16 August, 2024

I won't be available for long, I have too much stuff to say.

Biden Heavily Slurs as He Lies About His Involvement in Civil Rights Movement
August 16, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Proposes Soviet-Style Communist Price Controls Similar to Venezuela and Cuba"]

Their chances of stealing the election goes down.  How do you get Venezuelan immigrants to wish they lived in a place more like Venezuela?  Or are they supposed to love Venezuela so they moved out to that evil America?  That's what we would call an "invasion," not immigration.

Then there's all the people who've actually owned a business or knew someone who did.  They would know there's already too much government and adding more would be bad.  Government doesn't know how to do that, all they can do is give orders and demand a raise.  The leftists who agree with that already get lots of government money and can use connections to get even richer.

This may have been the point, the government makes everything as expensive as possible so that only they can save it.  As the saying goes, what the government gives, it can take away.  That's always the real goal, to make their slaves dependent.  They can also give law enforcement more power because of the black market, although that term will probably be called "racist."

But she never mentions why she doesn't just start this now.  Somehow Democrats have no authority and Harris is an outsider.  This is just delusion on top of delusion which either guarantees that they'll win every election or that even the left won't be able to put up with this for more than a couple weeks.

Pope Francis Labels Israel’s Defensive Actions in Gaza as “Terrorism"
August 16, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Admits Everything Was More Affordable Under President Trump’s Leadership"]

I've never understood why these evil greedy business owners who only want as much money as possible don't raise their prices when Republicans are in charge.  It's like they unanimously wake up one day and decide they can raise prices.  They'd never thought of that before, even though they're so greedy.

Trump has already been able to start adding "and I approve this message" to video of Harris complaining about how prices have skyrocketed since the pandemic, i.e. after Trump wasn't in charge.  It's like they all worked together to plan how to teach everybody basic economics lessons.  That will continue, Biden promised to end the pandemic on "Day One" and waited two and a half years to declare it over.  But the prices started rising as soon as he was installed.

I'm starting to wonder if Republicans will try to steal the elections, since Democrats are already doing it.  They'd probably do a better job, but they'd get caught and Democrats will riot.  I really think we need to build our own economy so we don't have to deal with what our masters want.  It'll have to start locally but could grow quickly, as long as we have armed men ready to protect it.

Scaramucci Calls Trump a ‘Racist Cracker’ About to Lose to ‘First African-American Woman President’
August 16, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris’s Website Has Nine Different Pronoun Settings for Interested Applicants"]

This just comes off as one of those 'greetings, my fellow teenagers' moments.  The trans movement has burned itself out, although it's probably not gone for good, but it's really not something people will put up with when things are so tough.  Only the elites have enough free time and delusion to pretend this is a real thing, so anyone else who logs on to the website hoping to apply for [it's not listed] are going to be repulsed.  As it is, there's at least one set of pronouns that guarantees your application is rejected.

□ [“Media Pushing Insane Idea That Unpopular Kamala Harris Can Win Texas, Florida"]

That would require competent stealing of elections, but they probably have that by now.  But it's actually kind of disturbing how the media is so overwhelming on this mindless worship of a puppet.  There's nothing to interest people but there's plenty to drive them away, even those who were devout supporters last month or, well, not last year, people barely knew who Harris was until Biden was finally kicked out, but you get my point.  They're going to be asking when she's actually going to do something in the job she has right now and they won't get an answer.

□ [“CNN Panel in Complete Meltdown After Rep. Nancy Mace Pronounces Kamala Harris’ Name Wrong"]

Then there's the imposition of protocol to address the appointed queen.  This does nothing for anybody but it does provide an excuse for the elites to accuse others of a "hate campaign" for pronouncing her name the same way Joe Biden and Harris herself has pronounced it.  They'll decide who gets to say what and punish anybody else.  That's freedom.

Supreme Court Blocks Title IX Rule Which Inserts Men Into Women's Locker Rooms and Bathrooms
August 16, 2024

□ [“The Untold Story Behind Biden’s Sudden Exit:  Pelosi Issued a Ruthless Ultimatum"]

Interesting that this is still coming out.  I suspect it has to do with the fighting in the background, probably by Biden supporters but there's other in-fighting as everybody wants their piece of the pie.  This may be the "official" timeline of Nancy's part.

On June 18, Nancy, Clinton, Obama and Chuck Schumer, among others, started planning to dump Biden if he failed at the debate *or* his poll numbers kept dropping.  July 2, media is turning against Biden and Nancy publicly states that he may have suffered from an "episode or a condition."  On July 7, everybody was trying to push Biden out and replace him with Harris, so everybody was waiting for Nancy to speak out.

On July 10, Nancy would not endorse Biden for POTUS.  On July 11, Obama, Nancy and George Clooney discussed this problem.  July 17, it's not specific that Nancy wanted Biden gone before, but she does know and is calling everybody to make that happen.  By July 20, Biden had "covid" and was pissed at Obama and Nancy for turning against him.  July 21, Nancy had enough and called Biden to say she'd given him three weeks for the "easy way," if he didn't quit it would be the "hard way."  And that was that.

Apparently Biden is pissed at her, as are Jill and Hunter.  Not sure what influence they could have, even compared to their degraded elder, but they could be more likely for revenge, whatever it takes.  If we weren't in the middle of our own problems, this would be fun to watch.

Danish Drugmaker Ready to Cash In with 10 Million Monkeypox Vaccine Doses Set for Production
August 16, 2024

Kamala Harris Steals Another Idea From Trump – Proposes $6,000 Child Tax Credit
August 16, 2024

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