18 August, 2024

We need a law that all heroes must wear capes. They have to obey or be punished!

□ [“Steamed Hams But It's a Way Too Serious Film Essay"]

It's a goof, which is fine, but you miss important aspects.  First of all, Skinner gets a point by showing off his knowledge of regional expressions in upstate New York.  It may be based on a lie, but he is able to display awareness of of the distinctions between Albany and Utica dialects.  Chalmers is personally familiar with Utica and reasonably aware of how they talk there, but Seymour presents himself as having superior knowledge of the greater world outside his small experiences.  Chalmers can still be suspicious of Skinner's lies, and is quite right to do so, but he cannot keep pushing this line of argument.

Chalmers is a guest in this man's house and he is there to enjoy a luncheon.  Regardless of the Superintendent/Principal relationship, it would be inappropriate for him to pursue this line of argument.  If he was wrong, and Seymour is right about "steamed ham" being an Albany reference to grilled hamburgers, then he would be disrespectful and potentially charged with abuse of his subordinate.  It would be far better to drop the argument now and continue to dine on this fine ham Seymour has steamed.

Second, why has Agnes not joined this meal her son has cooked for his supervisor?  This seems very contradictory knowing how close she and Seymour are.  The need for food is a universal requirement for life so she requires nutrients on a regular basis.  As is romance, and she had recently been on a date with Gary.

Was it just a fun night out that never needs to happen again?  Was there an argument?  Was her son worried about some new man coming in between his relationship with Mother?  We can't see all the details, all we can do is speculate, but then why did Gary come to house he already knew about for a meal with someone whose relationship should stay professional?  He was carrying a bottle of wine when he entered the house, is that appropriate for a luncheon?

This is entirely a guess, but that may be how they do things in Utica.  Regardless, this is a large part of the story that the audience is completely blissful of.  Thankfully it does not negatively interfere with what we see on screen.  As rich with potential as the respective relationships, real or potential, with Agnes might be, we don't need to know any more.  But Seymour knows, and Gary might like to know, that Agnes is always there, keeping a close eye on them.

Third, Chalmers is still trying to work through the lies Skinner is telling.  The principal is clearly experienced at this and, whatever his weaknesses, has provided a successful defense through this luncheon.  But there comes a point where Chalmers really needs to challenge them again, having been informed that he had just seen a brief glimpse of aurora borealis.

The effect on Chalmers is twofold and contradictory.  On the one hand, it would be truly glorious to get a full view of such a majestic event.  It's a moment where you can't waste time with ridiculous questions, you must rush to enjoy it for what it is before it's too late.  You may never have this chance again and should thank God that you received this one.

However, the superintendent is still a rational man and cannot forget that he has caught his subordinate lying before to hide incompetence.  He cannot just unquestioningly believe this.  No matter how beautiful the sight, there's a least a slight chance that such a thing might not be happening at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, and localized entirely entirely within Skinner's kitchen.

The superintendent's mind must be bursting all over the place.  Yes, he has Skinner caught in a lie.  No, Seymour is clearly knowledgeable of things Chalmers doesn't know and should certainly be familiar with what's happening in his own kitchen.  Gary has to argue with himself that the odds are of him being right or wrong whichever way he goes, and every second that goes by is less of a chance for seeing such an amazing sight.

It's even deeper when you realize that we the audience know the truth, that Skinner is indeed lying and risks getting in a lot of trouble if he gets caught.  This is really where good drama comes from, it's not that we care which side wins, so much as we want to follow these characters to the end of their current story and see what happens to them.  Seymour is a major character in this ongoing series, so that's also relevant, although he often loses in conflicts with his supervisor.

We could be rooting for Seymour, will he win this time?  We could be looking for comedy as the superintendent yells at him again.  Because we see the characters from our view, we can have internal conflicts that they would be unaware of.  How many times have I passed by the aurora borealis and didn't even realize it?

I'm not sure it's deliberate, or even conscious, but that's clearly the situation Chalmers is in right now.  With no time left, he realizes that argument is not the appropriate decision to make.  Do not demand, but ask permission from the rightful man in charge of this luncheon.  You could say he's being a coward, or that he's showing his wisdom and peace.  You could also say that Seymour is being bitter and revengeful by not allowing him to see it, or defensive of being caught in his lie.

Seymour is morally in the wrong for these lies, and for burning his house down, but it's understandable.  Not just his personality weaknesses, but that he tried to overcome them at the very least to provide his boss an unforgettable luncheon.

I'm not sure that either man really learned anything about themselves from this story, but they're fictional characters, that wasn't the point.  The audience learned something and were nourished the way great art should.

DoD Preparing for Bio-Chemical Attacks at DNC, Funded De-Contamination Rooms at Hospital
August 18, 2024

□ [“DNC Erects Massive Wall Around Convention and Mandates ID for Entry"]

Walls are there to keep the unwanted out, and without the right ID, the men with guns won't know if you're a person who can be allowed in.  Otherwise there might be people casting fake votes.  Obviously it's hypocrisy and we know no one's going to bother to ask them.  Ok, someone might, for some reason the media has permitted a slight amount of criticism, but that doesn't mean the question will be answered.  The elites establish the laws, they don't have to follow them.

It probably won't be remotely important, but it's amusing to consider what Biden's speech tomorrow is going to be.  Opening night, how degrading, along with Jill.  And Hillary, how low can you go and still pretend to be POTUS?  The Obamas are speaking on Tuesday, Bill and Walz on Wednesday, then the queen will arrive on Thursday.

I assume Biden's speech will be last tomorrow, possibly because he might show up late anyway and also so that the elites will be amused by making him sit around and wait.  He doesn't have anything better to do.  Will he pissed off at this situation?  Will he throw a fit?  As I said, probably not, but it's fun to think about.

He could whine about the theft, he could just start dropping secrets.  What's he got to lose?  I'm sure the speech is live, they can't really cut him off.  Or he could just be senile but again, how would they do that?  They spent all those months saying he was healthy and was going to stay in office.  But then, if there was one time they'd get away with using an impersonator, tomorrow night is probably it.

CBS News Misleads Public on Migrant Numbers Related to the Biden-Kamala Border Crisis
August 18, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Offers Embarrassing Word Salad About the 'Duality to the Nature of Democracy'"]

Maybe she's drunk.  Suddenly there are a bunch of rumors about her drinking heavily, citing news articles where there was always tons of booze around her.  And it's why she can't give public events.  She's even drunk when she leaves an airplane, so she doesn't talk there either.

Well she's a woman, she doesn't need alcohol to be incoherent.  Besides, she's replacing a guy who was always on drugs, is there any real difference?  This all came from the Trump campaign, so there's that, but as the collapse happens, might as well entertain ourselves with this until the stolen elections come around.

Theoretically, she and Walz are doing some sort of gas-burning convoy from Pennsylvania to Chicago.  No idea if they'll actually be there, but this won't help much.  I'd assume they'd sneak around on aircraft so they could do more events in the next few days.  But it wouldn't really matter, there were few people when they left and more Trump supporters are at the road to watch her go by.

I do not get how this works.  People didn't want to see Biden and they don't want to see Harris, yet somehow their popularity dwarfs the Beatles.  How degraded does the presidency have to be before it's occupied by people no one wants to get a glimpse of.  Yet leftists and their pet media never question this.

NYC Set to Invest $10 Billion in Supporting Illegal Immigrants Over 3 Years
August 18, 2024

□ [“Ukraine is Planning to Detonate 'Dirty Nuclear Bomb' Targeting Russian Nuclear Power Plants"]

Haven't been following the Russia/Ukraine thing much, so a few things have happened recently without my commentary.  I know, how did you cope without that?  A couple weeks ago, Ukraine did break through the front lines and actually entered Russian territory in Kursk.  Naturally the left applauded, to the extent they still paid any attention either - it's not Israel, so who cares? - but it just seemed weird to me.

They had no real capacity to take and hold Russian territory, otherwise they would have used that in Ukraine last year.  Now it is possible they're being led by NATO troops, which would make a difference, including that it is an actual act of war.  But otherwise, what is this supposed to do?  With this potential threat against nuclear plants - Russian sources reported this, by the way - it looks like a cross between the Battle of the Bulge and an actual terrorist attack with mass suicide bombing as the intended result.

Remember, the enemy gets a vote too.  If Russia says US troops are on the ground with this attack and the US says there are none, who wins?  That is war, no matter what.  There's also a question about who would do such a thing, but remember who we're dealing with.  Every side has access to Ukraine's blackmail secrets and can threaten to release them.  Russia took them when the war started and can hold them over NATO's heads.  The US wouldn't want them revealed to the world, and Ukraine is just desperate.

□ [“President Zelensky Approved Operation to Blow Up the Nord Stream Pipeline"]

This came out a few days ago.  German prosecutors have issued warrants for the arrest of several people involved in blowing up the pipeline and they're all Ukrainian.  Someone named "Volodymyr Z." is one of them.  He may be living in Poland, but who knows?  Zelensky moves around a lot and is quite wealthy, he probably has a residence there too.

□ [“Polish PM Tusk:  Germany ‘Must Apologize and Keep Quiet!’ For Nord Stream Warrant Against Ukrainians!"]

Then this happens.  Apologize for what?  If Ukrainians did this, it damaged Europe more than Russia and that's what Poland wants?  I am surprised that Joe Biden isn't on the warrant since he said this was going to happen, but maybe they're waiting for that.  But we'll find out if Tusk knew about it too, then it'll come down to which NATO member the US wants to support.  Ok, we know they'll be against Germany, but you get my point.

This is another example of why you shouldn't get into wars halfway around the world that are none of our business, but our rulers felt otherwise.  Now you've got NATO turning against each other, all about a nation that has never bothered to join NATO, don't you see anything wrong with this?  If you don't, you could at least get to the front lines to earn some glory there.

This is how World War III starts, all thanks to Ukraine and their supporters.  NATO economies are garbage, our citizens see that our home nations are being destroyed, our militaries are certainly useless, and BRICS looks stronger than ever.  You don't think China could make use of this on Taiwan?  Venezuela could do that with Guyana?  Niger couldn't find a way to use it?  If our rulers wanted to help BRICS, what would they have done differently for the last two years?

□ [“Don Lemon Interviews New Jersey Voters and Finds Out Most People Support Trump"]

There's been a number of articles about this.  I have to ask why leftist media is even reporting this?  I'm sure there's a little pressure to at least suggest the truth given that they spent all those years telling us Biden was totally healthy and in no way senile, but this is just really strange.  They're still promoting leftist lies, so why go with this?

They want us to believe the elections aren't stolen, don't they?  That's not going to happen if these anti-Trump networks can't find anti-Trump people to say what they want to hear.  Doesn't matter how many illegal immigrant votes and dead people you get, this is just promoting resistance to your election theft.

□ [“'Several Bombshells' – Far-Leftist Bob Woodward to Drop ‘October Surprise’ on Harris and Biden"]

Then there's this guy.  I knew he'd get some attention with the 50th anniversary of Nixon's resignation, but this is what he's promoting?  This is who he's attacking?  What's he going to do, dedicate his new book to Hillary for when she wins in November?  Something about this just seems like a set-up, but I can't imagine how it's supposed to work.

American Society of Plastic Surgeons Challenges Medical “Consensus” on Transgender Surgeries for Minors
August 18, 2024

‘Jesus Revolution’ Reported in Iran – Mosques Close as Muslims Turn to Christianity
August 18, 2024

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