10 August, 2024

We're not even a quarter of the way through this century yet? How boring!

Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s So-Called ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, Allowing the State to Disarm Law-Abiding Citizens
August 10, 2024

□ [“Kamala Harris Caught in Canned and Rehearsed Speech – Nothing is Genuine"]

It's an obvious decision, it's why the people in charge can't allow her to go out in public very much.  She either sounds coherent or she says whatever comes to mind, she can't do both.  So she's basically reading the same speech every time and it would be too obvious if they let her outside.

But what must really be depressing is that Biden didn't need that.  He couldn't make public appearances either, but he didn't just repeat the same lines over and over.  That's a very low bar to cross and Harris isn't even capable of that much.  I do not get how leftist elites are so driven to remove the concept of ability.  Whatever else you can say about them, at least Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi could speak a little bit.

There is a value to not going off the line.  Trump might be better off if he could stick with a coherent message and not throw in whatever comes off the top of his head.  But at least that guy can demonstrate thought.  It can get annoying what new topic he's gone off on, but at least he shows that he's capable of that.  It's really starting to look like Democrats are going to be too embarrassed by Harris to keep her around.

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Dies at 56 — Fought to Crack Down on Free Speech Online
August 10, 2024

□ [“Left-Wing Influencer Embarrassingly Mistakes Kamala Harris' Crowd Size for Trump Rally"]

A lot of empty seats.  Whole levels are covered up so the pic won't show that they're totally empty.  Also a lot of white people.  That lady at the front of the pic is holding a "Harris" sign, is she why this Trump rally is so empty?

Of course he didn't have the decency to admit he screwed up, he just deleted the tweet so no one will ever know he was that publicly stupid.  Harris' events are probably filled with people who refuse to admit they were wrong about anything, wonder where that comes from.

Never been wrong about anything, believes what he finds on the internet, absolutely does not get paid to check to make sure he's got the details right before posting about it.  You know, like I'm doing here.  [wait, what?]

It's slow, but it does look like the honeymoon phase is starting to wear off.  This is as good as she gets and her supporters haven't even had to put up with her day after day yet.  They haven't even gotten to anything complicated yet either.  If she really wanted to show off, she could go the UN and give a speech about how she's going to solve whatever problems they're having.  She'd have to explain why Biden's not doing this but still, this would get more votes than anything else she could do.

When I see five weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park, in full view of a hundred people, I join in 'cause it looks like fun.20240810

Christians Arrested in Paris for Driving a Bus Carrying the Slogan “Stop Attacks On Christians”
August 10, 2024

□ [“Biden Looks Like a Corpse Lounging on the Beach in Delaware"]

We could make a Weekend at Bernie's joke but it wouldn't work because Bernie is from Maine.  But whoever is running the country obviously doesn't need Biden around, probably doesn't need Harris either.  I wonder if this could be about getting federal workers trained for the 'new world order' and the WHO declaring the next virus.

There's also the fact that nobody is going to believe there's a fair vote, so there will be open defiance after the elections are stolen.  That's another reason to stop pretending there's anything in the way of POTUS.  I would still like to believe Trump and co. have something planned, but there's not much reason to hope for that.  We don't need to be told who gives the orders, we're just expected to obey.

This was what Biden was expected to fill in time for, waiting for the 'new world order.'  He had announced he'd only be a one-termer anyway.  It's still unclear if the rulers intend Harris to replace him or if the point was to make the chief executive pointless so the real people in charge can take over.  Or is this where they expect to install Hillary or whoever is the real replacement?

Court Rules CDC Has Been Breaking the Law For Years By Deleting Information
August 10, 2024

□ [“Kamala’s Las Vegas Event Is Half Empty – Crowd Is Filled with Weirdos and Freaks"]

If true, this shows that the honeymoon is over.  Nobody will show up for these things unless they're paid or at least very specifically required to attend.  With the tyranny our rulers are imposing, they can't even say this.  They'll just say they showed up but you can't see them on the footage, or that they had a family emergency or something.

They're going to need to bribe people to show up.  If the pix are true about all the freaks they're getting, they may already be doing that just get these people to show up.  Maybe they're already homeless and that's the excuse.  But the people who advocate DEI hires like Harris are already a small percentage of the population and it's just getting smaller.

It's Las Vegas, so I'm sure they were able to go around and pay people who were better dressed to fill up seats for a couple hours, but this is a big difference from going to a Trump rally.  That's a 'whole day' event, standing in line and getting searched and everything else.  I'm sure they'll be doing that well-in-advance of the next time Harris bothers to be seen in public.

□ [“Las Vegas Police Recordings Released of Biden’s Sudden Medical Emergency and Mad Dash to Air Force One"]

And just a note, this happened on July 17.  That same day, Biden was reported as saying he would drop out of the race if there was some medical emergency, and that he tested positive for covid.  And this took place in Las Vegas, the same place Harris can't get a decent crowd today.  Not sure what this means, but that's an odd coincidence.

President/Co-Founder of Smartmatic Electronic Voting Indicted in Massive Bribery and Fraud – DOJ Hid This In Press Release
August 9, 2024

Government Awards Boeing $2.5 Billion Contract with US Air Force
August 10, 2024

□ [“Trump Said Out Loud What Everybody in Washington Is Afraid To Say"]

The left is obsessed with ignoring this, but even Trump is willing to defend Biden as having his job stolen from him.  Trump has spent the last four years dealing with the same people stealing from him, so it's not like he doesn't see where this is coming from.  It's not about defending Biden, it's the tyranny that the rulers are imposing on the world and the US.

To the extent she knows anything, Harris would have been in on taking this out.  She had to hear what people were saying about Biden and she's supposedly the next in line.  She wouldn't even notice that it can be taken from her just as easily.  Even easier, he's an old rich white man.

Even just in the Democrat Party, it was a coup.  People voted for Biden and not Harris.  He could pick any veep candidate so her name wasn't listed.  Yet they just install he and all the media and elites line up to insist that she's honestly the candidate.  I'm surprised they don't use the word "inevitable" whenever they mention her.

I'm probably being naively optimistic, but we may have crossed a line where even sane leftists can't put with this any longer.  If it's true that Harris didn't get many attendees at today's rally, it might be a sign that people just aren't going to show up.  They're starting to go on strike.  It's going to start soon.

Maduro Censors Twitter/X For 10 Days – Accuses Musk of Promoting ‘Hatred’ After Rigged Election
August 10, 2024

Texas Governor Orders Hospitals to Report Illegal Alien Treatment Costs So He Can Bill Federal Gov't
August 10, 2024

Biden’s Schedule This Week Included Two Phone Calls, One Meeting and Then Off to the Beach!
August 8, 2024

Trump Campaign Hacked — Internal Docs Leaked to the Media
August 10, 2024

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