07 August, 2024

Why did Mickey choose to self-identify as a Mouse?

Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake Rattles Southern California
August 6, 2024

Biden Color Revolution in Bangladesh Becomes Bloody Riot – Brought to You by Nuland, Blinken and Donald Lu
August 7, 2024

□ [“Campaign Claimed Tim Walz Was 'Not Drunk' and Blamed Incident on His ‘Deafness’"]

His deafness meant he couldn't understand what the officer was saying.  The officer that stopped him from driving 96 mph in a 55mph zone.  But he wasn't drunk.  He must have been celebrating replacing David Lee Roth in Van Halen.

No explanation is given of how "deafness" gets him 40+ miles per hour over the speed limit.  Had he just left a zone where 96mph was the maximum and, because he wasn't drunk, he couldn't be bothered to "hear" the speed limit signs passing by?

There's also no explanation of how his blood alcohol level was .128, but he wasn't drunk.  He was charged with drunk driving but the law applies to everybody, so those charges were reduced in his plea deal.  Good thing he's not black.

More is coming out about this guy.  Not sure how much I'll actually comment on, although I'm sure his lies about military service will provoke some response.  And all his other leftist nonsense.  He's obviously property of China, visiting numerous times including for his honeymoon.  At the moment, I'm stuck between the rumor that many people were offered the slot of Harris' veep but they all refused, and the notion that they're all just following China's orders.

Screaming PETA Leftists Interrupt Papal Audience in Rome
August 7, 2024

□ [“Biden Asked if There will Be a Peaceful Transfer of Power January 2025:  'If Trump Wins, No, I’m Not Confident at All'"]

Is this really the time Joe Biden has to say something we should take seriously?  We just had a member of Congress say they'll defy the vote if Trump wins.  And one of the female leftist "squad" just lost her primary, and she wants revenge.  [Note:  Biden started with that line, then apparently he hadn't read the teleprompter correctly, so it's 'if Trump loses.']

□ [“'All They Did Was Radicalize Me, Now They Need to Be Afraid!' – Cori Bush Goes on Unhinged Rant"]

They're definitely preparing to not trust election results, no matter what.  They've already proven that the right-wingers can't trust them, the left is already obedient.  I have to wonder if they're trying to reinforce the unelected elite, the self-proclaimed anointed, making it clear that elections are a complete waste of time.

This is the left getting ready for something.  But who's going to believe them?  There's no way to determine how many are mindlessly obedient, but nobody's going to trust the elections.  The obedient can be used for some sort of attack, they're disposable, but what is everyone else going to do?

I really don't think these elites, from Biden on down, are capable of winning many followers.  They might have enough food and supplies to get some people in, and they'll have temporary allies who will ditch them at any convenient opportunity, but there's a limit to how many they can get on their side.  I'm sure they're trying to increase desperation, their best option, but how far will that go?

International Olympic Committee Kowtows to China:  Taiwan Competes as "Chinese Taipei"
August 7, 2024

□ [“Disney Has Only 30 Minutes for Questions in Quarterly Earnings Report; Excuses For Low Park Attendance"]

An interesting article for Disney's QER tomorrow, but what strikes me are the comments about Intellectual Property, specifically comic book characters.

For a while, I've been pondering how Disney is effectively making its lead actors the same as Marvel and DC have treated their main characters.  We can see that with Marvel announcing Robert Downey Jr. reappearing, this time as Dr. Doom.  There's also been the reuse of actors in different roles, Chris Evans as the Human Torch and Captain America, two version of Deadpool, both by the actor who started in the Hal Jordan Green Lantern movie.

I'm sure Hollywood's view of lead actors is relevant here, but I come from the comics perspective, so to me it's been about pushing the character above everything else.  That's really what intellectual property is, ownership of the character themselves.  Even the stories are less important.

That's not how creativity works.  Characters can be where a story starts, but the story is the priority.  The difference for comics and animated cartoons is that the audience really has no sense of the creativity involved.  As small children, we learn what words and pictures are, so we can learn writing and art.  A little older, we learn that people are in plays and movies, our schools have musical instruments, so we understand that these art forms are actually made by people.

But Bugs Bunny or Batman, we just see them as existing on their own.  That's what the companies have used for their IP, promoting it above everything else.  This leads to their delusion that they can make expensive movies out of any of these characters and the audience will still be there.  It doesn't work.  If you really insist on not creating your own character and a company hires you to use theirs, you still have to come up with an interesting story, and that can't be done by large groups.  Individual creativity always wins.

Then there's the *woke* poison.  They're so devoted to the characters that they'll butcher them for whatever serves their current political goals.  A current example is that they intend to make the Silver Surfer female because it was done one time at some recent comic, never mind the character's sixty year history as male.  They're guaranteeing a failure.

Whatever value the characters have, it's still finite, and that's what they're doing to it.  The multiverse is a self-delusion to think they can get away with this.  It just makes things even more complicated, which removes the possibility of any interesting story, one people want to see.  Disney has given this way more attention than it deserves, and they're going to pay the price.  We'll find out tomorrow if they've learned something yet.

Biden Administration Declares War on Plastic Silverware as Green Obsession Goes Too Far
August 7, 2024

□ [“Nancy Pelosi’s Brain Completely Breaks on Live TV While Discussing Biden’s Exit from Presidential Race"]

She starts babbling, it's like she and Biden are shared spirits.  Now that he's not getting attention, it's going to move on to her, who's even older than Biden.  Safe to say she's going to start getting worse very quickly. 

She made a point of mentioning that she hadn't spoken to Biden since he broke his promise to stay in the election.  She doesn't mention her own statements before that happened.  She obviously knew about the coup, even assuming she wasn't directly in on it.  She also has to deny that Biden has any mental problems because it makes her look bad.

Makes me wonder if she's going to be the next sacrifice.  After that, I would guess the Clintons.  I'm sure they'll all fight against it, none of them want to end up a puppet like Biden, but the only way to make that happen is to make your subordinates weak and dependent, which means they can't replace you.  This is how the elite gets weak and able to be overthrown.

Three Taylor Swift Concerts Cancelled After Austrian Authorities Foil Islamist Terror Plot
August 7, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad at Bon Iver Concert Disguised as Campaign Rally"]

We know she can't talk, it's obvious why (if the rumor is true) she had to go through over a dozen possible veep choices before she finally found someone who would agree.  Standards start low and just drop even faster than, well, faster than Kamala Harris around married men.

But what's weird is how they're setting up her public appearances.  This is the second time this week that it's actually been about some musician few people have heard of giving a concert, and she shows up to give a speech.  They're not selling any more tickets and she's not going to get more supporters, but the people in charge are going for this delusion.  They're funding social media to promote them instead of actually trying to win votes.

At least Walz is an old white man, he can just go out and say things that offend people and get applauded anyway.  It was just on July 3 that he and other Democrat governors supported Biden running for office.  That's someone who will take a stand, no matter how small a minority he's part of.

Kamala Harris Advisor Funding Doctors and Psychiatrists to Sign Involuntarily-Confined Lunatics and Mentally Retarded People Up to Vote
August 7, 2024

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