with this, can they?  Even if our rulers themselves are that deluded, there's no way the people really in charge could be.  They must be intending to cause chaos or else they have some actual weapon ready to go.  I still say we won't even make it to November but obviously with each day that passes, it becomes increasingly likely that we will.

But all these people will still be there, imposing as much tyranny as possible.  They really want to throw out the concept of fair elections and I would suspect that means throwing out the elections themselves.  If they still exist, it's a requirement to take up people's time and energy, with the results already determined.  They've been preparing this for a long time, and they're ready to strike.

Federal Court Says Schools Can Censor ‘Let’s Go Brandon’
August 13, 2024

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