11 August, 2024

If I had known you'd read this, I would have written in English, instead of American.

Former Bangladesh PM Cites Pressures from Biden Regime to Surrender Territory and Election Interference
August 11, 2024

□ [“Kamala Steals Trump’s 'No Tax on Tips Plan' at Vegas Rally"]

It just shows that she can't be taken seriously.  Whoever's planning to steal the elections on her behalf should be taken seriously, but Harris is worthless.  She has no idea that Trump announced this plan and no idea that Biden signed these taxes into law and ordered the IRS to start investigating waiters to make sure they're paying everything.  The IRS website announced the "serving industry tip reporting program" in February 2023.

But even if she did know that, she wouldn't care.  She'll say what she's told to say.  If she's told to start calling Democrats in Congress right now and tell them to start writing a law to ban these taxes, she'll obey.  Of course those Democrats would just ignore her, maybe even laugh at her for stealing a Trump idea, but that shows the problem leftists have when they're in charge.  All they can do is demand *more* and ignore the consequences.

And of course Harris won't even be asked about any of this.  For one thing, she doesn't deal with media.  For another thing, she wouldn't know what they were talking about.  For still another thing, she'd call them liars for saying Trump had the idea first and use that as an excuse to attack the press.  For yet another thing, there's no one around her who would dream of correcting her on any of this.  So they'll just keep seizing money from poor people, that's the only thing they know.

The need for multiple lies and levels of ignorance are not going to help her win voters.  Quite the opposite, there will mindless leftists who start asking themselves why they're going along with this.  Even more if they know anyone who gets paid in tips.  Then there's just the self-questioning of going along with this over and over, like an abused wife.  Sooner or later, they'll need to get out.

50 Masked Teens Ransack L.A. 7-Eleven Store, Cause Thousands of Dollars in Damage
August 11, 2024

□ [“Biden Speaks Out for First Time on Democrat Coup to Remove Him from Presidential Race"]
□ [“'It Didn’t Sound Like Joe Biden to Me' – Pelosi Admits Others Wrote Biden’s Dropout Letter Against His Will"]

Something is going on here.  Both Biden and Nancy did interviews today - Biden on CBS, I cannot tell where Nancy's was - but they're both pushing against the narrative that Biden insisted he wouldn't drop out of the race and then magically changed his mind because Kamala Harris is so great.  It's not clear what point they're trying to make, and Nancy sounds slightly less coherent than Biden, so why are they doing this all of a sudden?

Biden says he was tied with Trump in the polls but others were afraid he would hurt other races.  Nancy just says it didn't seem like Biden wrote the letter, much less posted it on the internet.  Of course not, even if he was competent, that would be unlikely.  Why is she even bothering to mention this, unless they're trying to fill in a hole most of us can't see.

My guess is they're preparing for some sort of set-up, either for the upcoming convention or for the upcoming election theft, but there's no more clues to go on.  Beyond that, Trump is now getting reports on classified topics, so he knows part of what's going on and Democrats at the top need to change their tactics, as does whoever they give classified info to.

It's quite possible that they expected Trump to be dead or in jail by now.  Biden makes a point of saying, again, how dangerous Trump is, giving more incentive to just shoot him and this time get it right.

Three Columbia University Deans Resign After Exposure of Anti-Jewish Messages
August 11, 2024

□ [“Olympics Committee President:  We'd Screen Men Out if Science Could Tell Men and Women Apart"]
□ [“UK doctors ordered to ask men if they’re pregnant"]

How do you ignore basic XX and XY chromosomes?  How do you ignore basic biology to not see the difference?  For that matter, how did you get through puberty without distinguishing the gender that didn't turn you on apart from the other one?

This is where the clue is at what they're really going after here.  Sure, there's giving orders to doctors on what they're required to do, which will soon include euthanasia, but the real goal is to get deeply into pre-puberty youth in every possible way.  They make the decisions, everybody else must comply.

But this also leaves the question of how all these people got so far in life with this monstrous insanity.  It's easy to blame women I mean feminism but I think that would have more to do with the lack of reason and logic than the beliefs themselves.  And that itself may have more to do with the fundamental intentions of leftism than anything else.  For women they're born that way, for everybody else it's delusion and/or corruption of reality.

This maybe where the real "population reduction" gets started, if and when we can start purging these lunatics out of society.  We already know that's going to happen if they win WWIII.

Delta Airlines May Drop ‘Ladies and Gentleman’ in Favor of ‘Gender Inclusive’ Language
August 11, 2024

□ [“Tim Walz’s Battalion Commander Says Walz Broke His Enlistment Contract, Never Successfully Completed Any Assignment as Sergeant Major"]

I've always wondered what type of arguments the higher-ranking get into when the rest of us aren't looking.  Well, now we may get a chance to watch.  He says he has no complaint about Walz' competence as an E-7 or E-8 - although that alone is actually a negative, since he didn't have anything positive to say either, and that's expected when your superiors are talking you up - it's the false claim to be command sergeant-major that he's criticizing here.  This must be one aspect they're trained in senior leadership classes which, fortunately, I never had to put up with.  Maybe that's why I only lasted ten years.

It would be nice to think that this will actually inspire more veterans to come forth, not just against Walz but against the rest of the *woke* military that's been installed by our masters.  I'd be willing to bet that a unit of veterans would have a large chance of beating an equivalent unit of modern US.  They'd know the old way and be relatively familiar with the new ways, and would have a lot more incentive to win than those in uniform these days.

Walz is here to provide that sort of inspiration.  I keep saying it, but we need that sort of resistance, trained men willing to stand up and fight against our tyrants.  We'd need to look out for who the traitors on our side might be, but to a large extent, that wouldn't be difficult.  And I still say if you have military t-shirts or souvenirs available, get ready to show them so the real resistance movement can see that you're on their side.

Attacker Screams “Free Palestine” Before Stabbing Jewish Man in NYC
August 11, 2024

□ [“Biden Regime Offers Venezuela’s Dictator Nicolas Maduro Amnesty to Leave Power"]

They're willing to bribe the guy to give up power?  Something about this just seems weird.  Haven't heard anything about Venezuelan protests recently - just as we haven't heard about Britain or France - so I'm not sure what the chances are of that anyway.  For all I know, he'll just make our rulers look stupid by refusing and then crushing the resistance.

Even if, for the sake of argument, he accepts the deal, does that mean he has to leave Venezuela?  That would seem to be why he wouldn't accept the deal, it's not like he could live with the people who overthrew him.  So why give up power in the first place?  I'm fine with him heading straight to the gallows, I just don't know how likely that is.

And how is the war with Guyana going?  Maduro would want to see that through and as far as I know, it hasn't even officially started yet.  The more I think about it, the more unlikely this seems, and that's not counting the conspiracy theories I just made up about Venezuela's history, going back to its founding by the Welser family, German bankers for Charles V and the Hapsburg family.  Like I needed more reasons to be paranoid about these people.

Venezuelan Opposition Requests International Support to Guarantee Electoral Transparency
August 11, 2024

Party that Opposes Voter ID Laws as Racist Required ID for Participants to Enter Harris Arizona Rally
August 11, 2024

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