20 August, 2024

But there's a lot of things that are new *over* the sun, so there!

General Motors to Cut 1,000 Software Engineers, 600 in Michigan After UAW President Endorses Kamala at DNC
August 20, 2024

□ [“Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear Calls For Rape of J.D. Vance Family Member; 'Make Him Go Through This!' to Give Birth"]

Is there a specific family member you have in mind that you want to rape or will you just be taking whoever is there?  If this family member does not become pregnant after your first rape, will you continue to rape her until she gets pregnant?  Wouldn't it be more convenient for you to rape multiple family members to ensure that one quickly becomes pregnant?

Oh, he's not going do the rape himself, despite how much time he's obviously spent thinking about raping someone.  He just gives orders for others to commit rape.  He will fully support those rapists so, unlike their victims, there will be no consequences for following orders.  But what will happen when someone commits rape and says they were just doing what Beshear told them to?  They *thought* this woman was a family member of Vance so he did what he had to do and hopes she gets pregnant.

Maybe Beshear should offer a trade, rape one of Vance's family members and in exchange, rape one of Beshear's family members.  That's a fair trade, it would show that he's really willing to put himself on the line because he believes in raping family members so much.

I'm surprised to find that this wasn't in his speech at the DNC.  He did speak there last night, yammering about the "golden rule" or some nonsense like that, but this was in an interview he did this morning on MSNBC.  Maybe he wanted to go where people would listen to him, especially rapists.  They're importing rapists and making sure they vote Democrat, it's obviously the goal.  Doesn't even need to be Vance's family members, it can be anyone.

Protestors Threaten to Bomb DNC Convention: Police Investigate Warnings Pipe Bombs Were Planted at Hotels
August 20, 2024

□ [“Disney Cancels Star Wars 'Lesbian Space Witches' Series After Just One Season"]

We don't know they're lesbian unless we see footage of them naked and grinding.  But Disney couldn't even do that, showing how devoted they are to failure.  It's like they sat down and made a list of every way they could repulse anyone from wanting to watch this.  You don't think we all like to see Sydney Sweeney doing lesbian porn?

Usually when tv shows get cancelled, there's no announcement.  There's an announcement for those that are renewed for another season, and those that aren't included are presumed to be gone.  But this one deserved special attention for some reason.  The assumption is that this is about humiliating Kathleen Kennedy and her supporters who really thought this would be successful.

Entirely possible, I just can't drop the idea that it's the opposite.  That this is more like the treatment of an upcoming human sacrifice in a positive way.  Furthermore, I've wondered if this is the fundamental use of the Sith, which is effectively the same as what pop culture has been doing with other villains.  I'm not remotely up-to-date with what the megacorporations are doing, but it looks like DC is doing that with the Joker and Marvel definitely did that with Thanos.

I think death-worship is underlying all of this, through all the rulers and their puppets.  I'm also theorizing that such beliefs date back to ancient Egypt, although it's certainly been done elsewhere as with the Aztecs.  So Disney might be presenting The Acolyte as a failure but those who decided to spend $200 million on this may be reveling in the outcome, and by extension the damage it brought to the companies, the audience and the fanbase.

FBI Withholding Trump Assassination Records
August 12, 2024

Heavy Police and SWAT Response to Gunman Barricaded in Chicago Store Near DNC Convention
August 20, 2024

□ [“'Large Sections' of Empty Seats as Delegates Walked Out Early on Biden’s DNC Speech"]

Probably because he wasn't as eager to destroy Israel, but just the pix of him look hideous.  Biden looks like a comic book character and I don't mean that in a good way.  Possessed by the villain?  He doesn't look like Joe Biden, although by all accounts, he spoke as mindlessly as usual.

It wasn't entirely because he was up past his bedtime, although that may be why so many people left.  As expected for someone who self-identifies as POTUS, the people in charge aired him late into the evening, going on midnight, so if you wanted to watch Joe Biden live, it wasn't going to happen.

It's speculated that Biden is still planning for revenge.  That's believable, given his public image for the last fifty years.  He didn't show it at the convention, being a loyal Democrat in public was more important to him, although that may be another reason his speech was so late.  I'm skeptical about his vengeance, partially because he's incompetent, partially because he's senile, partially because he's surrounded by leftists who will turn on him for any reason and partially because he'd be going up against those in charge, the same ones who insisted that he was healthy and running for re-election.

Nancy seems worried.  This is still speculation, but she's old and female, it would be natural for her to feel bad about turning against someone she's known for so long.  She had just given an interview where she was asked about turning against Biden and said she did what she had to do.  I really do try to avoid blaming leftists (or normal people) of hatred and power-lust when there are more sensible explanations for why they did what they did.  If nothing else, her party can do that to her too.

And who will he get revenge on?  It's speculated that Obama didn't want to endorse Harris because she can't beat Trump.  The election would be stolen so I'm not sure about that worry anyway.  To me it looks more like the Clinton's were the resistant ones.  They were sending people out to insist Biden would never give up right up until the end.  I still think Hillary wants to be the first woman to steal an election, so how do they get around that?  Maybe if Harris and Bill have a "private discussion"?

Biden Praises Violent Protesters Outside the Democrat Convention "Those Protesters Outside Have Got a Point"
August 20, 2024

□ [“Harris Officially Refuses September 4 Fox News Debate With Trump"]

Trump actually campaigns in blue cities and states, Harris won't even go on camera.  That shows how much she's looking for support.  Of course Trump isn't eager to censor media, so there's a difference between the two of them.

I still assume there won't be any pretense at a debate.  Leaving aside Harris' inability to be publicly sober coherent, the people in charge don't want to risk what they did for Biden.  I know, they did want to oust Biden and they did get away with it, but at least he pretended to win an election.  Harris has gotten this far without even winning a primary.  Nikki Halley got farther than her.

Her cult is still insisting that she's doing so well even though she's not doing anything, that her polls are skyrocketing even though nobody actually gets to see her.  She even showed up at the convention, meaning that supposed car ride was pointless.  The trip would only have taken several hours anyway, but you'd think it was the chance to meet real people on the way.  Apparently not, burning fossil fuel was the only real achievement.

She's also getting massive criticism of her economic plans, even from the left.  It's all about establishing a communist dictatorship, or at least a puppet dictatorship run by the 'new world order.'  And the war continues.  Will any of us still be around by November?

Democrat-on-Democrat Violence at the DNC:  Attendees Unfurl “Stop Arming Israel” Banner During Biden Speech — Man Smacks Woman in Hijab With His ‘We Love Joe’ Sign
August 20, 2024

□ [“Biden Reportedly Orders U.S. Forces to Prepare for Possible Coordinated Nuclear Confrontations with Russia, China, and North Korea"]

Things are getting hot.  There's a number of things going on in the world, all at once.  It's like this is all intentional, to be too much for anyone to think about, so we'll just ignore it and let the rulers carry on.  There's really no other way to react, we're not at that level, but the detachment is disturbing in and of itself.

□ [“EU Totalitarians Threaten to Shut Down X If Elon Musk Will Not Censor Un-Approved Speech"]

Western nations are lunging towards totalitarianism.  Britain is jailing people for offensive tweets while ignoring the illegal immigrant rapists and murderers.  Notice that no Democrat has the slightest complaint about any of this, they are begging for the chance to do the same and worse.  They will insert themselves into our bodies without consent and do anything else that comes to mind.  They're not even hiding this any more.

□ [“House Probe Concludes That Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses By Using Government Power to Enrich His Family"]
□ [“Fraudulent Job Numbers! 1 Million Jobs Vanish in Downward Revision"]

Yet somehow there's news of losses they suffer from attacks that could have been done months or years ago.  It's true that we won't do anything about this, for reasons I just mentioned, that we're all overwhelmed by all these attacks.  Nobody will punish Biden or his family, nobody creates jobs now and that won't change after Harris steals the election.  We might go to jail if we complain.

Then there's other parts of the war.  Muslims are butchering Hindus in Bangladesh.  Germany is refusing to give Ukraine any more military aid.  Ukraine is complaining that the US is also denying weapons and cancelling their military operations, almost like we're trying to stop Russia from being defeated too soon after two years of that.  Ukraine may need to resist us next once they beat Russia.  They could make it public how much money they gave Hunter and why.

But we see everything breaking down, we're all wary about anything that might happen.  This is "gaslighting" on a global scale, by our rulers against the rest of us.  We really need to go on strike.

Talking Points:  Watch Democrats and the Media Repeatedly Call the Democrat Convention ‘Electric’
August 20, 2024

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