13 August, 2024

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, maybe life goes on, bra, but it comes on your bra.

They're Mick!  And Keith!
And Mick and Mick and Keith
Mick, Mick, Mick
Keith, Keith, Keith
The Jagger and Richards Show!!!20240812

Border Patrol Agents Say They Would Never Vote for Kamala Harris:  'Worse Than President Biden’
August 12, 2024

□ [“Elon Musk Invites Kamala Harris for an Interview on X Spaces"]

Haven't heard any details of the Trump/Musk chat, other than hearing it was a coherent discussion for a couple hours.  So this must be the trap they set.  Harris isn't capable of that, just like Biden wasn't capable of that.  It's not like their people can keep telling us that they really are competent in private with no cameras, we're just not allowed to see that in the real world.

Trump Tells Elon He’s “More of a Believer” in God After Assassination Attempt
August 13, 2024

□ [“Harris’s Spox Lies About Kamala’s Schedule After CNN Asks Why She Hides From the Media"]

This isn't the sort of question you would expect CNN to ask, but that's where we are now.  Can't say she's busy because her schedule shows otherwise.  Can't say she wants to attract voters because doing interviews would be a good way to do that.  Can't say she talks like a thinking adult because the media would have to ask when we get to see that for a change.

Something about the media has changed recently.  Not sure how or when, it's certainly not all the media, but this is CNN.  Yet they're challenging the rulers seemingly as much as they support them.  All I have to go on is news articles so I can't tell how much is what the actual viewer sees, but the fact that it's happening at all is startling.  At some level, even these big media companies are breaking apart.

Meanwhile, they're stuck with Kamala Harris, just like they were stuck with Biden.  She could just call up CNN (or whoever) right now and they'd have no choice but to give her maximum screen time.  But then they'd be stuck with the incoherent results.  Stealing elections just gets harder and harder.  And the Democratic Party still needs to pick a candidate at the convention

Karine Jean-Pierre Spins Like a Top When Asked What Kamala Harris Has Accomplished in Office
August 13, 2024

□ [“Rep. Dan Goldman Claims Trump Hasn’t Agreed to Any Debates – Is Immediately Fact Checked"]

One thing this upcoming (stolen) election is making clear is what sort of person is a leftist.  This guy is an elected member of Congress (D-NY), I'll assume for the sake of argument his elections weren't stolen.  He gets to go on tv and is supposed to know what he's talking about.  He couldn't be bothered to do a five-second internet search to see if that was true.

Not only that, but his staff obviously followed his example.  Or if any of them did actually look into upcoming presidential debates, none of them could inform him of the truth.  Maybe they're not authorized to speak to him, maybe they're scared of how he'll respond, maybe they did try and he just ignored them, maybe they care as little about what he's saying as he does.

But he just wants to repeat mindless phrases like what a "chicken" he is, like he thinks he's going up against Marty McFly and nothing else matters.  Who is this supposed to convince?  Biden challenged Trump to a golf match twice in the last debate, and Trump has taken him up on this.  This is what these people do and by definition, their numbers can't grow, much as they'd like to believe otherwise.

At this point, assuming there is a debate on September 10, I suspect Trump will just throw in a few clever lines to make Harris go bonkers.  He's dealt with rich mistresses before, and lots of other women too.  He'll know exactly how to push her buttons and make her react like a stereotypical black woman and not in a good way.  And all her subordinates, like Goldman here, will see themselves looking like a complete fool.

Illegal Alien Ferried Into US by Kamala Harris Rapes 10-Year-Old Mississippi Boy Twice
August 13, 2024

□ [“Trump and Musk Break the Internet — 72 Million Views on X as Interview Ended, Combined Conversation Nearly One Billion Views"]

I have no idea how they actually count "views" and definitely wouldn't trust whatever method is used by whoever actually counts them, but I will assume the viewership was quite high.  In a world run by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it's nice to have someone in charge who actually goes on screen and talks coherently.

No way to count, but I'll assume the vast majority of viewers are Trump fans.  A smaller number would be Trump haters or spambots, although it's debatable how many there are of each.  Still haven't found much of anything from the conversation itself, so my guess is that what they said wasn't that big a deal, it's just the fact that these two are out there able to do this, despite the tyrannical governments trying to censor them.

Apparently there was a late start, caused by the number of viewers and/or attacks by spammers.  The delay is certainly annoying, although to his credit, Musk posted that if they couldn't get it fixed soon, they'd just go ahead with the viewers they had and post the recording later.  Their goal is to have the conversation recorded, the audience can find it at their own convenience.  That's nice.

But it's another side of the trap Harris will find herself caught in.  In theory, she could call Musk up to do the same thing, but we know she won't.  There'd be much fewer spambots to deal with, or real viewers for that matter.  Our masters have to stay hidden so we don't see the truth about them.

Bidenomics:  Majority of Americans Believe Country is in Recession
August 13, 2024

□ [“Stephen Colbert Says CNN is Objective, Audience Erupts in Laughter 'Is That Supposed to be a Laugh Line?'"]

That's why the audience need to know that they require permission before they're allowed to laugh.  They can't be allowed to decide these things for themselves, or they'll have to think for themselves, and that makes them start asking if CNN is really objective.  Of course not, they wouldn't watch it if it was, that's not what they want to hear.

We can't see the underplay going on.  But the elites are seeing that their audience isn't on the same frequency as them.  This does explain why they need to go in for censorship of the audience.  The Inner Party needs to follow their beliefs over the Outer Party and impose more tyranny on the proles.  If only there was a training manual for how this works in reality.

The chick is setting up standard leftist belief about how incapable Trump is to deal with Harris, despite all the decades of evidence to the contrary, they just jump for race and gender and being twenty whole years younger.  Melania Trump is five years younger than Harris, but apparently she doesn't count, at least as far as these media figures are concerned.  By the way, Trump's second wife, Marla Maples, is only a year older than Harris.  And they're surprised when they get laughed at.

At some level, things like this would have to make some of the elites ask what they're missing out on.  Their response might be to eradicate anyone who disagrees with them, but they'd at least need to ask the question and look for an answer.  They'll always wind up at "population reduction" for anyone they don't like, but the way they get there will speak for itself.

Chicago Teachers Union Head Says Standardized Tests Are “Junk Science Rooted in White Supremacy”
August 12, 2024

□ [“Paramount Studios Begins Process of Laying Off 15% of Its Employees"]

Another movie studio facing financial problems.  They do have a number of hit movies and some franchises that they're still trying to push, but I haven't distinguished between studios enough to know what specific problems they're having.  They own a streaming company and I guess it makes a profit, although I wouldn't know.

They're having emergency meetings on the Star Trek franchise.  Not remotely a fan, so I was surprised to check and discover that they've ruined that one too.  Haven't had a movie since 2016 and only four in the 21st century.  But they've had six tv shows in the same time, three of which are still running, and a tv movie ready to come out.  Didn't know that.  So I don't know how they've ruined the franchise, but obviously they've found a way, just like all the other studios.

I've looked up the other "big five" studios but even their biggest hits are mostly recent movies I've never heard of and little in the way of franchises I'd even notice, much less keep track of.  Sony/Columbia has the rights to Spider-Man movies, Universal has Jurassic Park.  AOL/Time-Warner Bros has too many different studios and acquisitions to bother tracking and Disney is known for Star Wars and Marvel.

As far as I know, they all spent tons of money on streaming, which may or may not have worked out, and they all went *woke,* which didn't.  Then there's the economy that they keep saying is doing great.  Then there's the fundamental leftism and corruption that's gone on for decades.  They're probably begging for the government to give them orders, officially and not just as political allies.  Meanwhile, those who actively pay attention to tv and movies are looking back on older works from happier times and wondering why they can't do that now.

Kamala’s Illegals Used Exact Same Rubber-Stamped Answer on 10,000 Parole Applications
August 12, 2024

“She Showed Up for a Soundbite – She Didn’t Shake Anyone’s Hands” – CA Sheriff Lashes Out at Kamala Harris
August 13, 2024

Top Democrat Representative Steny Hoyer Suffers Stroke
August 13, 2024

Biden Says His Goal is to “Cut American Cancer Deaths in Half by 2020” – Then Starts Shouting Out of Nowhere
August 13, 2024

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